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AFRI spotyplonka1 30 Oct 2015

Re: Kenny100 on LSE posted this> apols typo, sustainable as in the remaining 999 years

TTA 1Derrick 30 Oct 2015

Total Q3-2015 Net Profit Drops 23% . More at [link]

SULA dicko80 30 Oct 2015

Re: Exciting times [link]

AFRI spotyplonka1 30 Oct 2015

Cheap common street ho does cover version [link]


Re: Paul Scott's view nb - Forgot to add to the post a well written view point on UTW which I totally agree with.Well done PS

NAK BOWOOD 30 Oct 2015

RNS Down on last year and even with a maintained second half the year will be well down


Paul Scott's view [link] morning!Globo (LON:GBO)Shares suspended.(I hold a short position in this share)Update - I wouldn't normally comment on a share where I hold a short position, but seeing as this one is suspended, probably for some time to come, then it's an exception.Today's update doesn't really say a lot, other than;The company has reported the situation to the police in the UK, Greece, and CyprusThe FCA is investigating the situationShares remain suspendedWhat everyone really wants to know, is whether there's any cash left? It should be possible to ascertain that within 24 hours, just by contacting the various banks where deposits and loans were held. So I don't understand the delay on this point.Personally I'd be surprised if there is much cash remaining, if any, but time will tell.My archive on Globo - I thought it would be interesting to recap on the history of this situation, and see what warning signs were known, and when. Therefore, I collated all my own posts on Globo here on Stockopedia over the last 3 years into one, easy-to-read 29-page document, which you can read in Google Docs here, should you wish.What is striking, is how obvious (to me anyway) the warning signs were. Bear in mind also, that I'm not given to false negatives - i.e. historically when I've warned about dodgy accounts, I've been right in pretty much every case.Another interesting aspect, is how there was an intense bear raid in Oct 2013, which ultimately came to nothing, and the company managed to continue for another 2 years before the fraud was finally exposed by QCM using evidence obtained from scrutinising Globo's supposed distributors, and interviewing former employees.I think it's very important that private investors learn the lessons from this case. It's depressing to see how the same people on bulletin boards seem to turn up at all the dodgy companies, stridently shouting down any criticism of a company, and then losing their shirts when it all goes wrong.At some point, when time permits, I'm going to create a new scoring system to identify companies which are highly likely to be frauds or semi-frauds - i.e. to formalise what I already do in my head to spot these situations early.Utilitywise (LON:UTW)Share price: 180.5pNo. shares: 76.6mMarket cap: £138.3m(at the time of writing, I hold a long position in this share)Final results y/e 31 Jul 2015 - these figures were announced yesterday, but due to travelling I didn't have time to review them, so have circled back today. There was an interesting discussion about the numbers in the comments section below yesterday's article, which is worth reading, with readers making some excellent points - in particular flagging the terrible cashflow for the year just reported.The financial highlights look good (as you would expect), with revenue up 41%, adjusted profit before tax up a smaller percentage (so a worsening profit margin) at £16.7m (up 25%). Diluted EPS is up 28% at 17.9p - so a PER of about 10, which looks great value on the face of it, for a company that's growing strongly.Questionable accounting - however, as I've covered numerous times before here, Utilitywise uses questionable accounting - the main issue being revenue recognition, where it books revenue (and hence profit) often well in advance of the cash being received.The company mainly generates revenue from commissions paid out by the big utility companies. Companies like Utilitywise are effectively outsourced sales operations for the utility companies. Why is it outsourced like this? Presumably to create a third party intermediary who (supposedly) achieves the most competitive deal for its clients. Whether that actually happens is open to discussion, given that Utilitywise has a gigantic conflict of interest - in that it is financially incentivised to chase the highest c

CPX niceandsimple 30 Oct 2015


KUL andyb28m 30 Oct 2015

Re: Fast Forward - a good week Agree. Sticking the name of his book to the business suggests that this is not just a side project. This could get very interesting.

AFRI spotyplonka1 30 Oct 2015

Re: Kenny100 on LSE posted this> I like you to posting akDolly, sometimes a revisit to the concept of pan Africanism logistics may give you more encouragement. Just seen in the news, China stopping their one child policy etc etc. Naturally demand for basic food groups will increase. Also processed/ preserved/ perishable meats, fruits, vegetables etc.As kenny100 mentioned on a previous post, for $50, someone could be commissioned to spike a truck tyre. I would do it for $5, if me belly were rumbling - or if me wallet sprung a leak. The trust is gone and so is credit, be more professional, stop being a beige ape, follow the money, follow Mr LithiumI admire Scottish independence and welcome any movement towards agri transport logistics making sustainable profits for the long term, let's say for the next 1000 years on planet earth.atb

GBO GCCR 30 Oct 2015

Re: Class Action - EDWIN COE Me too. I would guess you could include every PI suckered by this lot. So embarassed,

GBO eagle51 30 Oct 2015

Re: Who did Costis sell to ? Dave - when did Forum buy? Where did they find that number of shares?

CRND Marshsi 30 Oct 2015

Depressing 52-week low now hit. Not long ago there was talk of a 40-60p takeover

ATST Graham Morrice 29 Oct 2015

Re: Alliance Trust signals change afoot The total return from Alliance has been in the first quartile of peers (inc. eg Edinburgh IT, Perpetual Growth and Income, SCAM, etc) over the last 12 months. Has a corner been turned? Slow and steady, yet mostly upwards sounds good to me if we can get it through future market turbulence.

GEM HPC Follower 29 Oct 2015

Re: Keeps falling Well, 45p has been reached but I'm not sure that this will be the low point given the unprofitability of the Faberge part of the business and the very large size of the "good will" payment by GEM to buy the company.Personally, I will wait a few more weeks, possibly months, before I consider topping up here and have a price target of 34p.Whilst I expect gold to be bought as an investment (hedge against cash) and as wedding rings, and diamonds as engagement rings plus investment (the larger & coloured stones), I can see no driver for sales of rubies or emeralds to increase - and can see supply from GEM outstripping actual demand over the next few years; and difficulty in reducing costs as "economy-of-scale" benefits drop should production be slowed down.