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MIRL Kenj2 01 Nov 2015

Cease Trade Order The company has been ordered to cease trading in the company's securities, for failing to file their accounts.[link] IRL Limited Announces Cease Trade OrderOct 30, 2015 - 03:35 ETLIMA, PERU--(Marketwired - Oct. 30, 2015) - Minera IRL Limited ("Minera IRL", or the "Company" (TSX:IRL) (AIM:MIRL) (BVL:MIRL) announces that the Ontario Securities Commission (the "OSC" has made an order (the "Order" under paragraph 2 of subsection 127(1) of the Securities Act (Ontario) that trading in the securities of the Company cease until such Order is revoked by the OSC. The Company also anticipates that other securities commissions will issue their own cease trade orders in due course. The Order was issued in response to the Company's failure to file its interim financial statements for the six-month period ended June 30, 2015 and management's discussion and analysis relating to such interim statements (together, the "Financial Materials" by the prescribed deadline. On October 16, 2015, the OSC issued a temporary order in connection with the same matter whereby the trading in the Company's securities ceased for a period of 15 days.On September 21, 2015 the Company announced that due to the actions undertaken by the manager of its Peruvian operating subsidiaries, Minera IRL S.A. and Compañía Minera Kuri Kullu S.A., there was a temporary compromise of control of such subsidiaries. On September 29, 2015, the Company further announced that due to such compromise of control, the Financial Materials would not be published by the prescribed deadline.Minera IRL expects that the Order will be lifted after the Company files the Financial Materials.No stock exchange, securities commission or other regulatory authority has approved or disapproved the information contained in this news release.---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---For further info see:[link] does it mean if a public company has a cease trade order (CTO) issued against it?

ENRT Thomas Tallis 01 Nov 2015

Never sell cheap - "Going concern" Many thanks to Bidmoll for this - "An anecdote gives a clue to the timing. LC was on the way home feeling depressed about having to turn the Chinese down but he watched the Steve Jobs film on the plane and was heartened by the Jobs comment about never selling his product cheaply."Never sell too cheaply - that is fine when you have a brand name, several USPs and a product that people get excited about because of its features, but for a product like flat sheet?As we know, there is a plant in south Wales knocking out flat sheet made from recycled plastic. Suppose we get a licensee to set up a PIM plant in the UK - could they sell at a higher price?Do you think potential customers are going to compare the two products, say "Well, they are both made from recycled plastic, they are both tough and durable but this one was made using the PIM process. I'm happy to pay a higher price because this flat sheet was made using the PIM process."?I say that if the things were going to be sold at a profit - sell them". A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush. If you later judge that the market can bear a higher price then you can put the price up.Don't forget that the accounts had a note on "Going concern".Money coming in from a Chinese producer would have been useful. Without it, we might not last beyond the short term - but never sell too cheaply.Perhaps I need to start wearing my rose tinted specs to see the good news aspect.OK, I am just the board buffoon and what do I know, so let's say I am wrong, and on this board, I am usually told that I am wrong. (Please remember that it is possible likely that other factors as well as the price were pertinent, we do not know, so this is all just waffle, guesswork and moaning out loud.)Let's assume that, in the long term, it turns out to be in our best interests that the deal didn't go ahead, but I still want to know how it gets through "advanced discussions", "approval of business plans" and as far as "in the hands of lawyers" (presumably incuring fees!) before a last minute warning throws a spanner in the works. How much did it cost ERT to push the talks that far? Yes, there will, I presume, have been translation and interpreting costs, but that money had to be spent.As I said - "suppose those lawyers had acted quicker than lawyers usually do, and got the documents signed before that warning came in - it would be a done deal!"At what stage in these sort of negotiations, does "due diligence" come into play?To be fair, it must be difficult to work out a deal in China - the distance and the language barrier make it a lot tougher than working out a deal closer to home so please do not take my words as being meant to be harshly critical of the ERT board. I am merely pondering, and my questions are the result of getting scant information. The ERT board are people who are well regarded in the industry and who will have acted totally professionally at all times, please see my note below about my posts."Working out a deal closer to home" - how many UK licencees do we have?For anyone who has never read my posts - please do not take my whinging as criticism of the ERT board. It isn't easy to break into an established industry with a new product Yes, I have questions for them about how things have gone, but my posts are mainly intended to provide a bit of balance to the posts from the rose-tinted specs crowd who never liked any mention of negative, but valid, points. It has been a while since we heard from them, they seem to have given up posting.

GBO gallant02 01 Nov 2015

Who looks after shareholders/ Class Action As Milesabove suggested I have also registered with Sharesoc as they are forming a register of holdings with people's contact details. There is also the possibility of a conference call being set up Monday so register please.[link]

GBO dave297 01 Nov 2015

Re: Who looks after shareholders? Clearly no one,currently.I would expect that the Institutions holding large stakes & particularly Forum & whoever may have acquired the majority of the 40mill+ shares sold by Costis prior to The Debacle would be in the best position to influence the next stage & are presumably lobbying hard for administration in the remotest possibility that they may achieve some recovery .They will be able to move much more quickly than lobbying groups of PI s,however many (worthless)shares they own.Currently we have no Directors,COO or Secretary & apart from Ariko & Mike Jeremy,who will probably resign on Monday,no one remains in a senior capacity-so who is running the company ?Gartner & Ovum clearly believe we a good product but if I was a senior manager within these divisions I would be looking to a buy out for next to nothing & I am sure that our US subsidiaries will be bought back by the vendors for a pittance,leaving us with 50% of our Greek associate,the value of which is doubtful,the legacy business & maybe some cash in the bank.the time everyone has been paid there will be nothing for us & suing ( successfully) our various "professional" advisors will take years & generate more income for the administrator /liquidator to justify charging more fees for.

