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PRG luciano uk 02 Nov 2015

Re: article Diamond may not be a storage of wealth like gold, but what about the size factor?With gold we get carats as percentage of the stuff, but with diamond beside clarity and purity, we get size.This is why for me diamond and all gems, do represent the ultimate storage of wealth.

QPP II Editor 02 Nov 2015

NEW ARTICLE: Relief as Quindell firms up cash return "LSE:QPP:Quindell has confirmed it will return £415 million, or 90p per share, to shareholders by the end of the year, part of a promised 100p return of capital following the sale of its professional services division. It will certainly come as a ..."[link]

HAL Percy W 02 Nov 2015

Re: Bid Ask Spread I note today it is 37.67 and 38.28, so I guess Friday's was an III blip.

RYA II Editor 02 Nov 2015

NEW ARTICLE: Ryanair profits explode on cheap fuel and summer rush "With another "excellent" six months under its belt, LSE:RYA:Ryanair has stepped up its expansion plans and turned more bullish on profit forecasts. As the first EU airline to carry over 10 million passengers in one month, the low-cost carrier ..."[link]

QPP ValleyFloydRoad 02 Nov 2015

Re: where are you? is this share going to drop to 10p?...........Post dividend the shareprice will fall by 90p, if it were to happen today that value would be ac 10p/share. For that you would get a company with a shedload of cash on its books, don't forget that there is still £55m in escrow in case anything goes awry with the sale of the PSD and there will be some cash coming in from SGH for hearing loss claims. I'm trying to work out how much cash it'll have left after the dividend and that's tricky to work out because of the cash burn from on-going ops and I'm not sure how much in the first half went on redundancy payments and one off costs relating to the sale but from my very quick and possibly wrong back of a cigarette packet calculations it'll be more than 10p a share's worth of cash. Essentially the market is valuing QPP at about zero, or perhaps less than zero - and seems to be assuming that the telematics stuff is just about worthless. Maybe I'm missing something here, or those in the know are aware of further problems or perhaps the market is wrong. It's never a good policy to double guess the market, but I'm wondering what they are missing. Hopefully pretty soon QPP will issue some guidance on the remaining bits in the company and give the market/us shareholders an update on what's what.

TEF KALAN 02 Nov 2015

Re: placing Was given the heads up on this share by a contact in London who is involved in building in London. the share price was 360 p and I was in the process of doing my research when Jim Slater hyped it up in the Saturday Telegraph - the sp shot away to 420p and I decided to leave it alone as the hype was in the price as was future earnings improvement. regretted it when the sp went up to a fiver but have waited patiently. The placement gives me the opportunity to get in at the new ground floor. Those who are upset at not being allowed to take part in the placement needn't worry as the sp will most likely sink to or below the placement price - 365p to 370p should give a nice 50% return over a couple of years - feel sorry for those who invested higher with shorter time frames but this is AIM and the companies are run for directors not share owners - they will get their cut by whatever methods suit them.

CAZA II Editor 02 Nov 2015

NEW ARTICLE: The Oil Man: Ithaca, Ophir, Caza, Range "WTI $46.59 +53c, Brent $49.56 +76c, Diff $2.97 +23c, NG $2.32 +6cOil prices ended the week and the month up, without blowing the doors off. WTI was up $1.99 on the week and $1.50 for the month, Brent slightly less well at $1.57 and $1.15 ..."[link]

SULA dicko80 02 Nov 2015

Re: Exciting times There's gold in them t'hills

GFIN onedb1 02 Nov 2015

Keeping an eye on this one The whole sector is growing at a staggering rate and shows no signs of stopping Revenues up 163% and I can only believe this rate will continue to remain very high in the foreseeable future Small company for now , and today they raised £1m which was predictable , but its a million that will be used well in my view and given the revenue increase and investments made it will get interesting pretty soon The negatives - current share volumes/traded liquidity is one for sure .Cash balance , and ways of valuing such a stock by many , as many will not see this in the same way a Nasdaq investor would . Also many don't have Gfinity on their radar . I have this firmly on my watch list as this could easily be 5/10 times bigger in 3 to 5 years maybe sooner . The sector is just huge .

AGTA Count Quesnay 02 Nov 2015

Finals Finals due on or before 30 November. [ Hopefully With a Good News update !]

ANR 24apenny 02 Nov 2015

Re: Clean energy investment by country well thats that then...smoke....its enough to collapse the share.

JQW M33 Investor 02 Nov 2015

Re: Website restoration Woodee - would be reassuring if that is all they have lost but do you think the on-line traders will have shut up shop for the month or gone elsewhere?Communication from the company is appalling considering what has happened, and shareholders (at least retail) are clueless as to the real situation.Was a fan of JQW but they are taking the P**s.

NMG citychap2011 02 Nov 2015

Greg buys shares with loose change? Greg Kuenzel buys NMG shares with £20K of loose change?Don't be surprised if this purchase turns out to be funded from an increase in Directors fees for the current year. The BOD may already be rewarding themselves for poor performance but there has been no increase in shareholder value.This happened last time their was small scale Director Dealings. See my post of 26 June 2015 entitles "Dubious Accounting Practices?"I'd be very surprised if Greg has actually bought these shares with his own money. Hardly making a significant investment in NMG anyway.The market continues to be unimpressed because until the resources can be proven by JORC they have no value. In any case expect a major placing towards the end of the year my guess is 0.1p to sophisticated investors (read this as mates of the BOD).In the mean time the traders will continue to trade NMG on the Aussie promoter BS news flow.All IMHODYOR

OPG LuckyHooker 02 Nov 2015

Re: Trading up-date this Thursday 'Drifting' is a charitable description!

MRC forddrive 02 Nov 2015

Mercantile IT If you want great performance in an IT, this is where to find it.