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REDX numberbiter 27 Oct 2015

Reality This is a good company carrying out vital research that the large pharma companies cannot be bothered to do. But it is still in the start up stage and has no revenue other than the grants it receives. Consequently, the current valuation of 91p is miles away from reality. The reality is that this company will have no effective value until one of the drugs it is researching gains a licence. In terms of odds, the current price of 90p is like backing a horse at 50/1 when the odds you should be getting is 500/1. That's not to say the horse cannot win, but rather it should not be backed until it shows some form.

GBO JakNife 27 Oct 2015

Re: Auditor appoinment eagle51 ,Yawn,You're the delusional one! The facts are simple but like so many others you've never bothered to do more than read the Daily Mail headlines.AA was initially convicted but they were successful in overturning that conviction. The Partnership still exists, it has not "collapsed" and it is actually in the process of re-establishing itself with a bidding war taking place for the name rights. Yes there was some civil action that was settled; yawn, civil action is not criminal. But hey, we're not going to settle this now, you need time to do some reading to catch up on your research. Let's agree to meet up here in three/four years time when the (if any) legal against Grant Thornton ultimately proves futile and you can congratulate me on my prescience. warmest regards,JakNife

GBO eagle51 27 Oct 2015

Re: Auditor appoinment JakNife - you're delusional.Read what you wrote, then read what I wrote. If you still don't understand, ask someone clever to help you.Sorry everyone - the last wasn't my last post post after all. Hope you understand.Andersens no longer exists (although the article refer to something nominal being left) and everyone knows that. It eventually had the criminal action overturned but all the civil actions against it no doubt succeeded. As will any well-prepared claim against Grant Thornton - and very probably others who are also found to have been negligent, if the situation here unfolds in the way I expect it to. Hope this at least provides some hope. I don't believe it is misplaced, but it will take time. The best plan may be to find out what Forum intends to do - there don't appear to be any other institutional investors, although some might conceivably hold less than 3% - may be worth checking the register and if there are any, finding out what they intend to do. Forum's involvement looks odd:Google translation of Forum VC (6% as at 26/10/15):"Forum Family Office manages the assets of a family and has no other customers.For more than 15 years we are pursuing the same investment philosophy:Our focus is on long-term capital growth through the development of quality companiesWe are industrial in character, therefore we only invest directly in companies - ie no funds, carried interest models or real estateOur DNA is shaped by our role as a Family Office:We invest heavily and think in generationsWe make quick decisions and communicate openly and directlyWe work pragmatically and are reliable business partners with a handshake. Quality."[link] Goodness only knows what went wrong with their due diligence.............someone may be due the sack.

GBO JakNife 27 Oct 2015

Re: Auditor appoinment eagle51,I don't understand why you can't simply accept your error and move on. You started this attack with the claim that:"Andersens did eventually collapse."But you now acknowledge that they didn't and AA still exists. I'll take that as an apology, I can tell that you're not going to expressly give one.Settling a civil action in the US happens all the time, even when organisations are not at fault - it is often easier to settle than to fight.Regardless my original comments remain factually correct and proven:"It is worthwhile remembering that AA went under as a consequence of the reputation damage caused by Enron. AA successfully defended itself against all the various legal actions that were brought against it".And Anderson did not "eventually collapse" as you claim (as evidenced by its continued existence). I note that you acknowledge that you too would not have been able to detect a "pig and pork" fraud and I therefore assume that you now agree with me that:"So once again: I very confidently predict that legal action against Grant Thornton will ultimately prove futile."As before: "Feel free to get in touch and congratulate me on my prediction in three/four years' time."warmest regards,JakNife

AMO forwardloop 27 Oct 2015


JQW juststocks 27 Oct 2015 live now! Expect RNS and dividend soon is live now and it looks much more professional in my opinion. We should expect a RNS with dividend allowance soon.