BOOM arborman 31 Oct 2015

Re: Andy R got to think that some good news has leaked because a 30% rise does not just happen like that every daymethinks an rns will be issued monday.......I know nothingGLA

ENRT nipper22 31 Oct 2015

Not dead in the water Many thanks Bidmoll,you are voted up for your comprehensive account of the AGM. Anyone can see that there are positive elements going forward, should they choose to. It may take a couple more years before we see good income being received but,as our licensees build up production, the revenues should increase, hopefully, along with the share price! I do not lament the resignations from the board, however much their intentions were good, they were never able to make full use of the vast potential that the company has . Thank god for LC,without him I don't think Enrt would exist today.He MUST recruit a couple of people who are of the same ilk as he.Very experienced and driven by the imperative urge to put the company into the Premier league in the Plastics Industry. GLA.

BAB Komatsu100 31 Oct 2015

Re: Telegraph- Questor MCS (Avincis) turnover represents about 12% of BAB's £4bn turnover in last financial year.Oil & Gas was about 20% of that 12%. Therefore about 2.5%. Without doubt that 2.5% will be under threat. So how bad can it be?As a long standing shareholder of 14yrs and more via a previous acquisition, Babcock have an outstanding track record on growth and even better on profit growth.Joe Brent at Liberum historically would have you taking anti-depressants about future Babcock results, almost to the extent of aiding any "mug" wishing to "short" BAB.So has the sale of BAB shares been overdone? Yes I believe it has. Only by reporting a reduction in profits of say 30% can it be justified.But we will find out on November 24th. The refinancing of Avincis debt will save £35m, so I believe it will be increased turnover and profits as usual.

CCE forwardloop 31 Oct 2015

info [link] technology itself is based on RedT’s proprietary vanadium flow battery, which Camco says provides one of the lowest cost levels for energy storage over the system’s lifespan. Combined with a low manufacturing cost and an anticipated successful implementation into customer applications, the company expects to see strong demand for the product.FinnCap analyst Raymond Greaves, in a note, said: “We believe that Camco has many sales leads for its storage system and the presence of an operating demonstration unit should enable it to start converting these leads into firm orders.”

GKP turbotrak12 31 Oct 2015


GBO eagle51 31 Oct 2015

Re: Who looks after shareholders? The company needs to go into administration. That seems to me to be the best way to preserve the decent bits of business (assuming there are some). Maybe (former) competitors will be interested? No-one outside the company can really have a clue what the true state of affairs is. Without the protection of administration (or some equivalent form of shelter) creditors will be scrambling for payment; no-one with any sense will extend the company any form of credit; debtors (assuming they exist) will hang onto their money and cash will dry up. It is difficult to see how wages and salaries could then be paid when due, so employees will start leaving (if they haven't already).More than just the directors must have known the books were being cooked. I am surprised we haven't heard that Akiros (chairman) has gone. The other director probably just took the money to lend his good name? It won't be quite as good now. He seems a bit different to the others but wdik?What a sad state of affairs.

MSMN Supertag 31 Oct 2015

Re: Well Worth another top up at this price I am thinking.GLA Supertag

TND TX2 31 Oct 2015

Re: I agree - too cheap From memory the share consolidation in I think 2009 was designed to remove very small holders because I seem to recall that each of the 35m or whatever old shares were first consolidated into a larger share before being split again into the approx(then) 5m present shares.Tandems 2 historic defined benefit pension plans which have no active members and cost a fair amount to finance do put a bit of a dampener on the value of the company.Although even taking this into account it remains inexpensive.

GBO Miles Above 31 Oct 2015

Re: Who looks after shareholders? ShareSoc suggests a committee of shareholders be formed to help support the remaining directors in stabilising the company and pursuing recovery of losses if possible. Any private investors who were significant holders of shares in this company should register their interest on this web page so as to receive more information as it arises:[link]

GBO Gooffy 31 Oct 2015

Who looks after shareholders? Is it the FCA?With directors resigning can we expect anyone to look after our interests at all and report what has actually happened?Just wondering, for a Class action you would need information and I am not sure who provides it but I suspect the FCA have powers.

FOGL Originofquake1 31 Oct 2015

Any suggestions? I know my "Ice Flow Theory" can figure out the reason for the illogic of deeper water moving southeast from the Falkland Islands toward that massive underwater mountain, the northern wall of the east ward moving part of the Scotia Sea Structure. Excellent question. And I will think about it. If any of you rich oil companies want to pay me for my knowledge , read "The Origin Of Mountains" free at Ref: John Delano. I leaned quite a lot from you people on this bulk ten board. I think Gclark may be my age 78, and Borgo a retired English professor, very intelligent. Good by, and I am moving my remaining 10 grand to rockhopper exploration. The southern basin is Dead for crude oil, and I and you missed it.