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OXS Nervousrex 02 Nov 2015

Re: The big event this week A couple of years ago the heavens opened and there was a great deal of muddying , I'm hoping for a better night this year .

SRX donkey derby 02 Nov 2015

Re: Investec cut price target to 28p My comment on the dividend is my reading between the lines from the presentation. The answer must be dependent on the amount if any of a net profit.I agree with your view regarding the movement of prices where there is not much liquidity. Having said that when buyers appear sellers appear as is shown by this evening's sale. It is as if some party is trying to control the price Anything is possible with AIM stocks.I personally think that the company is way undervalued. Let us hope that the institutions think likewise should they decide to sell.

OXS the old trout 02 Nov 2015

Re: The big event this week I think it more likely that a deal to buy out the company's interest has been agreed subject to no disclosure before this event. After all they wouldn't want it muddying the waters......T

QPP eagle51 02 Nov 2015

Re: where are you? Owen - how's the bike riding in the valleys going?You say: "blah, blah............given all sorts are likely to object".Who's going to do the objecting and for how much each? Please be specific.

OXS Nervousrex 02 Nov 2015

Re: The big event this week While I agree it would suit the Uzbeks to announce a negotiated settlement before this event ,I think the big event this week is more likely to be bonfire night on the village green ! Looking forward to it .

GBO Gerald99 02 Nov 2015

Re: Mike Jeremy Corporate communication both internal and external he will not be on the board

GBO Hardboy 02 Nov 2015

Mike Jeremy What is his position?I see he is the one putting out company statements. All I can find on the website is a m,ention of 3 directors - 2 NEDs & 1 exec - no mention of Costis

TEF Eadwig 02 Nov 2015

Re: placing KALAN:"this is AIM and the companies are run for directors not share owners"I very much sympathise with that view. However, take a look at INL (Inland Homes) whose latest accounts to Jun 30 2015 leave them with a P/E of 5 as far as I can tell, after doubling revenue and a big rise in profits with EPS rising from 2.87pps to over 14pps. See my latest post on their ii board.Like TEF they specialise in brown field sites in the south of England, not just house building but consultancy on planning and converting plots without consent to plots with planning consent and selling them on to others.Rather small scale, but they have over 5000 plots in the land bank with over 1000 with consent. They have been lagging in growth behind other builders, but they look to be coming good now, as far as i can tell. They also have many awards for quality residences and an average selling price of £264,000.The big point is, four of their directors hold about 25% of shares, so in that case what is good for them is also good for the shareholders, in theory. This very much reminds me of PSN in the early days (a friend of mine married into the family). PSN, need I mention, are now a FTSE 100 company.Full disclosure: I am a holder of both TEF and INL (and PSN). Do Your Own Research - and then post it up on that board, whether or not you agree with my findings so far!

OXS BBanker 02 Nov 2015

Re: The big event this week A good week to release the decision in relation to Oxus. The Uzbek government needs to be embarrassed after all that has happened over the past few years. What has happened to Oxus must not be allowed to happen again and must form part of any events aimed at encouraging other businesses to have dealings with this benighted country.

OXS the old trout 02 Nov 2015

The big event this week is the International Investment Forum in Uzbekistan:[link] main objective of the event is to present the leading enterprises of the Republic of Uzbekistan, included in the state program of privatization, and to sell them to strategic foreign investors capable of ensuring modernization and technological renewal of production, manufacturing of goods competitive in both domestic and external markets, as well as introduction of modem corporate governance practices."This bit made me laugh out loud: "The agenda of the event includes plenary sessions, presentations by major foreign investors on their experience in doing business in Uzbekistan..."I wonder if Oxus were invited? )))T

QPP Owen Nobody 02 Nov 2015

Re: where are you? "Quindell has still to get Court permission to return cash."Exactly I'd be surprised if a judge will give permission given all sorts are likely to object.

KNOS wokwok wokwok 02 Nov 2015

Re: 330p by results on 23 November i says Upgrading target as 300p looks very easily possible n

NCT strikeforcce 02 Nov 2015

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Finally got the update A much better second half and current year has started well.The brokers figures are still very soft but W Ireland will look to upgrade as we go along.The shares PE may look heavy based on 2015 year end sept but expect this to fall fast as the orders kick in.A target of 92p leaves huge potential for upside as the shares are tightly held.I remain of the opinion 300p in 2017 is very fair.THE DANGER is that we are taken out before that.Once we hit 20 million t/o every million feeds 100k to bottom line over and above as its gearing suggests.Early days and the shares are worth buying still if you can get them in my opinion.tiger

QPP melrosian 02 Nov 2015

Re: where are you? TX2 my little honeybunch.I notice you are not saying that Eddison is pointing to an SGH 66% increase in earnings per share to FY 2016, that SGH has plenty mooka to work through our ( well it was ) WIP or that they indicate 88% increase in EPS in year to 2017. You are not saying that shorts have brought about the reduction of PE from 22 to 7 or that REDDE plc has a PE of 22 or indeed that when SGH is actually reporting £100M PAT (+?) in 2017 that the shorties can't perceive the extant gearing to be a bit high any more. Shorties need a weakness to prosper and it is a bit thin to mrely on gosip to spread fear when £100M PAT is acoming,Indeed a half witted awk could sit about and dream up a PE norm of about 14 perhaps? £1.4B market cap ( up from current £438M.) Then there is the business model......there is growth to come perhaps?Short termism is so passe and 20th century don't you think? Mell,odiously