GBO eagle51 27 Oct 2015

Re: Bistable PS This will be my last post here on the subject of GBO's demise. Maybe I should have stayed away - apologies to anyone who believes my posts were anything other than well-intentioned. I do genuinely offer commiserations to those who have lost out here (inc my beloved and a couple of others close to me). I'm not popular with the former even though I advised her to sell when I disposed of the last of my last shares two years ago, after progressively down-scaling over the previous 2 or 3 months. I stated that this was 'last year' in a recent post but in fact I sold my last 'parcel' of shares in October 2013 - apologies for the error.Some may ask why I remained a holder after the exchanges I had with Costis in late 2012. Looking back, despite my concerns, which were mainly around overstatement of profits, I concluded that the shares were probably not valued as highly as they would have been, but for the fact the company was 'Greek'. An argument could have been made that were Greece to exit the EU on a default or otherwise, this would actually be beneficial for GBO. With the Greek subsidiary about to be sold, I saw mileage in the shares, based on improvement in investor sentiment alone. I think I was probably partly right.I took a compromise position, selling half of what was a large investment to me at about 25p after the October 2012 email altercations (I spared the BB the full account of what Costis had said in an email to me, knowing he was reading my posts) but hung onto the remainder with rather more trepidation than before (risk v potential reward? Greed, more like) until a further exchange with him in the following year, by which time the shares were trading at above 40p. I exited progressively thereafter on a rising share price until October 2013. I then made a couple of small 'trading type' plays (with the price was jumping around a bit) before finally deciding I should stop, before the end of 2013.Having originally bought in at an average of around 20p - maybe a bit less - on a recommendation from another poster on here (for whom I still have high regard and am grateful to for what turned out to be a profitable experience despite the eventual worries) I regard myself as extremely fortunate to have done well financially out of GBO.I have made up for this in spades ever since, by being over-invested in oil (particularly XEL). I also have a position in QPP post Terry which I hope will do well. There are no guarantees in life - never mind the stock market. At least with oil (in the case of XEL at least - I don't touch out and out explorers) we know the oil is there.Do we?GL - there are always other opportunities. A lot of us tend to hang onto shares for too long, overcome by an irrational fear that, as soon as we sell, the price will rocket. It almost never does. There is no such thing as a bad profit. Averaging down (my own 'bette noir') seldom pays dividends either - you just end up holding more shares in a bad company. Oh dear.

MIRL M-A-L 27 Oct 2015

Re: Confusion I think you need to do some research.

BOOM thrift07 27 Oct 2015

Something is brewing And it's not tea!

GBO eagle51 27 Oct 2015

Re: Bistable 1 Oct 2012:[link] of the answers given by CP:"Our CFO, happens to have adequate qualifications (studies and years in practice, although not a qualified chartered accountant as of now) for his role in Globo and apart from being instrumental in succeeding the IPO of Globo, managing risks related to Govermental receivables (that everyone thought was a bad debt, but eventually were all collected...) and being nominated as the FD of the year at 2010 Excellence Awards (associated with ICAEW), I would tell you that HE more than anyone in the business will know exactly what to do when we decide that a Nasdaq listing is in our plans. For the time being our mission is to succeed with our commercial launch in USA and when we feel comfortable and strong enough from our US operations we will consider the Nasdaq listing. Our Auditors have always done their job and they have a very strong understanding about our operations, risks and quality of reporting. If or when we decide to change auditors is something that will be announced officially, so we cannot comment further on that".

GBO eagle51 27 Oct 2015

Bistable [email protected] - I'll fill you in (on info, not 'beat you up'!).No others please - what I have isn't for general circulation - Bistable & I were/are latterly in QPP and he's the only one who's asked questions...............

FLOW druf 27 Oct 2015

Your discussions are irrelevant as to how much gas it uses and the boiler's a lame duck....

PSON nk1999 27 Oct 2015

Credit Suisse "Credit Suisse downgraded Pearson to 'neutral' from 'outperform' and slashed the price target to 970p from 1,455p following the company's third-quarter trading update last week.It said the update showed weak underlying revenue and the general message was one of a strong competitive performance more than offset by industry-wide struggles."Whilst we continue to see the potential for longer-term upside for the group as it makes the digital migration, we believe these results demonstrate that it is no longer possible to have any meaningful conviction in the group's short-medium term trading and as such we no longer believe its assets deserve a premium to its more stable professional publishing peers."The bank cut its 2015 and 2016 adjusted earnings per share estimates by 6.3% and 14.3%, respectively, as it takes more conservative assumptions for the group given the lack of clarity.This takes CS's 2015 forecast adjusted EPS to 70p, in-line with company guidance for "around the bottom end" of the group's 70-75p range."From ADVFN.

ETO nk1999 27 Oct 2015

Peel Hunt "Peel Hunt downgraded Entertainment One to 'hold' from 'buy' and cut the price target to 260p from 340p, as the rights issue is digested by shareholders.The brokerage noted that Entertainment One has increased its exposure to Peppa Pig at a cost of 140m through the purchase of ABD and has raised 193.6m by way of a rights issue."On balance, we are of the view that a sale of the existing stake in Peppa Pig would have been strategically better, a route the company should still consider. The overfunding will dilute earnings and the EPS growth rate reduces," it said.Peel said the value of Peppa Pig to a broad-based brand owner will peak soon, maybe even as soon as now."We hope that Entertainment One will look to realise that value for the benefit of shareholders in the near future," it said.The purchase of ABD may facilitate that sale although raising cash through equity dilutes the benefit of this deal, the brokerage said.Peel added that the Marwyn sale, alongside the overfunded rights issue, will take some time for the market to absorb."This indigestion prompts the 'hold' recommendation."

GBO Richygm 27 Oct 2015

Re: Auditor appoinment An excellent post. And my view entirely.