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FOGL Originofquake1 31 Oct 2015

Sorry for the "bad results of humpback, and I am working on why the ocean water gets deeper from the actual Falklands islands southeast toward the northern wall of the Scotia Sea structure, now a n underwater mountain!

FOGL Originofquake1 31 Oct 2015

Aha moment! Diotamateous earth - Diamedia, the Diamedia fan complex, I see the reason for the name!

FOGL Originofquake1 31 Oct 2015

The Pacific ice cap 120 million years ago was moved east by the centrifugal force pushing that ice cap toward the ERths Equator when that Equator was down the middle of Africa. It even was , in the north down the middle of the North Sea! Before you leave bored , check that fact about the Cretaceous era "stuff" rocks in the UK. What about your white cliffs of Dover. Every other person that has a backyard pool , knows that Diatomaceous earth from the skeleton of oolitic animals fell to the sea floor during that period.

FOGL Originofquake1 31 Oct 2015

There is a lesson to be learned. I dropped 10 grand on my " great hand" 4 aces and beat by the " quality, quanta, and price of oil , the Saudi's Flood DEVIL."

FOGL Originofquake1 31 Oct 2015

I'm talking to reasonable knowledgeable individuals.

FOGL Originofquake1 31 Oct 2015

All you continental drift / plate tectonics " mis-led " over-educated " Take a walk, your " programmed Wrong!

FOGL Originofquake1 31 Oct 2015

Deep water shallow water? When the actual Falkland Islands ( very ancient rock 350 to 500 million years old) ,pushed from the south west and moved to the north east 120 million years ago at a rate of 6 inches per year. What does that tell you?

FOGL Originofquake1 31 Oct 2015

Live and learn, and the lesson is;

HAL Percy W 31 Oct 2015

Bid Ask Spread Friday 30 Oct 15 close showed 37.5 bid and 46.80 ask. This is a huge spread for a large cap company. Is there any explanation for this? Does anyone have any idea on the future of Halliburton?

LND Hunterguitar 31 Oct 2015

Re: Wow They must have a great deal of confidence to put up that sort of money without coming to us battle weary AIM investors.Methinks I will buy a few more at this price.HG

NANO Kuss 31 Oct 2015

The insider trading stuff is nonsense. It's in the public domain that customer sampling is imminent to be followed by orders and production this quarter. You can buy now with this knowledge/guidance. The directors have done so. If there is an announcement from Dow saying the same thing this quarter then that's just in line with what Nanoco have said would happen.

TMZ rollthediceagain 31 Oct 2015

Trouble at Toumaz II's choice of headings not mine ~ TMZ comments do little to inspire confidence.----[link] at ToumazRemotely monitoring the patient could become an enormous market, but it can take time to convince customers that it is effective and provides value for money as low-power, wireless semiconductor technologies developer Toumaz (TMZ) has found out. It has taken a lot longer than anticipated to commercialise its SensiumVitals technology. In the first half of 2015, revenues slumped from £509,000 to £237,000.SensiumVitals is an ultra-low power, wearable vital signs monitoring system with a battery that lasts for five days. It takes readings of the heart rate, respiration and temperature every two minutes.Trials in 2014 meant that Toumaz realised that it had to make the SensiumVitals product more robust and easier to use. Product development spending is focused on enhancing the technology in order to speed up its adoption.An indication of the disappointing progress made is that in the presentation for the 2013 results wireless healthcare was the first division covered. In the recent presentation for the 2015 interims digital audio was the first division covered and patient monitoring was second.Toumaz has regained the North American distribution rights to SensiumVitals and it is also focusing on the UK, France and Germany via direct sales teams and distributors. It has been estimated that the global market for wireless monitoring could be worth $1.5 billion a year, with North America accounting for 50% of the market.There are two NHS trials underway at St James’s University Hospital Leeds and Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham. St James’s is testing the system on the patients of colorectal wards, while Queen Elizabeth covers gastro-intestinal and liver wards. Both trials should be completed by next March.These trials, if successful, will provide data on how beneficial the system is. This will be published in peer-reviewed publications and should attract interest from other hospitals, which may want to integrate SensiumVitals into their systems.A review of the business model is underway. Toumaz has shown that its low-power wireless technology works and there is little competition in this area at the moment. The Toumaz share price has slumped over the past year and it needs to reduce its cash outflow.There is undoubtedly a large potential market for these cost-saving measures for hospitals, but Toumaz shows that progress for these businesses may not be smooth.

SVE OmarInvestor 31 Oct 2015

Results expected soon The earlier statement from the company said they expected to report their full year results "This month" which presumably means they will be out on Monday.Perhaps we will get some clarification on what the effect of "Mark to Market" will be. Much of the huge rise in Starvest's net asset value was the result of the roller cost ride in Nordic Energy's share price which rose seven fold for no apparent reason as disclosed on their website and has now fallen to a seventh of what it had been ie back to where it was also for no apparent reason.Possibly the directors of Starvest had their doubts about the rise and so did not include all of it in Starvest's own net asset valuation so perhaps the effect of moving to mark to market will not be as dramatic as they would have been. This is pure speculation on my part and perhaps we will have a better picture on Monday.I note that Bruce Rowan who is not a sillly man thought that it was worth extending a £100,000 interest free unsecured loan to the company in return for the right to convert this to shares in the company at 3p a share so he would seem to have a belief that the shares represent good value at their present level.Omar

3IN fortunatas 31 Oct 2015

Re: Return of Capital and Stock Consolid... Under normal circumstances basic rate income tax payers have no further liability to income tax on dividend income. However, if the dividend income pushes them over the high rate income tax threshold, there would be a further liability of 22.5% gross. High rate income tax payers should know this already, by virtue of completing self assessment.All dividend income should be declared to HMRC. Non income tax payers cannot reclaim the tax paid on dividend income and neither can the pension/ISA fund (Gordon Brown's famous raid on pension funds in 1997 & ISA funds in 2004). Tax paid on Interest income is however reclaimable by a non tax payer and ISA/pension fund.

ENRT Thomas Tallis 31 Oct 2015

Re: Still too late for me. Please note, just in case it giives the wrong impression - I was typing my last post as Bidmoll was posting his latest one.I posted mine without reading his - mine is not a reply to his second post, it was an appendix to my own.