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MMX buzzard stubble 30 Oct 2015

Re: .Law gained 237 = 2308[link]

GBG city watcher 30 Oct 2015

Re: RISE Been following these recently, note dividend was paid in Summer, but they have progressed well as a company from when was their previous name, and although the price has risen too in the last 1/4 there may be more rise up to results, but always expect some profit-taking. Your former suggestmentmight just happen if they reach £3 +.

MIN dont shoot u dont score 30 Oct 2015

Re: Yawn cooking on gas my friends, any day now


Re: Class Action - EDWIN COE Me too. I am one of those sucker PI's

GBO danbrown83 30 Oct 2015

Re: Who did Costis sell to ? No one yet knows when Costis sold!It first came to light i believe in his statement at the Meeting on Saturday that he had sold circa 40million sharesLSE.CO.UK shows the figure but has no attributed price so i don't think they know and there was no formal RNS either.[link] could have sold in the previous week, month - we don't know

MMX Huckster1 30 Oct 2015

Sp not yet. I have been following this discussion now for 18 months or so, I'm in with 1m + and am just better than even. Thanks for all the comments, it's a new market and the MMX business model is far from standard, without you guys I would have been out in frustration ages ago. I believe MMX will be a winner, the question is when? Obviously no one knows. All the positive news post Freddy is great and part a necessary part of the journey but I do not believe it will shift the sp much at all. Setting aside the failed auction payments MMX has never shown a profit based on sales and controlled costs, AVC has indicated MMX are working toward showing a trading profit in 2016. Success here is all about sales, we need to show a significant trading profit together with a sales forecast that doubles sales in the year going forward, this will be a signal to the market and represent a significant investor opportunity, then we can all take the sp ride we want. So this is not going to be for 18 months before it starts imv. My guess is that as the sp rises to circa 24p one of the big fish will fancy a bit of TLD real estate and the only way to get it will be to buyout a company like MMX, this may take the sp to circa 35p before conversion. So for me it's a wait, but I think it will work out well, watch the sales, that's where the story is.

HAWK Linz_22 30 Oct 2015

Re: The only people....... What astonishing comments.The primary reason for Hawk's current share price is the Saudis flexing their geopolitical muscle by flooding the market with cheap oil. ALL oil explorers, and producers, are taking the biggest hits of their lives, even yesterday Shell. In such a hostile climate, a tiny outfit like Nighthawk has done incredibly well to still be on its feet. The company's saving grace is undoubtedly due to its good fortune in encountering commercially viable conventional structures for, I'd proffer, if it were still wholly dependant on its ultra-lean shale plays it would have already gone under some time ago...

OPAY Ripley94 30 Oct 2015

Re: Trading or investing? Got to be so careful with AIM after GBO.

GDP swisspaul 30 Oct 2015

Re: Profits! Larry! - long time no see. How you been keeping. Hope all is good and this is the start of the long climb back to profit that has so denied us for so long

IAG Frankers70 30 Oct 2015

Dividend Ok, doing the math:2.2bn Euro annual profit = £1.6bn at an exchange of 1.39 euros to £.25% dividend payout of profit = £400m. Shares in issue 2,039m.Dividend payment 20p per share or 3.5% return on today's share price of 570p. Not sure of the Spanish corporation tax rate so have omitted so the 3.5% will be slightly lower.Not tempted back in at 570p. As ever, GLA that are holding.

SNR wuffet 30 Oct 2015

Re: What's wrong here? hi gamesvery sensible comments!!I'm waiting for confirmation that trading is ok. I noticed at the interims that the outlook statement was quite bullish but since then others in the aerospace industry have been a little more downbeat. If they were confident a director would pop up and add a few shares but if they were aware that trading was not up to scratch they would be insiders and unable to do anything and unwilling to!!All will be revealed soon but the comment to buy good companies when they are out of favour and when fear rules is a good one. the debt to mkt cap is very low and returns on capital are high.good luck

MMX Huckster1 30 Oct 2015

Sp not yet

CIFU Vosene 30 Oct 2015

Re: Why the sell off? I had noted that the brains behind CIFU's good run in prior years has moved to FAIR, so have some of those as well

ARS BuyBAO 30 Oct 2015

Private placement at around 1.4p not bad at al

CCE DreamBeaver 30 Oct 2015

RNS Great achievement Scott McGregor et al...[link] of 15 years R&D!