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CAKE glasgowboy 28 Oct 2015

I have not seen any news from the company yet share price has moved upwards this week , whilst this is good news does anybody know why ?

TCM imperator2008 28 Oct 2015

Re: Drop Now down almost 40% from its peak for very little reason. I'm taking advantage of the drop in price and buying. The company will have to produce an RNS soon stating that they don't know of any reason for the drop as otherwise it smacks of insider selling. I think for many retail investors the panic has already set in which is probably adding to the falls. The company can't be quiet for much longer in my opinion. Hopefully we'll see a bounce and a steadying of the ship then.

ABF Rhigos 28 Oct 2015

Re: New all time high Looks like being a new all time closing high if SP stays above 3430p.Broker's views on ABF are nonsense. All their target prices are below current SP yet in this months views:5 buys, 2 Overweight, 5 Holds, 1 Neutral no sell recommendations. Its as if they are determined to make investors lose money. I will sell about 12% if SP rises above £43 and buy more if SP falls to around £29.

TEF chessman2 28 Oct 2015

Re: placing It is always extremely irritating to see other parties buy in at an extremely advantageous price but at least it had the benefit of a quick fix. Furthermore the benefits were such that the sp was always going to bounce back.The downward movement from 4.95 was more to do with sellers taking profits. The placing was only on the cards since the recent shrewd purchase. I remain optimistic and look forward to seeing 5.00 plus early in 2016.

PGD chutes 28 Oct 2015

Re: Mario Neves back as governor of Chub... it would put the price back over 70p !

OCDO oldjoe1 28 Oct 2015

OCDO, Back OCDO Going Up To Xmas....... OCDO, Ocado (online supermarket)OCDO Ocado GRP, technicaly very sound, the stock tends to rise up to christmas, has a weighty rating but buyers like and buy.[link]

TALK Spain Fund 28 Oct 2015

You CAN quit says Daily Mail So it must be right - lol[link] even drafted your quit letter

TCM LuxInvest 28 Oct 2015

strange moves last couple of days and especially today! Anybody has an idea by what this is driven? I can see that Greylock partnerships is cutting its position, as it sold over 1m shares yesterday compared to their 4.8m holdings prior to selling! Maybe the selling today is also driven by Greylock further cutting its stake, however I dont understand why they would push it down so hard then! Also, Kabouter Management actually expanded their stake recently with 1m shares at prices way above the current price. What am I missing here?

VED Rhigos 28 Oct 2015

Re: Bankruptcy risk, Altman Z number meisterx,A fishy comment about Altman's Z-score. Edward Altman who was Assistant Professor of Finance at New York University when he developed the measure.[link]

TEF Saigon Sally 28 Oct 2015

Re: placing In trying to understand the reasons for a Board deliberately setting out to alienate its shareholders presumably a placing is cheaper for the company than a rights issue? SS, for one shall be voting against the dilution of her (modest) holding...

COP 1Derrick 28 Oct 2015

Circle Oil Discovers Gas in CGD-13 Well, Morocco. Read more about the discovery at [link]

CHG lambrini girl 28 Oct 2015

Re: Afternoon all Lambrini Girl WRONG more luck than judgment..<<like ALL the others???

ENQ 1Derrick 28 Oct 2015

Read more about the First Oil from Alma/Galia Field, North Sea at [link]

GBO Orchard Gate 28 Oct 2015

Simon Thompson does it again These are Simon Thompson's words of wisdom in he IC:"It’s my strong view that if Globo pulls off its high yield bond issue ... short sellers will be scrambling to cover their positions. Indeed, the share price could be in for a very sharp re-rating ...Globo’s shares are being priced on a cash adjusted prospective PE ratio of 4."Weird isn't it how if he sees a company of a P/E of 4 he automatically thinks "that's cheap" while most sane investors would think "that's odd" and adopt a highly cautious approach.As he has now puffed a whole string of fairly obvious frauds - Naibu, CamKids, Polo, Globo - I think he should either be sacked or everything he writes should carry a prominent wealth warning.

WSG bfg 28 Oct 2015

i think new BoD needs to be brought in. one time this was around 90p. the market is not pleased clearly!