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ENRT Thomas Tallis 31 Oct 2015

Still too late for me. I said "... there could be more to it than just the issue over the price, we don't know, so that is another reason to regard my post as mere waffle."Even if there was more to it than their plan to sell too cheaply, surely, after advanced discussions, approval of the business plan and handing it over to the lawyers, it was a bit late to have a re-think.I'm sure that somewhere in the various AGM Statements, Interims and Final Results, they use the phrase due diligence.Yep, here it is in thsi AGM Statement - "an alternative business model has now been identified and, subject to completion of due diligence approved by the board and is in the process of being further developed."Let's hope they iron out every detail before they spend money on lawyers fees.Please note that, other than where I have quoted from company announcements, my comments are not based on information supplied by the company. My views are just guesswork, intuition and the expression of opinion and personal feelings, and, other than where I have quoted from company announcements, nothing, should be taken as a statement of fact

ENRT Bidmoll 31 Oct 2015

Re: AGM LC talked in detail about the Colorado plant. It has been set up by ex-Boeing engineers and has used second-hand robotics. LC sounded impressed. It could easily be replicated.A statistic - the US recycle about 9% of their plastics compared to 26% in the UKAt some point there was a discussion about the variable costs - raw materials, energy and labour. The Colorado plant will benefit from low energy and labour costs. Another thing to get excited about for Colorado in particular and the US in general.I suspect that the BOD know the price the sheets will be sold for but are keeping it to themselves. In an unguarded moment (and I can't remember the context) MR mentioned a price of EE40.Another anecdote, this time about Contour. He took one of their shower floors to the US, carrying it through customs. He was stopped and had to unwrap the board. The officer stopping him was tearing his hair out when he explained what it was. The officer had spent hours remodelling his concrete floor that weekend.

GBO kooker 31 Oct 2015

Re: RNS - not looking good To be honest I think the signs have been there for quite some time but I, along with the majority, have chose to ignore them

AAS sansione 31 Oct 2015

Annual Report Seems to be a bit of a delay in publication of the Annual Report compared to last year`s timing.After another dreadful year of NAV performance and moreso, share price, maybe they are hoping to sneak it out on a " bad news day". Looking at Trustnet this morning I see that they are 15th out of 15 comparable ITs over one and three years which for a trust with such a great history of performance must ask questions of what has changed. As I have pointed out before, one thing that hasn`t changed is the Chairman ( for 20 years ) and the Aberdeen Chief Executive (a board member for 20 years ). Corporate Governance? Also questions must be asked about the 1.2% fee, very much at the top end for an investment trust and certainly not worth it for three years of terrible performance. Surprising that they have not come under pressure from their institutional shareholders both on the corporate governance front and the fee.Time for a serious overhaul!!

AGL millwallfan 31 Oct 2015

Re: Falling ..... No expert but probably symptom of no news update or any real progress. Seems FDA approval is key to some commentators, hopefully more knowledgeable . When I enquirer as to basis of future income a few weeks ago on this board I must admit I was very hopeful. Also the recent rights issue was massively oversubscribed which is another positive. I tried to double my holding and got 20%.. A hold for me

