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PURE thirty fifty twenty 02 Nov 2015

at 440p decent start to life on main market at 440p there have obviously been steady buyers as the shares no listed on the main market,it is already very highly valued,but unique growth companies can be very highly valued for many many years.more and more public interest in obesity,and PURE have always invested in long term infrastructure to be able to deliver a much bigger business in the longer term....All IMHO, DYOR + BoLPURE is in my portfolio

WYG thirty fifty twenty 02 Nov 2015

at 128p HUGE volume and rising price at 128p there is a large chunk of shares traded,the price is generally rising of late in a falling market,it is now in 4 year high territory after the re-structure.all seems good to me....they are migration experts in Africa - growth market!they work with infrastructure on EU border countries - growth market to cope with migrants,their UK infrastructure is growth market.see comments in WTM interview that in many ways we are at the start of a multi year cycle!All IMHO, DYOR + BoLWYG is in my portfolio

WTM thirty fifty twenty 02 Nov 2015

Re: Bought at 88p hi ZP2apologies I;ve not replied as yet....thanks for your favourites.....I am cautious on the market and invested in asset realisation / bid situations...BPM, GKO, LEAF (the most upside) LXB, PSPI, VLETrading wise TMMG remains seriously undervalued as it has for year but feel it will re-rate in 2016,WYG has a great chart break out, as well as growth fundamentals,INB is very speculative but good risk / reward

WTM thirty fifty twenty 02 Nov 2015

at 84p great interview with CEO Paul Scott interview with CE[link] of 12p in 2 years and likely CASH of 5m (15p a share) with a likely 3% yield - bargain!!All IMHO, DYOR + BoLWTM is in my top5 hldgs

INB thirty fifty twenty 02 Nov 2015

at 4.5p - update confirms good CASH flow was encouraged by that trading update.for me, this business has always been about CASH flow and now profits.....they confirm that debt has reduced for 6 years in a row(not many businesses achieve that!!),AND it is during a time of tough trading conditions!!!!so imagine what they could do if the European economy was stronger!they always refer to the longer term as they know their strategic strengths,they have a moat and they able to generate large amounts of CASH even in touch will be interesting to see how much they save with the bank refinancing... we'll know before end of the year. My bet is also that they will raise some equity to invest in America and China.This will allow the equity a re-rating as they'll be a well financed cash generating business at the bottom of the cycle.All IMHO, DYOR + BoLINB is in my portfolio

GKO thirty fifty twenty 02 Nov 2015

at 92p follow the money! great to se the large value of director buys,and the steady price is now confident of the deal going through - so that is 98p within 3 mths ( 107% return in itself),PLUS the remaining 2p+ to get within say 12mths,PLUS any residual value in the PLC company with significant tax losses running to tens of millions.could turn out very interesting, and in the meantime, a very low risk 3 month return.All IMHO, DYOR + BoLGKO is in my top 5 hldgs

LXB thirty fifty twenty 02 Nov 2015

at 92p no news is good news! with the positive Planning decision at Truro, I was expecting an RNS last concluding that they are waiting to combine with other news as they have done previously.and thus deducting that other news must be good news, because if it was bad news they would have bundled up with the good news and been under an obligation to let shareholders know in a timely it seems steady as she goes with mgt believing the portfolio is capable to provide c. 135p of value albeit over 12-18mths.All IMHO, DYOR + BoLLXB is in my top5 hldgs

MOS wkdmarty 02 Nov 2015

Good call one4all You hit it. 20p.Well done.

CFU Gordon the novice 02 Nov 2015

Re: We were robbed totally agree. I lost quite a lot of money on CFU

QPP melrosian 02 Nov 2015

Re: captial return update RNS Nothing like a bit of Prudence............except Jane.Mel

CAZA uniformtango 02 Nov 2015

Re: A view - + insult to injury Hi IndyAbsolutely! So sad...Steve

QPP Orchard Gate 02 Nov 2015

Re: where are you? The share price will just settle at the risk adjusted value of the expected cash flows in present value terms. The expectation could be wrong of course but that's a different matter.

KIBO womble 02 Nov 2015

anyone there ??

QPP kevyd33 02 Nov 2015

Re: where are you? Hi Global, I've given up trying to value QPP until some clearer reporting is established and can only hope it has a residual value greater than 10p. If sp increases to 140+ I'd be sorely tempted to take that as it would give me my initial investment back. Not a great experience here.KD££

LPA tejo 02 Nov 2015

Pleasant surprise The update was indeed a very pleasant surprise. I know that Tiger has kept the faith, but I had begun to despair that LPA ever come right. The order position is good and the boost from Australia is very welcome. There have been false dawns before and I will only be truly happy when orders translate into profits and that is evidence of sustainable and profitable growth. Long way to go but well done for to-day.