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SAR Warthog4 27 Oct 2015

Re: Results Usual "jam tomorrow" drivel,but if Uncle Tim can continue to raise cash each year to help finance his £100kpa lifestyle then he's not going to worry too much is he?As P T Barnum once said "there's one born every minute" and we, ladies and gents are the ones!!

MMX Bistable 27 Oct 2015

market not impressed nor is BS impressive ever tried adding value BS instead of copy and pasting RNS extracts we can all readTodays RNS looked v positive to me so really surprised hardly any trades today and sp droppedwhats your leaned unbiased un ramped view BS?

GBO Bistable 27 Oct 2015

Re: We don't know anything yet Goofyyou are either tooo kind or nieve<All we know is there was financial errors, the scale of which is not known.>not errors fraud-if you are a CEO or CFO you cannot make errors of the magnitude reported leading to their resignatations-these were systematic over many years--Eagle picked this out 3 yrs ago-where were the auditors et al-he should form a consultancy for PI's to analyse and advise on these companies<As I said I phoned the London office this morning and they said business as usual >business as usual-I don't think so-probably on the phone and in meetings to avoid cancelling contracts or working out what to do with their time after contracts cancelled and so probably collecting P45's<It could be Costis is financially inept not a crook a lot of CEO's are.>you are too kind Goofy-financially inept-thats why you have a CFO- I have been TD on the board of a small growing company and the Ceo was definitely on the financial ball-thats a large part of their job with the CFO doing all the spreadsheets-ask Eagle -he will know

ENEG Push2Gush 27 Oct 2015

So No NU Oil & lot of Gas Co it is then Well Mr Minty certainly looking to strike out on this after pretty much a self certification resolutions past AGM,,, So what next,,, for sure the share split,, and then quickly establish how to utilize the the Co frontage as a cash cow for whatever marginal dream-world project is taking place...Shame he didn't take the opportunity to surrender the worthless half of ABT and throw it in so it is fairer and more balanced to existing stake holders..... after all he already made a tidy lump off flogging half that mush to Enegi/Abtog... would have thought it the lest he could do after all the sheite his loyal investors have suffered from past cruddy next best idea's.... Heyhooo,,, look after No1,, and a few No 2's sod the rest....All in My opinion of course...P2G

TEF dazedandconfused 27 Oct 2015

Re: This is the price it was at a year ago, so there may be some disgruntled 2015 holders who bought in on the Winter/Spring rise to near £5. A long-time holder myself, i can see the rationale but some may wonder why when construction is declining GDP as of today (but not in East London, as i know!), possibly suggesting a slow-down in the market. However, prices rising along Crossrail route east of Central, and these guys are already there, so United House development locations will be interesting to read about in Placing docs.

UTW II Editor 27 Oct 2015

NEW ARTICLE: Slower-than-expected expansion triggers profit downgrades at Utilitywise "After a year of "real progress", LSE:UTW:Utilitywise has beaten expectations with revenue growth of 41%. In order to scale up its exposure to around 2.5 million companies, Utilitywise has been increasing its headcount; although the group is ..."[link]

TALK macbonzo 27 Oct 2015

Re: In and Out Well done. Fast profit is very nice.Don't know why these ISP/Telecoms cos, (BT, TALK) are so keen to recruit Oxbridge PPE, marketing people as CEOs. It strikes me, that, if one charged a bit more and brought their call centre back to the UK, then people might switch to them. Cutting costs is fine, but, when customer service is dire, does Gavin Paterson, really thing people are going to have their landline, broadband and mobile with BT?

GBO oldernowiser 27 Oct 2015

Re: Auditor appoinment At the risk of prolonging a "dialogue of the deaf" I believe that the original point I was making that the auditor acts for the shareholder still stands. If it can be demonstrated that there was negligence or incompetence then they may have a case to answer. There is much to be done before any conclusions can be drawn.

SWL DevonianDracula 27 Oct 2015

SWL naked now, having sold my last slice today. Back later? GLA

OXS marcelluswallace 27 Oct 2015

Re: RAB IDK,Quite. Appears no selling by RAB , even just before receipt of huge tranche of shares.MW.

HAWK Clarence Beaks 27 Oct 2015

Re: Surprised anyone is still here not looking like many will be for much longer, confidence gone, high volume of sells today as people finally give up. what a real shame, especially for my wealth. i wont go into my losses on HAWK, but they are rather huge admittedly.

ZOX Cadenza 27 Oct 2015

maintenance shut down dates I believe that the plant closed on 22nd Oct and they hope to restart on 13th Nov ex heat exchangers

GBO Gooffy 27 Oct 2015

We don't know anything yet All we know is there was financial errors, the scale of which is not known.As I said I phoned the London office this morning and they said business as usual and they have many offices.It could be Costis is financially inept not a crook a lot of CEO's are.If anyone is near the office perhaps call in and have a chat, see how busy it is.

GRG Professor Fang 27 Oct 2015

Re: Processed pork in sausage rolls carciner... "Greggs is going to get hammered with this news imho" You're not very good at this are you?

TEF Eadwig 27 Oct 2015

Telford Homes is raising £50m, gross, through a placing of 13,888,889 new ordinary shares at 360 pence per share.The group says London has a growing economy with an excellent transport network and yet suffers from a fundamental lack of supply of new homes at an affordable price, and demand remains high from the group's typical customers.It says that following the recent acquisition of the regeneration business of United House Developments for £23 million the group has a substantial platform from which it can undertake further investment. And it says it has a number of opportunities to acquire new developments that require additional funds beyond those deployed for the acquisition.The net proceeds will be invested in some of these development opportunities and are expected to be committed within one year and fully utilised within two years.The board believes that the placing will enable the group to target annual profit before tax exceeding £45m from 2019 onwards and increasing towards £60m thereafter.The placing is conditional on shareholder approval at a general meeting on 13 November.Chief executive Jon Di-Stefano said: "Telford Homes is experiencing strong demand for its homes in non-prime inner London and has a sector leading forward sold position of almost four times last year's reported revenue. This is due in part to a fundamental lack of supply of new homes in London at an affordable price."The imbalance between supply and demand is not going away and the Group already has a substantial development pipeline to take advantage of this in the coming years. Despite that, there are more opportunities available in the Group's typical locations. The proposed Placing will enable Telford Homes to take advantage of those opportunities and achieve enhanced longer term growth in its output of new homes and therefore in reported profits and dividends paid to shareholders."TEF share price currently 8% down @377p