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BIOG Richygm 28 Oct 2015

Time to buy? Views anyone?

WRN Percy Entage 28 Oct 2015

Re: 28 day extension You suggest 'sell' and I would agree with you, but this doesn't appear to be an option? Does it?

OXS Pennyfalls 28 Oct 2015

Re: The Evil Diaries Yes, there is that Indaknow..maybe Mr Knieval is trying to bump the price up..But I tend to believe him when he says he's bought, but, for those willing to follow, it is worth pointing out that Evil Knieval is a celebrated and inveterate gambler, and he uses the word "Bet" literally in this case.To him, a few grand here and there appears to be nothing. IN fact last time he bought some Oxus it was from a £125K win on the gee gees

MGGT foglight 28 Oct 2015

Re: Interims Thanks for that games, I had missed the earlier purchase. I have done ok following his various moves over the years, and Pilkington springs to mind. As for this situation, I get the feeling that this is a quality company which has over extended itself at the wrong time. I would like to see an engineer as an executive director as there seems to be too many accountants for my liking.Would not surprise me to see some board changes and a revised plan put forward to institutions in order to get their support for a rights issue. Hopefully, this will allow time for the demand cycle to change and enable the Companies growth side to improve. Who knows but,perhaps, watch this space.I notice that he recently bought some BBA shares as well. Am giving these some thought.(sp 368p)

LED lambrini girl 28 Oct 2015

Re: Buy Buy BUY GoS..has this lost 60+% since xmas..or is the chart masking something??

GBG the wise owl 28 Oct 2015

RISE In my experience a chart like the recent few days of GBG is either a "pump and dump" or a leaked take over!RNS please!

RRS casabanker 28 Oct 2015

Gold and silver will be resurgent I think we are on the cusp of another bull market for precious metals. There is little or no appetite for the US, the UK or any other country to raise interest rates. That's not surprising when you consider the Chinese removing the dollar peg to weaken the Yuan, the continuance of QE in Japan and the EZ. This has the effect of exporting deflationary tendencies so any country raising their interest rate would effectively strengthen their currency and hurting their export performance. It makes them less competitive. However, if a currency is continually weakended in a country with a huge debt pile, it has the effect of increasing the burden. The world total debt is in the region of $50 trillion - that's $50,000 billion. The UK owes £1.5 trillion, rising to £2 trillion by 2020. The last time I saw, the US owes around $16 trillion. Does anyone think we are in a better or worse position than 2008?The UK is performing well, with the best growth in Europe. There's nothing to worry about. The GBP is strong and that keeps a lid on inflation as import prices are low. If you look at the balance of trade and the current account, the figures are dire. They have to be balanced and that is achieved by foreign investment. The UK is perceived as a safe haven and 10 year bonds pay a very low return due to demand. As you may be aware, an event out of the UK's power to control could easily upset this happy but risky position. An interest rate increase in the US, a sudden burst of inflation, ...... another financial collapse. The latter could be terminal for the GBP. The only tool in the central bank's armoury is QE. That may well be enough in the short term but we all know what happened to the Weimark Republic. Wheelbarrow currency or to be more up to date, helicopter money. The UK's debt pile is five times our GDP. The US is three times theirs. Debt was caused by the banks and financial institutions investing in dodgy assets. The various governments bailed out the banks and took on that debt on to their own balance sheets. In order to service that debt, interest rates have stayed low. What heve we done since the crash? Low interest rates have fuelled even more debt. Do we ever learn? Am I right or am I wrong. Is there a case for precious metals to rise in value?

GBO Gooffy 28 Oct 2015

Re: Simon Thompson does it again To be fair some of his tips are very good.I have asked Investor Chronicle why there was no risk weighting on the recommendations had it been high risk I would have put less in. Indeed it was Simon's comments that led me to invest a bit more.The first thing I look at now is the experience of the directors,as I have done with LXB PropertiesMy new hobby trading the dax 30Perhaps you could recommend something rather than just knock Simon.

MGGT gamesinvestor 28 Oct 2015

Re: Interims "Rudd joined the board in April and he bought his stake ( about 90k worth in August at over £1 per share above current levels. (sp 362p)"fog, I just checked it was £2 above this - he paid 564 in March and 496 later, ouch!!!23-Mar-15 Buy Nigel Rudd 564.50p 20,000 £112,900.0018-Aug-15 Buy Nigel Rudd 496.90p 20,000 £99,380.00I see he's just been appointed to the board of BBA and bought a chunk of stock there as well, and for his wife and for some trust.Rudd's the ultimate, hive it off and sell it merchant so you can bet he's angling for some deal at BBA, although they just bought a company in the US hiking up debt, not sure about Meggitt and what his intentions are.Games

LED Gold or Silver 28 Oct 2015

Buy Buy BUY Exciting times ahead . Good luck all And May

MONY lambrini girl 28 Oct 2015

Re: Established income payer with sturdy fin... time to SELL again..

IMM Pharma Giles 28 Oct 2015

Market Cap I would assume the reduction in Market Cap has several knock on effects. 1. Any term sheet previously agreed a few months ago, would have valued IMM almost double what it is today. Thus a $14M investment today would be worth a larger slice of the IMM post money pie . I'm sure the funder is probably arguing for this?2. The deal with the CRO, to pay part of the service fees in shares @150p per share, seems a little less attractive now to Simbec-Orion I'm sure - given £1m is effectively worth a 1/6th of that at today's share price.3. However if there was a potential licensing partner sitting on the touchline, given the current market cap, it now becomes more attractive (financially and practically) to simply buy the company, rather than enter into the details of a licensing agreement and worry whether both companies will work well together.

TCM Courtier1 28 Oct 2015

Re: Drop I am going to guess at fallout from the Globo debacle. Greek/Israeli software type companies seem to have been smacked by association, with investors very short on confidence that the numbers all stack up. It's not that people think there is a problem with any company in particular, they just don't want to take the chance and thus sell. It might be irrational to assume everyone is falsifying just because one company has admitted to it but there you are, a lesson in the power of confidence on share prices............Look at InternetQ - they also got savaged from 220p by about 60p but have risen 10% today on the back of mgmt reassuring that all on track.I guess until people know the extent of the problems at Globo or how long they have been falsifying data (and how they got away with it) the uncertainty will act as a drag on others.

IAG Ripley94 28 Oct 2015

Re: Big fall *

TYM Ripley94 28 Oct 2015

Re: Kam Today rare earth saudi.Fluorspar .. Nordic countries.placing 31st march @ 2.65Dir buy 27 Aug £ 836