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QPP Global Nomad 02 Nov 2015

captial return update RNS Quindell Plc (AIM:QPP.L) announces that, pursuant to previously stated commitments, the Board of Directors of Quindell plc (the "Board" has decided to pursue a two stage distribution of 100 pence per share, with an initial, Court approved, capital repayment to shareholders of 90 pence per share and expects to seek Court approval for this to be made to shareholders in December 2015 at a total cost of approximately £415 million.


Contract win with National Stock Exchange of India RNS Number : 0978EFirst Derivatives PLC02 November 2015First Derivatives plc("FD" or the "Company"Contract win with National Stock Exchange of India (NSE)FD (AIM:FDP.L, ESM:FDP.I), a leading provider of software and consulting services, is pleased to announce a contract win with the National Stock Exchange of India Limited (NSE) for a range of next generation trading services, based on FD's kdb+ software platform. Following successful user testing, the system has gone live and as a result NSE is now able to provide its clients with the capability to test their algorithms before they are made live.The NSE, set up in 1992, is a thought leader in the deployment of technology to improve trading practices. This contract has the potential to serve as an example towards improving the robustness of exchange trading platforms on a global basis and also in providing additional, value-added services to market participants.The contract also adds a flagship global Exchange to FD's customer base in a strategically important region. Under the contract, FD will provide an Algorithmic Testing Facility which will allow NSE market participants to test the impact of their algorithms before they are deployed in production, using trade simulators to replay historical data, create market "noise" and generate extreme market shocks to fully explore the robustness and efficacy of new algorithms.Ravi Varanasi, Chief, Business Development, NSE commented: "The system is expected to deliver value added services to the market participants. We can now provide Algo Test facility and accompanying data analytics to the market participants when they want it. Through individual, group and crowd tests the market participants may track an algorithm's efficiency within and across clients."Brian Conlon, Chief Executive Officer of FD, commented: "This is an important win for FD, once again referencing our software's ability to manage large volumes of real time data and, in this case, help Exchanges protect their integrity while allowing their market participants to deploy algorithms quickly and safely. We are delighted to welcome NSE as a client."

INL Eadwig 02 Nov 2015

Results - P/E? - Future Biscuit Barrel, "these seem massively undervalued "I would agree with you, but by how much? Unfortunately, even over the weekend, I just haven't had time to do the research I would like. But I will put forward what I have for comment and criticism and hopefully that will get us a bit further. I am adding to my holding this morning. I may well add further as and when I get the time to do more research.The traditional way of comparing similar companies in the same sector is to look at their P/E ratios. The main problem with that is that the accounts have been 'restated', luckily the restated numbers are given in the 2015 results report. Also, you are using an EPS figure from a few months ago. I couldn't find any estimates for EPS during the year ending 2016 to start looking forward or to help measure a PEG ratio. So, for what it is worth:sp at 30 Jun 14 48.25p (EPS 2.87 P/E 16.81) restated EPS 3.46 => P/E 13.94sp at 30 Jun 15 70.25p EPS 14.67 => P/E 4.79sp at 30 Oct 15 73.5p EPS 14.67 => P/E 5.01A fair P/E in the sector could be anything from about 12.5 - 25, so why not a target price of at least 183.75p?ProsBrownfield specialist with large land bank which has increased from last year despite many plots with consent sold off. Over 5000 plots now held, but only about 20% or so have planning consent.NAV 46pps as of Jun 30 2015, current price 73.5p. That NAV has already risen this year; there are early signs (4 months in) for the current financial year looking encouraging.ConsAverage selling price? £264,000. Quite high. This tends to be measured in multiples of the average wage which does put INL on the high side compared with BDEV, PSN, Bovis. This is due to their target area being in the highest cost parts of the country, of course.Borrowing appear to be well up. How sensible is that as we move toward a higher interest rate environment? Are the loans/borrowings at fixed rates?AIM company (That itself puts some people off), with not the smoothest last few years behind it (judging by the accounts) when other builders have had continuous growth. Compare to Eg. TEF which was similar in size and also a brownfield specialist operating in London but which has performed twice as well at least over the last 5 years.Doesn't just build houses. Also performs consultancy, buys and sells plots and designs. Could be something of a jack of all trades which may not be the most profitable way to go.

CEY mog 01 Nov 2015

not religious!! BUT God rest those poor souls lost on the aircraft .after their holiday at Sharm. The same aircraft I heard on radio ,had a hard ,tail down landing many years ago. Requiring major structural repair at airbus.