ENRT Thomas Tallis 31 Oct 2015

Re: AGM Many thanks Bidmoll for giving us the benefit of your time to produce this well written report.I am about to unleash my acid tongue but please note that my comments are based on information in Bidmoll's report (for which I am very grateful) and, as he has stated, it is a best effort report from memory and he acknowledges the possibility that he may have got the wrong end of the stick (which is understandable and warrants no criticism), so please consider that as you read my words - which are as usual, just chit chat, opinion and waffle.Legislation - we have heard it before but what has it done for gaining licences? In 2013 it was the "Green Fence". See this -27 June 2013"The global plastic recycling market opportunities for ERT have been substantially enhanced following the erection of the "Green Fence" by Chinese customs in early 2013 which has effectively stopped the importation of low quality and mixed waste for recycling into China. ...Given that 2013 is the 1st year where the targets for recycling plastic packaging escalate to meet the government's target for 2017, it is telling that evidence shows the volume of plastic which has been recycled has fallen.This is good news for ERT and the PIM process." - end of quote.However, that 2017 date is getting closer so let's hope there is a last minute dash to gear up for it and now that " We can supply a packaged business of varying sizes in many parts of the world" - recyclers are soon up and running.As for the Chinese deal - let's recall what happened - June 2014 -"Company in advanced discussions to licence PIM process in China...The enquiry received at the Chinaplast exhibition in May 2013 is at an advanced stage of negotiation. This is for an exclusive flat sheet licence for the China franchise and as such marks a milestone event for ERT. Whilst terms have been agreed in principal, these are predicated on the approval of business plans and manufacturing forecasts which have been modelled with Arup as part of ERT's collaboration agreement with Arup." From August 2014 -"Heads of Agreement have been signed with a Chinese consortium and the full form documentation is now in the hands of the respective lawyers."From September 2014 -"Well advanced stage of negotiations for major PIM Licenses in China and USA"- end of quotes - Then we learn that - "LC took advice from someone with local knowledge that the company was not the ones to use to open the market in China. They sounded like they wanted to sell too cheaply."They were in advanced discussions, spent money on visits with this consortium, the deal was in the hands of lawyers (presumably incuring fees!) and a last minute warning throws a spanner in the works. Now I'm just a simple chap, the board buffoon, but suppose those lawyers had acted quicker than lawyers usually do, and got the documents signed before that warning came in - it would be a done deal!How did it even get as far as the lawyers - they were in "advanced discussions" - didn't those discussions include discussion of the price? Or was the price mentioned and ERT was happy with it? (This is all guesswork and presumption on my part so please do not take it as anything more than waffle and thinking aloud.)And what about - "... terms have been agreed in principal, these are predicated on the approval of business plans ..." - that was in June 2014, and since, in August, we were told "documentation is now in the hands of the respective lawyers", I presume that, to be then sent to the lawyers, those plans got that approval. The business plans were approved either without any discussion of price or with a stated price but, at that time, they were happy with it?In September we were told - "Well advanced stage of negotiations for major PIM Licenses in China" - so the deal is still on. They are either still unaware of the price or happy with the price.Aren't we lucky t

BKSA Gold or Silver 31 Oct 2015

Later this year / 2015 We believe that there are now positive trends in the Bulgarian real estate sector with opportunities for the Company to acquire assets in line with our investing policy following the recent fund raising, which we expect will result in the restoration of trading in the Company's shares on AIM later this year.We await pudding with extreme hunger awash .And May

GBO Hardboy 31 Oct 2015

Re: Life "Hope the company makes an announcement soon." (Fri 23:22)Their latest update was at 17:28.

AOR Gold or Silver 31 Oct 2015

Re: Buy Buy BUY [link] updated: Saturday Oct 31, 2015 127 AM MDTFriday, October 30, 2015176 NOTICE OF CONVENTIONAL FILING of Motion for Leave to File Second Amended and Consolidated Complaint and Memorandum in Support filed by Plaintiff Aortech International (Lowrie, James)175 DECLARATION of James S. Lowrie in Support of Filing Under Seal Motion for Leave to File Second Amended and Consolidated Complaint and Memorandum in Support filed by Aortech International. (Lowrie, James)Thursday, October 29, 2015174 NOTICE of Rule 36(b)(6) Deposition of AorTech International PLC by Kenneth A. Charhut, Folda, L.L.C., Foldax, Inc., Frank Maguire (Bettilyon, Mark)173 NOTICE of Appearance by Mark M. Bettilyon on behalf of Kenneth A. Charhut, Folda, L.L.C., Foldax, Inc., Frank Maguire (Bettilyon, Mark)And May

MSMN verbits 31 Oct 2015

Well That was a whacking- i suspected a placing for STEP but not this side of Christmas, reduced my holding over the past couple of weeks , luckily, definitely would not put your life savings into this one presently, msmn needs to be making money before any serious investment in my view, has a target price of 9p but in reality 5.6 is more realistic.

GBO Mpg1 31 Oct 2015

Re: RNS - not looking good theres obviously no money and probably never was. as for people working for them theres probably not many of them either.they have no nomad anymore so they WILL delist in 30 days................. amazing how things can change in one week!

GBO seadoc 31 Oct 2015

Re: Life From FT:"So, given the importance of raising capital to the Aim broker model, perhaps that would be a good place to start: surrendering 100 per cent of fees, plus penalties, for flotations and capital raisings when a prospectus is later shown to have been false."[link]

ENRT restorer 31 Oct 2015

Re: AGM Thanks very much, Bidmoll, for taking the time and trouble to both attend the agm and post your take on it.

GBO frigginrascal 30 Oct 2015

Life Hope the company makes an announcement soon.We need news.

GBO Gooffy 30 Oct 2015

Re: RNS - not looking good I am sure the bank has been on the phone. They tend to check things out.I just hope they have sufficient funds to continue trading, if not its worth nothing and all those people who work for the company are out of jobs.Grant Thornton must have done some checks on the financials if not they are very negligent.