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CPX niceandsimple 27 Oct 2015

IoT related [link] about supercapacitors but related growth infoN&S

CRE gretel 27 Oct 2015

CRE's TMW win new £5m contract Wow - just found this nice £5m win ))[link] hands £5m CRM account to TMW UnlimitedSeptember 28, 2015by Gurjit Degun Vodafone has appointed TMW Unlimited to handle its £5 million CRM account and help with the mobile phone network's move into the pay-TV market.TMW fought off competition from the incumbent AIS London, Wunderman, Havas Helia and WDMP. The pitch process was handled by AAR.Vodafone kicked off the process in July. AIS had handled the business since September 2012 when it picked up the account without a pitch. The shop was asked to create a Christmas campaign.In February, Vodafone shifted its £53 million UK creative business into Grey London after a pitch that included the incumbent, Rainey Kelly Campbell Roalfe/Y&R"

CHG gamesinvestor 27 Oct 2015

CEO Statement "Explaining the “frustrating” delays with the 40mm ammunition contract, Michael Flowers, chief executive, said: “Despite every effort, we are still awaiting the receipt of necessary permits and export approvals."It's no good being frustrated mate, get off your bony axx and get on a plane and don't come back till you get the license. What are they paying you for?Games

CHG gamesinvestor 27 Oct 2015

Re: Afternoon all "wos warned last summer...BANG ON!!"Nice one LG -- I somewhat pre-empted this, having worked in the industry and got closer to Chemring. This is my trade pattern30-Sep-2013 Sell 299.00p edit | delete17-Jun-2013 Buy 266.33p edit | delete29-May-2013 Buy 281.44p edit | delete29-Apr-2013 Buy 274.71p edit | delete05-Nov-2012 Buy 271.23p edit | deleteKey question is LG, are your little BOTS (no rudeness implied here) telling us it's time to buy?Games

FSJ oldjoe1 27 Oct 2015

FSJ, BULLISH Chart Double Bottom....... FSJ James Fisher , Shipping and marine services.FSJ, J Fisher,double bottom on chart , 2nd half forecast to be stronger than 1st half, Trading Update early NOV.[link]

CPX niceandsimple 27 Oct 2015

Just reading an extract from a Strat Aero RNS"......We do caution shareholders to be patient, as with any developing marketplace, clients are slow to invest and significant investment in cash and time is needed to complete exhaustive demonstration projects, which can take anything from six months to two years to complete. However, once the leading players in the industries of our addressable market show the way forward and start to invest, we are confident that others will quickly follow and that there is the capability to create very significant value for our shareholders within the next three years......"Could this apply to us (other than the low / two years bit hopefully)N&S

MIRL zombynation 27 Oct 2015

there is more... and many reasons why we need the current BOD to leave and appoint Diego and said directors.

