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OPG gallant02 02 Nov 2015

Trading up-date this Thursday Looking forward to some positive news, sp has been drifting recently....

QPP Global Nomad 02 Nov 2015

where are you? no comments at all about this, I'm surprised...the extra year for the balance is a little disappointing but there is still 90p per share on the table in the next 6 weeks or so. once that arrives is this share going to drop to 10p? or will it go up to 190p first, now that payout is essentially confirmed....cannot see the latter happening, but hard to see this valued at 10p either.

ALM nk1999 02 Nov 2015

Fund Managers dealings From Citywire:"Woodford tops up on under-fire Allied MindsStar manager Neil Woodford has added to his stake in Allied Minds (ALML), taking it past 28% of the company.Woodford Investment Management increased its holding to a stake worth £284 million at a share price of 470p. The shares have enjoyed a strong rally over the last month, up more than 33%, recovering some of the losses incurred after an attack from hedge fund Kerrsidale Capital, which is shorting the sharesKerrisdale issued a highly critical report in September, branding the company ‘a dressed-up collection of high-risk, low-reward gambles’ and arguing the shares could fall by ‘at least’ 70%.Woodford Investment Management has hit back, branding Kerrsidale’s intervention ‘opportunistic’, adding that there was ‘nothing fundamental to concern us’ in its report."

FLYB mildmouth 02 Nov 2015

Blackbird Fantastic news on the completion of this project which was acting as an enormous drag on the shares. It had seemed as though there was no end to this in sight and, rightly, the company has spelled out the financial implications which, though bad, are much better than worst case.My worry is that use of "reserved costs" can mask a situation and we do not know how cost effective the new route are expected to be (which might mask the true costs of getting out of the E195's).However, the action has to be great news and I will now take an optimistic view and withdraw my earlier suggestion that the blackbird might actually be a crow! Since the company has not made clear how cost effective the new routes are expected to be, we cannot yet be 100% sure.

NANO TroytoTiber 02 Nov 2015

Many thanks Kuss

MOS gubu 02 Nov 2015

Out the combination of the recent downbeat update for H1 2016 and later on the better than expected results for FY 2015 seemed a little puzzling to meWas someone playing games? Anyway time to cut my losses and move on I thought, so I've bailed out of this oneI just don't feel I know the company or what it does well enough despite being in for a couple of years,However if the Indian venture succeeds, you might do very well indeedit is worth keeping an eye on the advfn board as well as this onebest of luck

GBO Hardboy 02 Nov 2015

NEDs I mentioned earlier the Stoy Hayward guide I have. I've jus found it. There is a lot in it, & I don't have time to find the most relevant bits now, but here is one bit:"When discussing what a non-executive is in terms of "tendencies", perhaps the most important trade off is between "strategists" & "Policemen" - the role of setting and implementing corporate strategy (exec) & the role of acting as watchdog and whistleblower for the outside world (non-exec) ensuring adherence to good practice, respect for the interests of other stakholders, adherence to the processes of boardroom discipline, and so on."If that is accepted, they have obviously failed.

CAZA SierraBravo 02 Nov 2015

Re: A view - insult to injury The follow up RNS has occured. Still persuing and apollo showing signs of impatience. Extension for another month (at what cost?) and continuing attempts for equity investment to cover all the debt.With a mkt cap of 1 million GBP And debt of > $50 mln dollars that would imply new shares of something like 7 billion to clear the debt via equity. That is, as they said, significant dilution.The problem is that won't actually help that much. It would largely just maintain the status quo. It wouldn't give any capital for development.It would though, reduce the cost of servicing the debt which would at least theoretically allow the build up of some capital to develop the assets.If they do get an equity offer away then existing holders are going to be royally shafted, unless it is an open offer of some description. At least that give the choice of subscribing for some of the new capital.Apollo hold a lot of power, which does rather force Caza hand. The assets though are being carried at $75m, Leaves overall $25 m off after paying off debts so if the book valuations are realistic ther should be some chance of recovery in time. But the cas burn is constantly eroding that. and it is not a sellers market.

GBO Hardboy 02 Nov 2015

Re: Who looks after shareholders? "employees will start leaving (if they haven't already)."The most senior ones have!

TND skidog 02 Nov 2015

Re: I agree - too cheap I used a number that was less bullish than that, I have been looking for my calcs (a bit 'back of an envelope') but can't find them. If I have time then I will re rerun them. As another poster says the pension deficit is a downer but really only for a perspective buyer I think, and if it was a large multi then this would be hoovered up into their large deficit....there is I am sure a provision set up to alleviate the shortfall, my accounting knowledge on this is scratchy at best.Lets hope we have a good Christmas dc

LGO biglee007 02 Nov 2015

ouch has this site died ? miss all the chat and banter

SKP Ambiorix1 02 Nov 2015

Time to buy At this price Skyepharma seems undervalued again because of thisacira delivered Q3 EPS and revenue ahead of expected results. The company is set to favourably resolve the warning letter issue with the FDA in the following weeks and therefore Exparel is well positioned for growth in 2016 and beyond. This simply means more royalties for Skyepharma to come which, from my point of view, is not reflected by the current share price. Indeed, things are looking up for Pacira. After some bad news over the last few months, the company's prospects have improved in the last couple of weeks. Exparel's growth in the third quarter was encouraging, especially considering all the headwinds the company was facing and the fact that Q3 is usually a slow quarter. Pacira is also in active discussions with the FDA after filing a lawsuit against the agency, which removed its warning letter, and indicates the issue will be resolved favourably for Pacira. The favourable resolution with the FDA could again accelerate Exparel's growth in the following quarters. Pacira plans to focus on development activities around Exparel. The market's reaction in the US following the earnings report was very positive and the stock probably bottomed. This should also be reflected in Skyepharma’s share price, but is hasn’t yet. Time to buy.Ambiorix.

NANO Kuss 02 Nov 2015

Must be due to FT search issues ... Try [link] Nanoco joins the Dots together

AEX jackson 02 Nov 2015

so quite

LPA jezza51 02 Nov 2015

Re: update this next week Well the orders have now come in! Interesting to see where the mm's open the price today....