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TALK boredstiff 28 Oct 2015

Re: NEW ARTICLE: Is There Any Way Back For T... Motley fool want to make up their minds, they promoting TalkTalk a couple of weeks back, now the same fundamentals are being slated. Reality is Dido gets the boot, another scandal hits the news, and the world moves on. Yes it's 3 times now Talk Talk have been hacked, but they won't be the last major company to fall foul of misdeeds. What they do have to do however is prove they are doing something to stop spotty teenagers making them look incompetent fools.

TEF Eadwig 28 Oct 2015

Re: placing Bigbunny,HEADLINE: SHOCK HORROR - P.I.s RIPPED OFF ON STOCK MARKET.Happens again and again, even in the FTSE 100. The rules say, at least in the FTSE 100, a placing can only be up to 10% of new shares and need not be put to existing holders for a vote, otherwise a rights issue MUST be done. Did you put this from the RNS to your broker, though? "The Placing is conditional on, inter alia, passing of certain Resolutions at a General Meeting to be held on 13 November 2015". I suppose the agreements to take shares can already have been made, only to be cancelled if voted down. Guess who is going to be voting though - that's right, people and institutions who benefit most from this closed deal.At least I'm not feeling so bad about my limit order triggering now @378p, just wish I had set it @365p of course. If TEF management stays the course ok, this could work out well for all holders long term. Still leaves a bad taste though.

MGGT II Editor 28 Oct 2015

NEW ARTICLE: Profit warning plunges Meggitt to four-year low "Shrinking defence budgets and weak energy markets are putting the industries' engineers under strain. With fewer contracts and increasing programme deferrals hitting LSE:MGGT:Meggitt's margins, the aerospace parts maker has warned that full-year ..."[link]

MIRA sceptical ali 28 Oct 2015

Re: AGM Cheers spike, I'll look forward to your feedback.

PDL Andy Reilly 28 Oct 2015

Re: Newsflow.. `In line... bt - what a nightmare! Markets have actually recovered since September, but resources continue to struggle, and today poor old PDL gets absolutely clobbered for increasing production by 1%.The good old chart had flagged up troubled times well ahead of the current rush for the exit. Interesting that the chart gave a very short lived sell signal in Feb, and the confirmed sell signal came in May. Since June it has been horrendous.Holders will just have to hunker down and hope there isn't too long to wait for a recovery, but it will recover at some point, its just a matter of when.

VLX manxgold 28 Oct 2015

profits to double! I heard a whisper on another site that volex is about to really jump.

MIRA spike501 28 Oct 2015

Re: AGM Ali - I will and I'll report back on Friday )

MIRA sceptical ali 28 Oct 2015

Re: AGM Hey spike, perhaps you could ask Jose how the "advanced negotiations" are progressing.

HAWK max flanagan 28 Oct 2015

Re: Surprised anyone is still here Nearly all sells are actual buys, if you try and buy the quotes are the same plus my buy actually shown as a sell. Should question why are investers being misled, and who is actually trying to carry out the fiasco......

MMX buzzard stubble 28 Oct 2015

Re: .Law Law jumps to 1961 todaypushing us over 300k excluding .nrw[link]

TCM bulltraderpt 28 Oct 2015

Re: Drop More sellers than buyers!

VOG Duffer 28 Oct 2015

Administration costs are exorbitant, too many snouts in too big a trough.

FOGL harpmandoodle 28 Oct 2015

Bottom feeders, don't you just love them!

INVP II Editor 28 Oct 2015

NEW ARTICLE: Lloyds' profits miss could be buying opportunity ahead of IPO "As the government gears up to sell its final stake in LSE:LLOY:Lloyds next spring, tougher commercial banking conditions helped drag profits below expectations in the third quarter. However, management believes performance will recover in the ..."[link]

UKW catsick 28 Oct 2015

a bit odd The way this company accounts for its wind farms strikes me as a bit odd, rather than value the turbines as a fixed asset like any utility would they seem to prefer to model the thing and use DCF , There is no way as far as I can tell of seeing what the depreciation charge they are using for these farms, the turbines only last about 15 years in many cases if they are diving out all the cash thats generated then a 6% dividend is not going to make up for the fact that in 15 years your wind farm is worthless as the maintenance of the aging turbines is costing more than the reduced ammount of electricity they are producing. The companies presentations dont seem to want to reveal the depreciation policy which makes me very suspicious , In the US the Yieldcos have been hammered recently as these issues come to light, I am surprised these uk ones have not also been hit....