MIRL zombynation 27 Oct 2015

example 3&4 Example three: Here’s the part when they accuse Diego Benavides of trying to fire people who he considers enemies, or on the Team Hodges side of Minera IRL: Commencing proceedings to terminate without cause the employment of several key senior employees of the subsidiaries regarded as being sympathetic to the current Board, including the Vice-President Exploration and Environmental Manager. Which sounds pretty nasty and vindictive on the part of Benavides. But what isn’t explained brings a different light on proceedings: 1) The process to dismiss a contracted full-time employee person in Peru is often long-winded. In fact, the people mentioned in the NR on Friday still work at Minera IRL, still draw their pay, still turn up at the office where Deigo Benavides works (unlike Jaime Pinto, who hasn’t even set foot in the IRL offices yet, let alone one of their mining properties). 2) While the process drags on, one side can claim it’s “without cause” while the other can equally claim it’s “with cause” and the dispute is only resolved when a definitive judgement gets handed down from a third party (typically a courtroom in hotly contested cases). Therefore the “terminate without cause” you see in that NR segment is mere opinion. 3) It’s very biased and incorrect opinion, too. That’s something I’m not going into here, but very shortly more light will get shed on the case and it’s going to be great fun to see how far Team Hodges will be willing to defend at least one of those people when the facts emerge. Example four: Here’s a bit where it sounds as though Benavides, as President of Peru subsidiary Minera IRL S.A., was obstructing Team Hodges (unfortunately still referred to as The Company in this news release, fortunately that won’t be for much longer): Failing to call a shareholder meeting of Minera IRL S.A. when asked to do so by the Company as the controlling shareholder of Minera IRL S.A. What they don’t mention is that the shareholder meeting was called in a way that was against the company by-laws and that Diego Benavides HAD to deny the call for a meeting, else be in contravention of his company’s own rules! What Team Hodges tried to do is akin to a shareholder of who turns up at the company’s head office and starts telling the board of directors to Do This Do That Do This. For sure if you’re a majority shareholder you have more rights, but there’s a clear protocol and procedure that shareholders have to go through in order to call a meeting and Team Hodges (above ‘The Company’ refused to go through the correct channels for their own reasons. That’s how lawyers speak to you, people. They think you’re stupid.

ZOX Cadenza 27 Oct 2015

Re: 12p share price target... I have just bought some more @ 8p, haven't bought any Zox for a long time but agree now is a good time to top up and average down, av price now 21p which feels a little more in range, let's hope so!

MIRL zombynation 27 Oct 2015

example 1 Example one: Team Hodges makes it sound like Courtney Chamberlain approved of Daryl Hodges’ move to executive chairman by writing this in the NR: On March 6, 2015, the Company's Executive Chairman, Mr. Courtney Chamberlain, took a medical leave of absence and asked a non-executive Director, Mr. Daryl Hodges, to assume the role of Executive Chairman with immediate effect, a recommendation which the Board approved. Mr. Chamberlain sadly passed away the following month. In May 2015 Mr. Hodges recommended, and the Board approved, the appointment of Mr. Diego Benavides, the president of the operating subsidiaries in Peru, as Interim CEO. In fact Courtney Chamberlain (RIP) did not approve of that at all. The minutes of that meeting make no mention at all of Chamberlain’s approval. And in fact Chamberlain was strongly opposed to the appointment of Hodges in an executive role, but his views made to the meeting via telephone from his hospital in Australia while already very infirm, were roundly ignored as Hodges (who was chairing the meeting) pushed through his idea. What did happen is that a meeting at which Chamberlain was present (by phone) eventually approved Hodges as Executive Chair and the double-speaking lawyers trying to steal this company have twisted that into “Courtney approved of Hodges”. It’s total BS.

MIRL zombynation 27 Oct 2015

example 2 Example two: Team Hodges is against the appointment to the board of Armando Lema, which is unsurprising because he’s one of the people on the proxy slate. But the reason they manage to squeeze from his past is a classic of lawyer doubletalk: Mr. Lema was formerly a Partner at Lema, Solari & Santivañez Law Firm (LSS S.A.C.). LSS S.A.C currently has an outstanding tax debt for approximately US$1 million (including principal, interest and penalties), a debt that is owed to the Peruvian Tax Authority, SUNAT, and is under enforced collection, as shown in SUNAT's public registry. In other words, a place at which Mr. Lema used to work has a tax debt with the Peru taxman of around $1m. He doesn’t work there any longer (he was there 2008 to 2010) but apparently he’s responsible for the debt that buffet of lawyers owes. That’s a bit like blaming a footballer for the relegation of a team he played for three seasons ago. But even if Lema could be linked, however tenuously to the tax debt owed by a place at which he worked, what Team Hodges fails to mention is that another lawyer we’ve heard of also worked at LSS S.A.C. at the same time as Lema. His name is Jaime Pinto and he’s the current chair of Minera IRL! Yes indeed, every word of that argument Team Hodges spun against Lema also applies directly and fully to Jaime Pinto. Remember: This news release was written by lawyers, not human beings. And that’s not even mentioning the wonderful argument they cooked up against the appointment of Jorge Ramos of COFIDE, which we ran on the blog on Friday. Here’s a paste-out of that post: Let's start with just one snippet from today's NR... The Board is of the opinion that, as a Peruvian and an official of COFIDE, Mr. Ramos would be unsuitable as a member of the Board because of provisions of Peruvian law. ...and then compare it to what the same board, but at the time headed up by the ringleader Daryl Hodges as executive chair (voted off by over 90% at the AGM), said earlier this year when welcoming the COFIDE deal: The Company has agreed to COFIDE's participation on the Minera IRL board of directors, subject to the required approvals. That’s just wonderful. I couldn’t stop laughing.

