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JQW woodee 29 Oct 2015

Re: Website restoration At last some regular updates.........keep it up JQW!!! Maybe they are learning? Still holding. Even if they loose 20% of their customers and 20% of their profits, the sp at 6.5p already reflects this IMHO.Hopefully, this shake-up will get the business onto a more professional level.

PDL bamboozled 29 Oct 2015

SP Angel comment Investors in Petra Diamonds lack confidence, leaving the share price exposed should worries about Chinese demand persist.The Asian giant represents only about 16% of market demand but expectations were for growth in the mid-teens going forward, making it an "important" growth market, broker SP Angel said in a research note sent to clients.Nevertheless, the company maintained its guidance for the full-year on expectations for a better mix of stones in the second half of the fiscal year.Furthermore, the drop in prices was partially offset by a 13% depreciation in the rand over the company's fiscal first quarter."We continue to maintain that patient investors will be rewarded but may need to wait till better news flow in the second half."SP Angel reiterated its recommendation to 'buy' and target price of 156p.

REDD oldjoe1 29 Oct 2015

REDD, TRADING AHEAD, Superb performanc REDD Redde PLC,Cracking update <b>.REDD: Redde PLC As a consequence, trading profits are ahead of our expectations and the corresponding period last year.</b>[link]

GBO Hardboy 29 Oct 2015

Re: The cash has probably all gone You don't expect auditors to verify the validity of each & evdery invoice or receipt, but they should verify bank statements.

PDL bulltraderpt 29 Oct 2015

Re: Newsflow.. `In line... Hi AR, Incredible that the sp of PDL held up as long as it did really.Still there is value there, just a case of identifying when.As for Oil stocks again not sure if the bottom is yet in given the price of the stuff, will we see $20 oil as Goldman (I think it is, thinks?) I am not sure, but who'd bet against further weakness ahead? Not me.

HAWK 2desperate 29 Oct 2015

Re: The only people....... Couldn't agree more. It's a disgrace the way the share price has been allowed to bomb without any attempt by the board to reassure the market that teh key concern of liquidity has been addressed.

TALK Spain Fund 29 Oct 2015

Re: You CAN quit says Daily Mail I left in July or I would be leaving now.

RMP BILLFISH 29 Oct 2015

Epitaph for Georgia Hi Guys, As Georgia enters its death throes I thought it appropriate to mark the event with a Scottish rendition of this famous ballad as the only thing that was ever discovered on our licenses there was an alternative source for curling stones to rival the current source at Ailsa Craig.[link] operator Strait Oil and Gas UK are currently in breach of the UK law by failing to submit their company accounts by 30/09/2015.They have however submitted , on the 27th October 2015, a notification of change of address.The new address is 4th Floor Allan House, 10 John Princes Street, London, W1G 0AH Unfortunately that is the residence of [link] contact name provided on the filing is given as an employee of the aforementioned company.I would suggest Mr Bandy get his skates on if he has any ambition to retrieve value from this investment.GLABF

GBO JakNife 29 Oct 2015

Re: JakNife I was late to the party with Globo and didn't start selling myself until the beginning of August:[link] free to give me your email address and I'll happily tell you in advance of everyone else what I'm shorting next.warmest regardsJakNife

GBO JakNife 29 Oct 2015

The cash has probably all gone As suggested by Matty Earl: [link]

CWC II Editor 28 Oct 2015

NEW ARTICLE: Trends and Targets for 29/10/2015 "LLOYDS GROUP PLC (LSE:LLOY) As the chart illustrates 'they' were kind enough to give Lloyds a couple of days above the trend. Hopefully not too many people trusted this supposedly significant trend break as their money has probably gone on ..."[link]

PDL Andy Reilly 28 Oct 2015

Re: Newsflow.. `In line... Hi fl - hope you prosper. Not sure what you are saying re charts. To me there has been ample eidence they were warning of troubled times well ahead of many investors awareness, and that was true in the oil and gas sector too, which sent a sell signal as far back as May last year!I found the various brokers comments in the Guardian wonderfully behind the curve - was it FinCap who revised their target price down from 210 to 190p? I'd love to know when they expect 190p! All pretty absurd, and why I merely note brokers views!So in my book the chart has offered excellent advanced warning signals for PDL and a lot of oilies which if heeded would certainly have avoided a lot of the pain currently being experienced.Anyway, as to your questions, ask the easy ones why dont you! Personally I dont think there will be such a juicey bounce as the previous recent one, but the chart will eventually show when sentiment is on the turn - my guess is it could be a good few months, or Summer 2016 before a bottom is in. ATB

BOR iiTown 28 Oct 2015

Humpback non commercial Noble have said that the FOGL drill on Humpback is non-commercial.Not good for BOR I guess.

RRL jl 28 Oct 2015

well said petebo on lse that Saltdome and Spammers are gobby cowards lol in fact they are a pair of caants

MMX buzzard stubble 28 Oct 2015

Verisign: new TLDs are affecting .Com growth Verisign: new TLDs are affecting .Com growthBY ANDREW ALLEMANN — OCTOBER 28, 2015Company makes admission for first time in latest SEC filing.VerisignVerisign made a subtle, but important, change in its risk language in its third quarter 10-Q report filed with the SEC. I picked up on this change using the Intelligize SEC document comparison tool.Here’s the relevant content from the Q2 report:We do not yet know the impact, if any, that these new gTLDs may have on our business, including if or how the introduction of these new gTLDs will affect registrations for .com and .net and therefore have a material adverse effect on our business, results of operations, financial condition and cash flow.[link]