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OXS the old trout 27 Oct 2015

The Evil Diaries I see he's added to his long position here: "Finally, I bought more Oxus (OXS) yesterday – this time at 3.96p. The bet is that we really are about to receive the arbitral award of gorillions. If shareholders do receive this the share price will truly rocket – perhaps way past 10p. Of course the Uzbeks will try to wriggle out of paying. But even so the price will surely hold up."

GBO Andy Reilly 27 Oct 2015

Re: Auditor appoinment B - its not infallible, but always applying a healthy dose of scepticism towards the many so called professionals offering advice is a good start. I am always amazed how many times folks quote a co's house brokers buy recs as evidence its a buy!Also trying to be open to a variety of views on a stock, rather than whole heartedly buying into the cos story, and dismissing any contrary view as deramping nonsense - the snorters were really on to something with GBO, but were dismissed with the usual comments.Personally I found the chart hard to understand, and was concerned about some of the negative stuff going around, but didn't buy the 25p dip in mid Sept, as I felt I couldn't justify the risk IF the stories were true. Maybe more luck that I didn't buy, but the fact that a massive short position was tenaciously held, despite the bounce also put me off, because it suggested they really might have a point - and boy did they have a point!It is terrible that these scams still go on, and that a good few PIs get cheated again, so you can only hope against hope that the rotten scoundrels that ran the GBO scam get suitably punished. Precedent doesnt bode well unfortunately!

CHG lambrini girl 27 Oct 2015

Re: Afternoon all Lambrini Girl WRONG broadie..IF u read back my posts on here u see I was spot on(nee BANG ON!!)...I warned it woud drop to 150ish..I warned general markets would drop..I ses get out last August around 230(it went to 240s)...dont think many made much holding on??..YES I can do 1 day..1 month..1 year..even 5 year+ targets...

PTCM Madoff Jnr 27 Oct 2015

anyone.......... can anyone tell me please what sector Porta is listed under.....? i.e. computer services/telecommunications.... can't find it anywhere.With thanks/Madoff jnrps anyone like to give advice re:this share good/bad/avoi

CHG Kenj2 27 Oct 2015

Re: CEO Statement A more relevant point is why did they make ammunition for a Middle East country before getting an export license?I could understand it if they had stated that the export license had been revoked, owing to recent events, but it appears that they took a contract and made the ammunition hoping to get clearance later. Isn't that a bit like building an extension to your home and then applying for planning permission?For the record they have been here before. Three years ago CHG released this statement:"The supply of vehicle based mortar systems for a Middle Eastern customer was experiencing delays in the granting of export licences for a limited number of parts. This delay the group believes is unlikely to be resolved in the near term and will continue into its new financial year."To the best of my knowledge that delay was never resolved, nor was any further detail given.

HOME arborman 27 Oct 2015

Re: Investec Not quite there yet but getting closer.....

CHG JRz 27 Oct 2015

Re: Afternoon all The fact that it has recovered most of mornings losses, I believe a takeover is imminent. IMHO

CHG broad_bean 27 Oct 2015

Re: Afternoon all Lambrini Girl WRONG LG - the share price climbed to over 250 after your sell call, so if traders had sold they would have lost out on profits. 15 months later there is a profit warning and it goes to 150. Are your sell calls predicting over 12 months ahead maybe? I don't hold Chemring (used to) so luckily not affected here.

GBO eagle51 27 Oct 2015

Re: Auditor appoinment JakNifeWhat you stated (without qualification) in your misleading post was:"AA successfully defended itself against all the various legal actions that were brought against it".That statement is untrue. What you (again misleadingly) claim makes your post correct (it wasn't - it was 100% incorrect) is two sentences selectively taken from what the Wiki article actually states, which relates to the criminal charges brought against AA alone (see the full text below). It is far more difficult to prove criminal intent in the criminal courts than it is negligence in the civil courts. In the former, the measurement: "beyond reasonable doubt" is used, whereas in the latter "balance of probability is the benchmark. An example of this might be the OJ Simpson fiasco.The civil actions against AA would have filled a book. I don't not know how the actions were settled and the information to enable anyone to estimate the total cost of them to the former partners of Andersens and their insurers is probably not in the public domain, for obvious reasons. I suggested how the overall situation may have approached in an earlier post. There was no way Andersens could have defended their opinion(s) on the accounts of Enron - and I suspect they did not even seek to. The full text of the Wiki article you selectively cut and paste from is:"In 2002, the firm voluntarily surrendered its licenses to practice as Certified Public Accountants in the United States after being found guilty of criminal charges relating to the firm's handling of the auditing of Enron, an energy corporation based in Texas, which had filed for bankruptcy in 2001 and later failed.[1] The other national accounting and consulting firms bought some of the practices of Arthur Andersen. The verdict was subsequently overturned by the Supreme Court of the United States. The damage to its reputation, however, has prevented it from returning as a viable business, though it still nominally exists".You are arguing with the wrong person, using the wrong information.

ZOX HPC Follower 27 Oct 2015

Re: maintenance shut down dates My thanks for this... I had assumed the work started much earlier in October from their last RNS.Hopefully, ZOX will update us promptly once the plant is fully operational again, mid-November.

GBO sasa43 27 Oct 2015

Re: fao Sasa Yep, while there's life, etc., I quite agree, gallant, so let's hope so....sasa.

APR arborman 27 Oct 2015

Re: 6 more days So, not that anyone is following, i sold out on Monday at MORE than the offer price of 175p, very strange it reached 183p so obviously some people expect the offer price to be increases, i do not as the offer came from people who hold a large chunk of sharesHappy days, onto the next one.....

MIRA spike501 27 Oct 2015

AGM I'll be attending on Thursday - anyone else going?

HWC coldascheese 27 Oct 2015

Re: Shell ? I have been holding shares in this listed shell for a few years .Today Paul Fellerman-a stockbroker, increased his holding again. Hopefully there will be a deal on the cards this year.There is only a tiny free float so a good deal would see the shares absolutely rocket. The last time he was in a shell was Quindell where he had a substantial stake at 2p which as most will be aware went up to over 50p.That sort of rise would do just nicelyFingers crossed.

TEF Eadwig 27 Oct 2015

Re: Placement Bit peeved myself holding at 420p in my SIPP and had a long term limit order set for 380p to average down, realising that I had bought too high. That order executed for about 377p today, well above the 'placement' price of 360pA placement, unlike a rights issue, doesn't guarantee existing shareholders a slice of that 360p pie, by the way. In fact private investors may not get a look-in at all. If they do, I will be more or less forced to buy again, plus I also hold TEF in another account @411p which now will have to be averaged down also.Why 'forced'? Because my investing goals don't really fit with the 2019 profits and onward timeline being talked about by the board for these opportunities. Especially not for the amount of cash i am now having to sink into the company.GDP may be declining, dazedandconfused, but TEF is a specialist in exploiting the need for affordable homes in London, and that demand isn't going to decline anytime soon, perhaps not for generations. So, having had a bit of a gripe, there aren't too many other better places for my cash in the foreseeable, and I was up to about 30% cash on hand, having abandoned most of my biotech holdings until after the next US elections NEXT November as well as taken losses in RIO to reduce my commodity market exposure.