GBO pendil 01 Nov 2015

Where's the cash? I agree with an earlier poster that holders should assume their investment here is lost. Apart from anything else the CEO's sales suggest both that he knew the game was up and that there would be little value left.Whether this is overly pessimistic depends I think entirely on whether or not the claimed cash really exists. The grounds for optimism are that this figure should have been difficult to fake and easy to audit. If the cash does exist it would mean that there should be no immediate financial pressure on the company and also that there are profitable businesses here, albeit with (much?) smaller sales than previously claimed.My fear is certainly that the cash does not exist and that the real purpose of the high yield bond issue was to raise cash to cover on-going cash outflows. Then we have loss making businesses which are not necessarily worthless (there are clearly some genuine products and customers here and loss-making Good recently sold for a fancy price) but are unlikely to realise very much in the current circumstances. (It would be ironic if the 49% stake in the Greek business turned out to be the most valuable asset.)I would not have thought it would take even Globe's NEDs to come to a preliminary conclusion on this question. Perhaps they have, and that is why Burrell and the NOMAD have resigned. With the shares suspended I suppose they have no obligation to update us on a timely basis.Obviously the NEDs have failed in their duty and it is a concern that they are overseeing the investigations. I suspect they will be more interested in covering their own backsides than in looking after shareholder interests, and some outsiders should be brought in (although who would want to get involved?) I think holders of 5% can requisition an EGM and I would rather expect Forum to want to do that to get a representative appointed.In theory the PIs ought to be able to muster 5% easily. Does anyone know if ShareSoc is looking at that? - their website seems to be down at present.As to a class action: although I ticked up Gallant's proposal I think it is too early to get that moving - we need to have more idea of the extent of the fraud. Also note that it is not sufficient to have our lawyers on a no win/ no fee basis. If legal action were unsuccessful the claimants (i.e. us) would be liable for the other side's costs. But if the case is strong enough (and only if it is strong enough) it should be possible to obtain after the event insurance (effectively at no cost) to cover that risk.

CFU simond83 01 Nov 2015

We were robbed

TGL Ray_the_Bold 01 Nov 2015

Re: Reasons To 'Run' TGL-GOS Will this share ever come back from suspension? I hope that what they are doing here is legal? No y/e results, no GOS figures, updates, 4 months of suspension, not a word of reassurance from the board as to what is really going on.

SGZ vfb 01 Nov 2015

News out in AUS  Based on the earlier PFS, the Company has been offered indicative terms by leading banks to provide debt finance for the majority of the project’s funding requirement. Completion of this BFS facilitates the selection of the preferred finance route and the signing of a mandate with the selected institutions in near futureStructural studyThe Company engaged the services of Dr. Pablo Gumiel and Dr. Mónica Arias of Consulting de Geología y Minería, S.L., to conduct a structural study of the Cononish deposit and Tyndrum area. Dr. Gumiel is an expert in structural geology and the structural control of mineral deposits with over 38 years’ experience in research and mining exploration. Dr. Arias has over 15 years’ experience as a specialist in database management of geological-mining data, Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and 3D geological modelling. Drs. Gumiel and Arias have spent 30 field days, over three 10 day periods in May, July and September 2015, collecting data in conjunction with the explorationteam.In addition, Drs. Gumiel and Arias have undertaken significant work to develop, and expand existing, structural models for both the Cononish deposit and the wider Tyndrum area. The study aims to bring the large volume of existing data together into one model, utilising all of the various datasets. When the ongoing review of the combined data model has been completed, this study will create a ‘first pass’ prospectivity model, utilising a set of structural and geochemical criteria that appear to control the distribution of gold across the Cononish/Tyndrum area. This model will be used to determine which areas have the highest likelihood of gold-bearing quartz veins being located. The structural and geochemical criteria used in the model will be tested and refined through field work and further understanding of the structural setting of the Cononish deposit. The controls for the Tyndrum area are anticipated to be applicable across the Grampian Project region and will therefore aid and focus regional exploration. Once the prospectivity modelling is complete, Scotgold will re-evaluate high grade outcrop samples identified by previous exploration close to the Cononish project.Stream sediment programIn order to advance its understanding of the regional setting, over the past four years, the Company has embarked on a regional stream sediment sampling program. To date more than 1100 stream sediment samples have been taken across the regional area with assay results returned for 1,055 samples (to end-September 2015). Analysis of the returned stream sediment data, in conjunction with work undertaken by Drs. Gumiel and Arias, has indicated the presence of a significant number of gold anomalies in the better covered Glen Orchy licence area and a number of anomaliesthroughout the other licence areas. Five key anomalies in the Knapdale licence area have been infilled and the results are currently awaited. Anomalies in Glen Lyon, Inverliever and Ochills require infill sampling to gain a greater understanding of the distribution of gold in these areas. The stream sediment sampling program has a further ~350 samples to be collected, with the majority of the outstanding samples forming an infill program which aims to follow up anomalous results or to increase data coverage.

QPP II Editor 01 Nov 2015

NEW ARTICLE: Trends and Targets for 2/11/2015 "QUINDELL PLC (LSE:QPP) Quindell has been a bit irritating recently as it's supposed to be going up. We'd a trigger level of 104p and the share managed above for a series of sessions then just fizzled and sank back to an unpleasant fascination ..."[link]

NANO TroytoTiber 01 Nov 2015

Kuss. Can't see the article on your ft link. Can you give more details please?

GBO Richygm 01 Nov 2015

Audit According to SP, the auditors charged 397000EUR for Globo's last audit.

ULT wulwirth 01 Nov 2015

Re: new Shut down PLC and LTD get rid of investors and debtors, continue trading info company house...[link]

ULT wulwirth 01 Nov 2015

new hideout .... [link]

ULT wulwirth 01 Nov 2015

big smoke London: Southwark Talking Therapies ServiceNHS Southwark Clinical Commissioning GroupImproving Access to Psychological Therapies Programme (IAPT) is a national programme that aims to relieve distress and transform lives by offering NICE-approved interventions and treatment choice to people with Common Mental Disorders (CMD) for example depression and anxiety disorders NHS Southwark Clinical Commissioning Group SCCG is committed ...Contract location LondonContract value £5.0m – £10mPublication date 28/04/2015Closing date 03/06/2015Notice type OpportunityNotice status Closed

MIRL The Preston Plumber 01 Nov 2015

Re: Compromise? Thank you for your response. The link you provided was very interesting regarding the break down of community relations.