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AMO CharlesBP 27 Oct 2015

Re: Today's drop... Agreed. I'm in already.

ZOX HPC Follower 27 Oct 2015

12p share price target... I agree about the 12p prospect, but only once production re-starts successfully post removal of the heat exchangers. We should hear more on this soon, although they are bound to wait a few weeks to monitor production levels and stability of the new environment before reporting back to the market.Without the insulating effect of the heat exchangers, ZOX should comfortably meet the full production targets in terms of throughput and zinc recovery.Near 8p a share, this is a potentially a good time to buy in, if one accepts the production and zinc price risks, but I have enough exposure here within my overall portfolio.

GDP G E M L 27 Oct 2015

Elution Plant This Week This week the elution plant should become becoming fully operational. This will have an affect on GoldPlat's GDP profitability going forward and make the shares much more valuable IMHO?

TRP si derman 27 Oct 2015

Re: Buying Op? " it can't go any lower "And so it did. lolHey ho!Sigh

UKOG jaja 27 Oct 2015


CHG lambrini girl 27 Oct 2015

Re: Afternoon all Lambrini Girl WRONG Nothing smart about lambrini girl<<Wrong again. Share has risen over 15% since your sell guess.<<so no BANG ON then?<<

INTQ bradders64 27 Oct 2015

Globo effect All I can find is a few tenuous links to Globo from investors. So basically the only link is Greek and Technology but some peeps are spooked and have sold up. I've emailed the PR company and will let you know when/if I receive a response.Bradders

CHG lambrini girl 27 Oct 2015

Re: Afternoon all .however I have input over longer than usual 10 year timeframe and suggests 150 ish..<<<<mornin chaps ..u wos warned last summer...BANG ON!!

DOR etadelete 27 Oct 2015

Re: Is in Suspension big spread but closing up,gla

GEM satanclause 27 Oct 2015

Re: Keeps falling might top up if it get near 45

TALK Punilux 27 Oct 2015

Re: Boy, 15. Arrested Over Hack Attack "TalkTalk sent a message to its four million customers".They did indeed - my mother is one of them.It effectively said that due to the quality of TT's service they were going to increase the line rental charge and various other fees were going to be "simplified". I pressed the link to get more details and got a picture of Brighton Pier instead. Fourth increase of the year, I believe.£6.8 M per annum for this hopeless car crash of a CEO is obscene.

HAWK KEENOS 27 Oct 2015

Surprised anyone is still here I remember investing in these guys way back in 2008. Made a lot of money up till 115, then lost a bit as the dead cat bounced a couple of times.Why are any of you still here?This firm has been a dead duck since it went under 50 for the second time in middle of 2009. That is 6 years ago.Move on guys. Let the HAWK die.

JQW Ripley94 27 Oct 2015

Re: Website restoration Thanks, it looks a little better then before to me.

AMO maerskcon1 27 Oct 2015

Today's drop... ....a bit overdone methinks. A buying opportunity appears.

TPL 3Dimensional 27 Oct 2015

Re: Nostrum RNS flipdalid, the Nostrum deal was a complete shaft for all TPL holders, their SP is now 460p, what price were new shares in Nostrum given at, 501p wasn't it????There was obviously some benefit in kind for the BoD of TPL to be had by the so called deal, one I guess we will never know, Pope did the right thing as they could also smell a rat.Nostrum need us more than we need them as we have at least 2 other suitors with a much better deal in the wings, its now up to the clowns running TPL to sort it, of course if Nostrum come back to the table with a price similar to their first offer, I would except, only a cash offer though as I can see the NOG SP heading south short term.3D