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SEV Roger Baron 30 Oct 2015

Good News - Topped Up ... ... and pleased to have been able to have done so at a 14% discount to the recent placement price.

OXS supeman1 30 Oct 2015

here we go

MIN si derman 30 Oct 2015

Re: Yawn Racing away at almost tectonic speed. But, little by little is fine by me.GLA, Si.

SHOE winningstreak 30 Oct 2015

Re: Lots Of Shares Dumped at 190p Those shares would go to institutional investors, which is not a bad thing. It brings about a better spread of holders.WS

BZM barno99 30 Oct 2015

Re: The New Man.. The new man has quite the background in Finance..This is going to be an interesting few weeks/months as he secures new finance to open the mine/s.Current Chief Executive Kum Hon Tung is set to leave the company at the end of October, with Cheong to take over on an interim basis until a permanent replacement can be found.Cheong has handed in his resignation from his management role at China Sonangol International (S) Pte Ltd in order to accept the executive position at Bellzone. Prior to that role, he worked within investment banking for 13 years rising to become a managing director at Goldman Sachs in Singapore, and later as head of banking South East Asia for the Royal Bank of Scotland in Singapore.

PETS Barnesie 30 Oct 2015

Any ideas on the sudden drop? An 8% drop on some reasonable trading comments seems a bit harsh, or am I missing something?

MER II Editor 30 Oct 2015

NEW ARTICLE: These AIM shares could save the NHS "NHS budgets are always under strain, so any way of saving money will be of interest. There are AIM companies that provide products and services that can potentially save money for hospitals and health organisations. These services also have ..."[link]

EGS Alex 147 30 Oct 2015

EGS Having looked at EGS as a potential investment, I have decided against it. Purely becuase I think it is being run for the benefit of Elizabeth Gooch and no one else.Her greed is just staggering! When you look at at a small company which made a loss of £1.4m, yet the CEO was paid £1.65m!!!!This company is just a joke! Shareholders are just being mugged

GBO Hardboy 30 Oct 2015

Class Action - Gallant I hope you're keeping a reecord of all these allies!I'd be pleased to help on the admin side it needed.

SGZ vfb 30 Oct 2015

Presentation [link]

GBO Hardboy 30 Oct 2015

Re: Who did Costis sell to ? "Do we know yet -I don't recollect declared volumes of 40 mill +."Just re-iterating what others have said.Forum did increase their stake significantly not long before suspension so they could be the major buyer.We don't know when Coistis sold - it could have been over a longer period than the news releases suggest.

CAMK trickler 30 Oct 2015

Re: is it time to say goodbye I was convinced by johandasilva (or some such name) - have learned not to put too much store by posters heretclr

GBO Gastech 30 Oct 2015

Re: Class Action - EDWIN COE Count me in on this please.

MIRA spike501 30 Oct 2015

Re: AGM I'll do a detailed write up later but JC do you really think that Mirada were in charge of the catering? It was held at some nice plush offices on London Bridge and there was coffee, tea and biscuits - I certainly wasn't expecting champagne and caviar.

MMX oggs 30 Oct 2015

Re: Volume I can't see the buyback helping the share price to any degree. The fancy valuation predictions were based on this becoming a serious moneyspinner but there doesn't seem much prospect of that. If that is the case then it will be priced more on the basis of a utility than an excitin growth stock.