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SNR Greyinvestor 28 Oct 2015

Meggitt Profit warning out of Meggitt this morning. This will likely have a poor 'read across' to SNR today.....

HAWK Number Seven 28 Oct 2015

Re: Surprised anyone is still here So you're now trying to make money by selling short Keenos?! You are a disgrace with your post on h

WSG bfg 28 Oct 2015

wow i myst be psychic. placing

WSG bfg 28 Oct 2015

is there a placing coming? must be running out of money since last placing?! hope they don't go bust!

AGY Baffler 28 Oct 2015

Re: TV Interviews Dino,Thanks for this excellent post. Am I alone in believing that the company and its advisors are now actively talking the price up - another placing perhaps for another piece of that growth strategy. Probably when they update the market on the clinical trials in the USA. Was that a Freudian slip by Ian Postlethwaite when he said "We expect to report positive results from the trials" and then quickly corrected himself?

ORE salli3 28 Oct 2015

Re: Dog of a Share Sorry all - gone back on my last email, sold out and placed funds into QFI - up within a couple of hour - god that feels good, it's been a years in this dog since I had this feeling.Good luck to you all, it may come good, but I'm out, 4 years of loss was doing my head in

CLIN myepic 28 Oct 2015

Re: Rising trend Hi Bigrat Thanks for the response , I got in to this a few years back at around 230p so not too phased by the retrace , I had missed the director sells (to busy playing beach bum in Thailand!) hard to know at the moment whether big sells are company specific or people looking at Schiller PE ratios and backing away from the markets The 3rd party interest has always been my thought/hope on this one

AFPO goldmind 28 Oct 2015

OXS tomorrow?

GBO eagle51 28 Oct 2015

Re: Auditor appoinment also from Wiki:"Since the ruling vacated Andersen's felony conviction, it theoretically left Andersen free to resume operations. The damage to the Andersen name was so severe, however, that it has not returned as a viable business even on a limited scale. There are over 100 civil suits pending against the firm related to its audits of Enron and other companies. Even before voluntarily surrendering its right to practice before the SEC, it had many of its state licenses revoked. A new verb, "Enron-ed" was coined by John M. Cunningham, the former Arthur Andersen Director in the Seattle Office, to describe the demise of Arthur Andersen.From a high of 28,000 employees in the US and 85,000 worldwide, the firm is now down to around 200, based primarily in Chicago. Most of their attention is on handling the lawsuits and presiding over the orderly dissolution of the company".Jak - did I not outline my concerns so that other people could make their own minds up? I don't go short. It's not the practice itself I disapprove of (because it's just another name for 'selling'). It's the fact that beneficial owners of shares getting trashed by people like you aren't told what is going on and have rarely either been consulted or given their permission for their shares to be used in this way. Apart from the pension fund managers who prefer lending fees that go into their own pockets to getting the best returns for those who have trusted their money to them, I suspect some or all of the internet brokers get paid to lend shares people like us who buy through them, such brokers then nominally owning and holding them in their nominee accounts. Needless to say, they all deny doing this.You sound to me like the type of person who would have done well as Costis's right hand man in Globo. If he'd had the time, Gryparis could have taught you all he knew about accounting too. A win/winYes - let's review what happened in 3 or 4 years time, although I suspect we may meet elsewhere in the meantime, as you seem to pop up in a few places where you think there's the smell of rotting flesh and I'm looking to see if a situation has just been overcooked. Regard me as your conscience - you know, the one you don't have.warmest regards to you too

GBO JakNife 28 Oct 2015

Re: Auditor appoinment yawneagle51 - let's cut to the chase. This is the lie you told:"Andersens did eventually collapse."No it didn't.It's a shame that you didn't find the cojones to short Globo, you could have made a packet. It's always ever so amusing when people like you come out after the event saying "I told you so" when actually you didn't.Good night, I look forward to our chat in three/four years time when you congratulate me on my remarkable prescience.warmest regards,JakNife

GBO eagle51 28 Oct 2015

Re: Auditor appoinment [link]

GBO eagle51 28 Oct 2015

Re: Auditor appoinment JakNife - let's cut to the chase. This is the lie you told:" AA successfully defended itself against all the various legal actions that were brought against it"No it didn't.

GBO frigginrascal 27 Oct 2015

Re: Auditor appoinment Has anyone contacted Auditors, if yes what have they said?

3IN numberbiter 27 Oct 2015

Re: Return of Capital and Stock Consolid... No you don't. Dividends are taxed at source, so the amount you receive is after tax has been deducted, if you are a standard rate tax payer (as you are) that is the end of the matter. If you don't earn enough to pay tax, then you have to claim a refund from HMRC.

UTV nk1999 27 Oct 2015

IC Simon Thompson Extract:"The bottom line is that I feel that a much fairer value for UTV Media's equity is 215p a share, implying a pro-forma enterprise value of £142m, or the equivalent of 11 times this year's likely operating profit from its radio activities. Offering 16 per cent share price upside to my three-month target price of 215p, a timeframe to cover the completion of the sale and cash return, I rate UTV Media's shares a trading buy on a bid-offer spread of 184p to 184.5p."