MIRL zombynation 27 Oct 2015

Minera IRL (MIRL.L) ( is run by lawyers Friday morning Toronto time brought the awaited NR from Minera IRL (11), setting the date for the EGM for November 26th, venue Toronto Canada (Thanksgiving Day USA, as noted above). The EGM NR made the announcement of the meeting venue and then, in time-honoured fashion, set out the current board’s reasonings as to why the proxy slate and its ten points should be voted down. Of course, it was my preferred reading material last Friday morning. The first pass you see them making their case, the second pass you start to note their stronger and weaker arguments. It was around half way through the third pass that the penny dropped; that this document hasn’t been written by miner, it’s been written by a bunch of lawyers. One thing we know about the current band of usurpers at Minera IRL, collectively known as Team Hodges, is that they might not know much about the act of mining and have precious little idea about how to conduct community relations, but we know people such as chair Jaime Pinto and Daryl’s friend, business partner Chuck Higgins and chief motor behind this are lawyers. And what we know about lawyers is that they’re great at bending and twisting language to suit their ends and means. So what we get, all the way through this so-called “robust” defence of the board of directors, doesn’t stand up to much scrutiny once the critical eye is applied. So today I’m going to point out a few of the things that this band of sophists wrote to pull the wool over your eyes, kind reader and/or shareholder of Minera IRL. We’re not going into the full list (which is in fact long) because, quite frankly, I’m not going to hand over defence ideas to this band of scumballs so early in the process. But a sample or three of how lawyer-speak is being used to fool you is due because these master baiters of the truth have obviously burned plenty of midnight oil getting the phraseology juuuust right.

MIRL zombynation 27 Oct 2015

The latest BS lie from Minera IRL's LIMA, PERU--(Marketwired - Sep 29, 2015) - Minera IRL Limited ("Minera IRL" or the "Company" (MIRL.L)(MIRL.L)(IRL.TO) announces that its half-yearly report for the six months ended 30 June 2015 will not be published by 30 September 2015 as required under the AIM Rules for Companies due to the previously announced temporary compromise of control within the Company's two Peruvian operating subsidiaries, Minera IRL S.A. and Compañía Minera Kuri Kullu S.A. "Temporary compromise of control", oh how we laughed. In fact, the company isn't going to file its numbers because the CFO, Brad Boland, today resigned in protest at the board's decisions and pathetic way it's running the company (into the ground). Subtle difference, no?And it seems the company's CFO resigning isn't a material event in the warped world of Hodges's lackeys. Not a mention, even though the news is all round Lima already.

SAB Uncle Doug 27 Oct 2015

Re: Nerves Admittedly a few nerves here as I didnt expect sp to slip this far (3920). I still think the 3Bn that SAB get from ABI if the deal fails will make sure it succeeds. Happy to sit this out for £44.

MIRL zombynation 27 Oct 2015

The current BOD need REMOVING With just a tiny bit of research the current BOD are trying to run the company into the ground. They are blatantly spreading misinformation regarding AIM rules and the nomad. In addition Diego will be far better suited to run the company as he himself is a large shareholder. Minera has the loan facility and on the verge of operating a very large gold mine. The prospects are imense for shareholders.