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RRS Larry_the_Lock 28 Oct 2015

Re: Gold and silver will be resurgent Not while they are manipulated by corrupt governments !

TALK boredstiff 28 Oct 2015

Re: You CAN quit says Daily Mail Three times does make it rather hard for TalkTalk to claim they have acted in accordance with their own terms, but as to whether criminal actions of 3rd parties against the company and it's customers actually allow people to quit the contract is going to give lawyers plenty of cash in court time, but the end user will probably be out of contract by the time the case is even heard, in the meantime their credit records for late payment will have been wrecked.

COP one4all 28 Oct 2015

today is the start of the turn around BUY BUY BUY

MIRA JohnyCash 28 Oct 2015

Re: AGM Hi Spike – would you kindly ask Mr VaselineQuiz whether the recent departure of Rafael Martin Sanz is just the start of a mad rush to the exits by the remainder of the board please?(Deserting the sinking ship)Have a nice day tomorrow - I trust they are providing a nice buffet lunch.JC

MMX Owen Nobody 28 Oct 2015

Re: market not impressed nor is BS impre... funny how it makes it to 90 by the close...

ROSE up protherics 28 Oct 2015

Re: From 3p to 0.14p Also forgot to add is that the current price of crude has dessimated most small oil companies share price as well as this one.So its probably a combination of everything at the moment.. Only MHO so DYOR

UKOG biscuitandhoney 28 Oct 2015

were are all the posts

ROSE up protherics 28 Oct 2015

Re: From 3p to 0.14p m1egasPersonally I am not surprised as to what has happened here because inmho one of the main tipsters of this stock came from a bunch of spivs based in Bristol.If this is of any help to you one thing I have recently learnt with oil companies is to look for a cash rich, production on stream and potential future licences which could be developed in the near future.. Also one vital ingredient is the capability of the board of directors .. Sefton resources is a good example of thisOnly MHO so DYOR

RRS Rhigos 28 Oct 2015

Re: Gold and silver will be resurgent casabanker,Your views are similar to what mine were a while back when I bought RRS, however gold price has fallen. Today there was an interesting jump up at 13:50 but sadly from 180 it has fallen sharply and is still falling. At 18:35 was 1156. The thought that interest rates may rise in USA has had a negative effect on gold.It would seem that people are putting their money and borrowed money into housing. It is property prices that are going up not precious metals. I have been putting more money into house builders. My biggest investment in construction shares is PSN that I have been building up since 2009. Now my second largest shareholding at 5.4% of total portfolio valuation.I have heard stories that China's central bank have bought more gold for their reserves while prices low, than they have disclosed. Several central banks have increased their gold reserves.I continue to hold 6 precious metal miners but apart from FRES that I traded quite a lot they are all showing losses. I continue to hold as a hedge but there seems to be little chance of even modest inflation for a long time.

VLX Zack4 28 Oct 2015

Re: profits to double! Struggling to understand that profits will double since they effectively gave the results about a month ago to warn the markets of their changed position - and the shares have gone down!Can but hope! Still think they are good at this price and 150 within a year - only my gut feel.

MIRL Kempseyman 28 Oct 2015

Compromise? I posted this on another BB so apologies if you have already seen it:With what I have gleaned from the bloggers and researchers I am minded to go with Mr Benavides. However this could be a case of a new board being put in place but then presented with a series of legal challenges and points of order by the lawyers.I fear that Diego may well have the best interests of the company, shareholders and the local population at heart but could fall foul of the strict rules of corporategovernance resulting in us losing our ability to trade the shares. I would expect the existing board not to put a (legal) foot wrong.Conversely if the existing board retain control they might find themselves without the goodwill of the local population and all the (practical) implications that would bring them. Lack of local cooperation (labour) and environmental challenges.The markets hate uncertainty. I cannot see this being resolved soon regardless of the outcome. Hope I'm wrong. Shame, I've been associated with MIRL for about 6 years now.Perhaps the best solution would be some form of mediation aided by a neutral third party and a degree of compromise all-round but I've not seen this mentioned by anyone so far.

HAWK Annoyedinvestor 28 Oct 2015

The only people....... .......making money from this company are those working for the company. Any member of the board who draws a salary from HAWK should be appalled by their failure to grow the company, and their failure to provide value for shareholders. Do your job or get out! This share would be a strong sell. Unfortunately there is little point doing that, as the share has next to no value!

RCDO Rhigos 28 Oct 2015

Is it time to sell? Since high on 1 Jun SP has come off 5.7%. Upward trend seems to have gone away. Went ex-div on 22 Oct. I am concerned about the near 1% fall today when FTSE 250 was +0.56%. Noticed FTSE 250 has underperformed FTSE 100 the last 6 months.Fundamentals look good apart from PE which high at 21.1 suggesting shares might be over priced. I think in the long term value will go up but it might be worth taking profits now. I bought in Jan and am showing an unrealised CG of 36.6%. Yield is modest at forecast of just under 2% so if SP not going up it does not seem worth holding.

CAMK Orchard Gate 28 Oct 2015

is it time to say goodbye In two days time SkamKids should disappear forever.Congratulations to all the muppetos here who said "buy" and defended an obvious scam and thereby helped the crooks commit their fraud and rip-off gullible investors. Randlord, swooped, melrosian and, of course, my favourite village clot, Loadsadosh (if ever there was a most inappropriate nickname). Hope you're proud of yourselves.

MMX Bistable 28 Oct 2015

Re: market not impressed nor is BS impre... absolutely BS-your initials says it all!!