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MMX buzzard stubble 28 Oct 2015

Re: .Law .Law Early Access Grosses Over $1 millionBY ANDREW ALLEMANN — OCTOBER 27, 2015Minds + Machines releases Q3 update including early .Law results.The .Law top level domain name is off to a solid start, generating $1.18 million of orders during the first week of the Early Access Program combined with .abogado (Spanish for attorney).Similar to other registry’s Early Access phases, the phase was structured like a dutch auction in which prices started high and dropped over time. This was Minds + Machines’ first foray into Early Access.To date, there have been over 3,135 applications for .law and .abogado. Actual registration numbers lag applications due to a verification process.In a Q3 update released today, Minds + Machines said it continues to identify ways to cut costs from its organization. It cut $940,000 in annualized costs last quarter on top of $1.3 million cut before that. It plans to cut another $700,000 in annualized costs heading into 2016.The company also announced that it will cancel the shares it has purchased through buybacks so far. It has held the 6.3 million shares in treasury until now.[link]

ALK Ian Warren 28 Oct 2015

Re: R.I.P. Alkane Energy Both my holdings now gone. I feel like I've lost an old friend; ALK always put value in my portfolio, always grew. Not many companies like that about today (except for the other company I've been holding for as long, which has gone the same way). I'm sure there's another company like it out there, but in this day and age, it's going to be hard to identify it.Invest long, and prosper, as Mr Spock might have said if he'd invested in Alkane Energy.Regards,

SNR numberbiter 28 Oct 2015

Re: What's wrong here? What is wrong is that despite significant capital expenditure on acquisitions there is no sign of growth. In other words, debt has increased for nothing. Also, debtor days are higher than they have been for several accounting periods, which might suggest sales are being taken earlier than might be the case if prudence was applied. Of course, sales might be legitimate and debtors are paying late, but it is still a worry. The recent collapse in the share price suggests there might be a profits warning round the corner. One thing seems certain, there will be a correction which could be up or down. In my view, the downside risk is the greater.

GBO Orchard Gate 28 Oct 2015

Re: Simon Thompson does it again "Perhaps you could recommend something rather than just knock Simon"OK. I'd recommend not buying any share Simon Thompson claims is a bargain and that you look at shorting it. How's that for you?

PGD shugg1e 28 Oct 2015

Re: Mario Neves back as governor of Chub... yep just 3500% to go

TMZ Mr Google 28 Oct 2015

Re: Jan Sensier Interview on BBC Breakfa... Your point about large companies actively developing remote monitoring systems is that their current solutions are primitive. They cannot move as quick as companies like Toumaz and rely on acquiring companies. To develop something from the patch, algorithms, to hubs, servers and then interface with hospitals EMR systems is a huge challenge for anyone entering this space including large companies.An example from Phillips[link] (missing heart rate and temperature monitor)I had a look at GE and Medtronic and I don't see much from them. They might be working on something in secret, but it may be some way off.Compare large company offerings with Toumaz, Isansys and Sotera and they have nothing that comes close to usable in a live hospital environment.Toumaz's main problem is that they are early and the market is immature and has yet to develop, but there is potential and whether Toumaz can execute is another matter.I don't think NHS is going to be their biggest market, it is going to be the US where this technology will help reduce re-admittance in hospitals as insurance companies do not pay for re-admittances when the first treatment failed. There mayl come a point in the US that insurance companies will mandate this type of technology as standard on condition of providing insurance cover to pay for treatments. It might be wise for Toumaz to target Insurance health providers to get their views.Risks remain and I do hope the review is complete soon.

MAJE Charityman 28 Oct 2015

Re: Interesting infographic report on MAJE I hope they are undervalued as I am ten percent down on a February 2015 purchase !

OXS ajbjasus 28 Oct 2015

Re: The Evil Diaries Evil Kneivel? Wouldn't trust him an inch.

TCM zulu principle2 28 Oct 2015

topped up TELIT COMMS dropped another 11% after last weeks profit warning. Bought 2,128 more shares at £2.34 totalling £5,000. . Based on a price of £2.34 2015 EPS Forecast 13.70p EPS Growth 93.0% PER 17.1 PEG 0.18 2016 EPS Forecast 18.20p EPS Growth 32.8% PER 12.9 PEG 0.39 . With the new broker forecasts the valuation still looks good so happy to have topped up. I feel the money invested here will increase faster than holding on to Amino Tech.

MCO zulu principle2 28 Oct 2015

increased my holding increased my holding at £2 buying 1188 shares totalling £2,400

GBO casabanker 28 Oct 2015

Re: Simon Thompson does it again Gooffy, Simon needs a good bout of healthy criticism. After all, many pi's will have lost cash that is capital and it is hard to replace. He did not do enough research and that is fatal to a share tipper in the public press. Try reading Paul Scott on Stockopedia. I know it's too late for this one but it may save some hard earned in future. Casa.

RRS casabanker 28 Oct 2015

Re: Gold and silver will be resurgent Hello Rhigos,Good to hear from you and hope you are well. I didn't give any timescale as to when any correction or collapse may occur but I feel something could well happen over the next 12 to 24 months. As an aside, I see that Portugal has had an election and voted in a radical party that is intent on leaving the EZ and it is only the President that is stopping them from taking office. If Portugal leave the EZ and maybe even the EC, then that could be a trigger for a wholesale collapse. I feel it will not take much to cause a domino effect in financials and I don't think the European banks are as well insulated as the EZ and ECB like to think. The correlation between gold and the US dollar is a little complex but I agree that when the dollar is strong as it is currently, that usually weakens the gold price due to the fact that it is priced in dollars. Although I have shown a weakness for the world economy, my main concern is for the UK. We have debt of £1.5 trillion rising to £2 trillion and if you add on public service pensions commitments the figure rises to £8 trilliion. Debt is five times GDP and due to the strong GBP the balance of payments is dire Forgive me for repeating myself but if there is a run on the pound, it will weaken causing capital flight. The only way to plug the gap is to print more money. That's where inflation could well kick in. The bubble in the bond market will burst due to capital flight and of course the equity market will also suffer. That's just one threat. We saw what happened when the Yuan was deliberatly weakened. The US equity market is very expensive currently. We all know what happens when they sneeze. I don't know what will bring about a collapse and maybe nothing will. If we carry on with low interest rates and continue racking up debt both privately and publicly, it will not be a good ending.My plan is to buy physical gold and store it in Singapore.Casa.

VLX losskop 28 Oct 2015

Re: profits to double! yes and Elvis has been found alive and well on one of Jupiters moons

CNE forwardloop 28 Oct 2015

info UpgradeCairn Energy Add 157p 7.3% AlphaValueDialight Buy 750 36.1% Stifel

PDL forwardloop 28 Oct 2015

Re: Newsflow.. `In line... Hiya AndyNah, the chart reflects well known and on going circumstances in commodities & diamonds & this company in particular! eg see[link] bottom then, when the share will get support on the charts? When might buyers think the benefits are worth the risk? And will the companies debt & diamong market prospects coincide? FWD