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AGL Petet1 30 Oct 2015

Falling ..... Down every day this week, was at the same price last October , starting to loose faith now and wondering if we will ever see a steady climb here and make a profit !

ENRT Bidmoll 30 Oct 2015

AGM After the formal business referred to in the RNS, Lee Clayton gave a presentation.He is happy with the progress made with setting up the joint ventures. We can supply a packaged business of varying sizes in many parts of the world. He is particularly happy that NBF has taken a consignment from Axplas. Their progress has been slow because they wanted to produce raw material locally whereas if they had taken the Axplas earlier they would be in production by now (shades of 2K). If you had noticed that NBF had taken the product off their website, it was because they were inundated with enquiriesHe explained that the Colorado licence came out of the blue and through no work on our part. They have moved quickly and will be producing in November. The capacity was confirmed as 40,000 sheets. No idea of price.China. LC took advice from someone with local knowledge that the company was not the ones to use to open the market in China. They sounded like they wanted to sell too cheaply. LC was also advised to look at the local construction sites. They were completely shut down. Again an indication that this was not the right time to go into this market.An anecdote gives a clue to the timing. LC was on the way home feeling depressed about having to turn the Chinese down but he watched the Steve Jobs film on the plane and was heartened by the Jobs comment about never selling his product cheaply.Brown Water Plastics. They had some problems with the barge covers flattening out with their weight and therefore not fitting the barges. LC was visiting their factory with an ARUP employee and ARUP were able to fix the problem within a couple of months and without BWP having to order new moulds (at $250,000 each). The order continues to be filled.Contour Showers. Very happy with their product. LC can see it selling well in the US but is mindful that they need to get their management right here first. They expect 5% year on year growth from an admittedly small base. A quality product attracting a premium price.LC provided some statistics about recycling and the limits being/to be imposed on industry by international agreement. I can't remember the figures but we have heard it all before.LC still clearly sees the US as the market to go for. With the end of the China deal I can't see him revisiting Asia unless someone comes to him with a very good plan. Instead he will concentrate his efforts in the US and Europe. He agrees that he is spreading himself too thinly and is glad that the chairman is taking an active interest in the business.I think that was all from the presentation but I will add to it later if anything comes to mind.After the presentation there was a Q & A session. It was opened by one shareholder who asked about the cull of directors that was done at the behest of OxCap and how the shareholders not connected to OxCap were to be represented. The Chairman, Michael Rowan explained that the cull was the first part of a cost saving exercise and that the appointment of more Directors will be considered. LC said that he was still speaking to all the ex-directors who were all willing to offer their support and advice to him. MR also appears to be becoming more involved, attending meetings with potential licencees in the UK and Germany recently.The same shareholder questioned how OxCap had managed to reduce their holding from 30% to 10% without informing the company. The NOMAD didn't agree or disagree but said he would see what the correct position was and get back to the shareholder. Hopefully the NOMAD will share the information with the rest of us somehow.MW asked as few questions about working capital and we were informed that a plan was in place to keep us going in the short term. MW pressed for more information about the defunct takeover and the new deal that was currently being considered. He didn't get anything worthwhile.Questioned about revenues, LC simply said that licence fees and r

GBO arborman 30 Oct 2015

Re: RNS - not looking good "not looking good" ..... understatement of the yearFor me the following passage says it all..... "the Company continues to work with the relevant parties to seek to establish the current financial position" ..... When i need to know my current financial position i tend to check my bank balance, but then again I probably have more cash in the bank than GBO!

FAIR badnews 30 Oct 2015

TOTAL EXPENSE RATIO - VERY FAIR Can anybody double-check for me or give me a virtual pinch, but is this a CLO fund with a TER below 0.5%??? I have looked at the accounts over and over, and this is what I keep surmising. There is also no performance fee.If it is true I would consider the management to be a decent bunch, and investable.


The 300p barrier gone/will 250 hold? My latest numbers suggest a fair value of 250p that's 7 x earnings in 2016 of approx. 33p unless a recovery comes in coal or I see in August a plan to increase IND SER side of business its best avoided. good news is no debt and net cash going forward. this years figures will make share price look too low but with 60% still made from coal trading/production and that the last coal power station will go inside 15 years they need another angle. certainly see 300p being tested.My post SEVERAL MONTHS AGO.Tiger Tiger


Re: I agree - too cheap Share register shows many have gone.............did you check out my forecast EPS 60P pre exc items...for full year with the new tiger

MCT badnews 30 Oct 2015

TOTAL EXPENSE RATIO Hi,Seems a promising fund, and trading at a discount. However, any ideas why the TER isn't stated on their monthly fact sheet? I thought this was mandatory?? Anyone have any ideas on the management fee and the TER? Is their a performance fee levied by the manager? I have looked at the accounts and I'm finding it difficult to decipher things.Many Thanks in advance for anyone who can give me an idea,

GBO Gooffy 30 Oct 2015

RNS - not looking good I think there should be some insurance for AIM shares run by AIM, it could be paid for by the companies in AIM. Events like this just do AIM so much damage.Anyway could be booted out of AIM in a month from this RNS.

MIRA JohnyCash 30 Oct 2015

Re: AGM Lol Spike - it was just a joke!Mind you, I wasn't far wrong by the sound of it !Look forward to your feedback.........JC

BOOM Maverick 30 Oct 2015

Re: Andy R I've got these on alert for price movement. Saw them rising last 36 hrs. Thought about adding more but quite frankly I have invested hugely here. My biggest holding by a long long way. Any 1p move is substantial to me so I am smiling more today!Andy R what's your take my friend?Maverick

BOOM thrift07 30 Oct 2015

Re: Something is brewing No RNS Not pump and dumpNo results due until YE trading update around mid December Serious positioning going on. All positive. A very strong sense of something brewing. And it's not tea or coffee!

AGTA Samwise_the_Brave 30 Oct 2015

Bit of news leak causing the massive drop today?

GBO Hardboy 30 Oct 2015

Re: Class Action - Gallant Gallant, I think there may be a case against the NEDs too. I made the throw away line that "this is where the NEDs earn their money" meaning sorting this mess out; and they should be earning it of course.However, in the Stoy Hayward guide for NEDs (I'm afraid I can't quote from it - I'm in the middle of moving house & it's somewhere in a cardboard box) says the main reason for having NEDs is to act as policemen to ensure the company is being run correctly.For that reason they strongly recommend that NEDs should never have shares in the business (otherwise they may be tempted to perpetuate a fraud by Execs as we have here.) If that is their main reason, then these NEDs have failed in their duties.

3IN numberbiter 30 Oct 2015

Re: Return of Capital and Stock Consolid... I think you need to consult a tax specialist. If you are a standard rate taxpayer and receive gross dividends then you should declare them. Dividends paid by plc's are paid net of tax. For each dividend paid you should receive a document showing the gross dividend and the net amount paid. Tax deducted on most shares are at the rate of 10%, but if the company is a REET, such as Land Securities plc, the rate is 20%.

LND JohnSalvage 30 Oct 2015

Wow When all around are going under Landore raises money to carry on with its Exploration.The all important NEXT step.Not as much dilution as RPA report suggested.Many thanks to the Directors and those who took part in the placing.