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ABF romaron 29 Oct 2015

Re: New all time high I was in their Oxford St. branch on Monday. Chocker and the usual queue to the checkout. Its a money machine, I bought 3 T shirts for £6. Hardly worth washing them.

ALK twotonetyrone 29 Oct 2015

Re: re Rang HL this morning to check whether i'd voted to accept or not - couldn't remember. Irrelevant as cash already in account!Sad to say goodbye - some of my best investments have been taken over this year. Oh well, time to move on.TTT

OPAY bushwhacker 29 Oct 2015

I am not sure if they can control this news output, but it seems a very bad time to release this given Talk Talk and now British Gas have made data theft such a topical subject that we see a complete over reaction to something that occurred in 2011.

REDD oldjoe1 29 Oct 2015

Re: REDD, TRADING AHEAD, Superb performa... Current TradingThe positive start to the new financial year, which I described in my statement of 2 September 2015, has continued since that date. Sales show an increase over the corresponding period last year reflecting stronger trading volumes and the commencement of new contracts. As a consequence, trading profits are ahead of our expectations and the corresponding period last year. Early indications are that this trend has continued during October and the Board remains confident about the Group’s prospects for the financial year as a whole. The Group is seeing an increasing level of new business opportunities and is well placed to take advantage of these opportunities to grow revenue and profits with no undue increase in working capital.

VLX les paul custom 29 Oct 2015

Re: profits to double! Ganymede actually..

ULT wulwirth 29 Oct 2015

Here's Me thinking they were bust....highwayman...[link]

CAKE AleksiKrondstadt 29 Oct 2015

LSE: Cake. No idea: I have several near me (North - Central London): when passing they usually seem busy:Some one after them ?

SUN latife 29 Oct 2015

confidence Large amount of shares bought , things may be getting better with this company!,

OPAY LuckyHooker 29 Oct 2015

Re: Over reaction to historic news?? I'm hoping it's a storm in a tea cup, just bought a few with the cash balance in my portfolio at £3.1094.I'll sell when the SP gets back to where it was before the news.

ALK latife 29 Oct 2015

re Yes, also sorry for the loss of this company.I didnt send any forms off, but presume I will get the money for the shares sometime! They are in an Isa with Hargreaves Lansdown. I Would be glad if someone would tell me when.... Many Thanks,

AEX jackson 29 Oct 2015

what is happend?

AEX jackson 29 Oct 2015


MGGT gamesinvestor 29 Oct 2015

Re: Interims "there seems to be too many accountants"Fog, as an engineer mesen, I couldn't agree more, although you would have thought with so many bean counters (conservative by nature) Meggitt wouldn't have overextended at all.There must have been some ambitious engineering decision behind all these acquisitions or am I being naive and they were all done because someone had mates on the boards of the acquired companies?I'm also watching BBA, but I'd be careful given the enormous debt load they have just taken on and the fact that 1 in 8 private jets is up for sale (that's their main market to service).Also if you look back at BBA's last 5 years revenue/profit/debt increase it's not that pretty.I did invest in Senior at 240 -- aah well, there's always the long term as they sayGames -- There's also the fact that in the long term we are all ............

BIOG vic1981 29 Oct 2015

Re: Time to buy? believe so too. We have a firm bottom I guess.

SN gamesinvestor 29 Oct 2015

What about the profit? This release talks only about revenue :-""Smith & Nephew posted a small increase in third-quarter revenue as it maintained its full-year guidance and announced the acquisition of robotics company Blue Belt Technologies.For the quarter ended 26 September, the maker of artificial hips and knees reported a 4% rise in underlying revenue to $1.11bn (£73m) on the back of above-market revenue growth in knee implants, a sustained improvement in the advanced wound care business and a good performance in the US.In addition, the company said it continues to expect to deliver higher underlying revenue growth in 2015 than in 2014 and an improvement in trading profit margin.Chief executive officer Olivier Bohuon said: “We are pleased with our progress in 2015, with the third quarter again demonstrating that our actions are delivering a strong performance.“We had a good quarter in the United States, our largest market, and are successfully stabilising our European business which delivered a second consecutive quarter of revenue growth against a market backdrop that remains challenging.”Also on Thursday, Smith & Nephew said it has agreed to acquire Blue Belt Technologies, which works in orthopaedic robotics-assisted surgery, for $275m.It said the deal was “a compelling strategic move” which reinforces the company’s “distinctive orthopaedic reconstruction strategy”.Smith & Nephew, which expects revenue growth at Blue Belt to be in excess of 50% over the medium-term, said the transaction is expected to close around the end of the year.At 0817 GMT, shares were down 6.1% at 1,080p"""- See more at: [link]