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VOG Duffer 30 Oct 2015

Quarterly update, another Foo balls up.

ENRT Thomas Tallis 30 Oct 2015

O/T - top fund manager This is about investing in general and not about ERT."Top fund manager: 'I don't meet company bosses - they lie'Ardevora's Jeremy Lang, a respected investor, explains his unusual approach to stock-picking "[link] have a few other high risk high reward stocks, which I will hold for now, but for new investments -this is my strategy from now on -"I prefer to invest in businesses that are successful without taking risks, falling into the boring and dull categories"Here is a real nugget - "The biggest lesson I learnt was that people who run banks will hide things from investors, so cannot be trusted."

ENRT Thomas Tallis 30 Oct 2015

Weak market condiitions Quote - "The challenge for ERT has been to achieve commercial progress in the context of a weak market background"See previous posts of mine when I discussed the conditions affecting the industry (with quotes from people such as Roger Baynham and other industry bosses) - and the clever clogs on here scoffed at me.They did not want to debate issues in a realistic manner, all they wanted was rose-tinted views.For me - this AGM Statement is a big yawn.""The joint venture agreement with Axion Polymers has continued to provide valuable information ..." - but how much cash has it provided?What happend to the Chinese deal? I find it an absolute disgrace that, after so much comment in previous reports and statements from ERT, they can drop all mention."Other commercial enquiries continue to develop both in the UK and internationally." - a bit more detail would have been appreciated. To me, that statement is too vague to give me any confidence.

CINE oldjoe1 30 Oct 2015

Re: CINE, BUY on todays Pull Back....... Cannacorde note....We are reducing our Cineworld recommendation to SELL from Buy with a new, lowered share price target of 535p (from 620p), implying c10% downside. It’s time to take profits. Cineworld’s share price is up 75% over the last 12 months driven in large part by this year’s fantastic film slate that climaxes this quarter with three blockbusters: Bond Spectre, Hunger Games: Mockingjay Part 2 and Star Wars: the Force Awakens yet Cineworld traditionally under-indexes versus Odeon and Vue on blockbusters and our research suggests this quarter will be no exception. This quarter is as good as it gets for the cinema industry. Next year's film slate is less strong and it could be a 'crowded trade' when the market wakes up to a duller outlook not helped by the distractions of the Olympics and the UEFA European Football Championships next summer.Our analysis round the three autumn blockbusters shows that Odeon is more aggressive on the allocation of screens and Vue is more aggressive on price. Cineworld does not believe in revenue yield optimization. Until it does, we believe it will continue to underperform during industry peaks. We are coming to the view that Cineworld is better at building cinemas in unsophisticated East Europe where competition is weak than optimizing performance from its sophisticated UK portfolio where competition is intense.We estimate Cineworld could be missing out on as much as £2.2m of additional EBITDA per blockbuster in the UK. Assuming a blockbuster/quarter that puts Cineworld’s missed UK opportunity at £8.8m. For 4Q15, with three potential blockbusters, the scale of the missed opportunity may be as much as £6.6m. To put this in context, the UK accounts for c65% of Cineworld EBIT and we are forecasting an H2 EBIT contribution of £44.7m for the UK and £65.4m for group EBIT. It’s a very material lost opportunity for Cineworld. Potential year-end upgrades should not be mistaken for an excellent performance: a rising tide lifts all ships.Our new 535p target price valuation is equivalent to 18.8x PER, 10.0x EV/EBITDA, an 8.0% FCF yield and 3.0% dividend yield for FY15E. The current share price of 594p values the stock on a P/E of 20.9x for FY15E, 18.9x FY16E, an EV/EBITDA of 10.9x falling to 10.0x, a FCF yield of 7.2% rising to 7.9% and dividend yield of 2.7% rising to 2.9% over the same period. It now looks an expensive stock following its re-rating over the last 12 months.

CINE oldjoe1 30 Oct 2015

CINE, BUY on todays Pull Back....... CINE Cineworldsell off from broker Canaccorde note is a great opportunity to add or for new investors Buy. Ive added.Wouldnt mind but this very same broker put out a buy note just a few days ago.!!!!!!!![link]

SGZ JC2005 30 Oct 2015

Re: Presentation Subtle change of surname on page 2.

OXS indaknow 30 Oct 2015

Re: Volume today Alternatively, gibbons, trident or rab might be slowly offloading.

NYO nat-king-coal 30 Oct 2015

Miracles Miracles do happen so they say There's a lot going on at the moment with Nyota so I have not given up completely some people do believe in the companyit seams.

SNR Greyinvestor 30 Oct 2015

director holdings These are firmly on my watch list. The borrowings v EPs growth and the exceptionally low director holdings are the concern, something that should have been a warning flag for me at PFL. I will continue to watch....

OXS Brookie Boy 30 Oct 2015

Volume today Shares dealt today has already matched yesterday's total - worth keeping an eye on this as a potential sign that something's afoot this weekend/Monday RNS.

MCO lambrini girl 30 Oct 2015

Re: increased my holding shame..I got it as a big sell..

INL Biscuit Barrell 30 Oct 2015

Re: very nice results. Hi Serious,Thanks for the lesson in share valuations and how the market works.Aside from the facetious response by me -a couple of points - these results are referenced by the company as well ahead of market expectations. Therefore analysts will materially raise their forecasts - 80p will not stay as 80p.The second point is that because the results were not on time, the analyst(s) will not have scheduled the review of numbers and update to models and forecasts - therefore the time it takes for these results to feed into the normal system of broker forecasts may be longer than normal.

CINE MRBIG 30 Oct 2015

cannacord turn seller stock gets hit

CAMK LoadsaDosh2 30 Oct 2015

Re: So that's it then I suppose "Does AIM perform any function to protect interests of investors?"It sure doesn't seem like it does it? So many frauds and regulators, brokers, nomads, auditors are either totally incompetent or are in on it as well!

HAWK sailordude 30 Oct 2015

Re: The only people....... I agree with all of your comments Linz_22, you have hit the nail on the head. Yes the share price has plummeted, and we all know why, the whingers on here are always blaming the current management, with comments such as "allowing the share price to fall this low". Do you think the management are doing this on purpose ????I have been here for some time now, and of course I am disappointed that the sp is so low, lets face it, we are all here trying to make money, but shares go down as well as up.I am keeping the faith that this will recover, who knows ?, but I cannot think of anything else that the current management can do to improve the situation in the short term.Nighthawk are an oil exploration company, ie they prove an assets worth and then sell it, I could be wrong, but I thought the current head was brought in to do this, as the previous head did prove the worth of the asset, but who would have predicted that oil prices would have crashed, and stayed so low for this long ?Good luck to all you long term holders (me included), hopefully this will recover, or we receive an offer for the asset from one of the big oil companies, but whingeing wont change a thing