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BIOM sikovace 03 Nov 2015

Trading Update Most upbeat line I've read from BIOM for a while'Revenues and order flow in both divisions remain encouraging and the Board is now confident that Group revenues for the year ending 31 December 2015 will show a meaningful improvement against current market expectations, with a resultant reduced operating loss compared to these expectations.'

SKP dave297 03 Nov 2015

Re: Time to buy Following our substantial re rating over the last two years or so SKP appears to have fallen off the radar of most investors & funds but I,like you , consider us to be currently seriously undervalued & have been increasing my holding again.It is a relief that Exparel is recovering & now seems very likely that our next milestone will be paid, probably next year & if our next trading announcement shows that sales of Flutiform are continuing to grow strongly our re rating may continue towards brokers valuations of 460p & beyond.There also remains scope for some of our other products & products under development to surprise on the upside.

LXB catsick 03 Nov 2015

IRR stuff Putting all the cash flows to date together looks like they are on an IRR at quoted nav of around 5% to date, not that great given they don't pay a regular div and the reits with retail assets are up 50-100% over the period , assuming a distribution around mid next year of most of the remaining value then to get up to 12% and pay the higher carry share we need to get up to 170p , I don't think this is going to happen so this thing will not kick in. At this point I would be on a 120% irr on my investment so I hope they can get there ! What I think will happen, and the Greenwich transaction and comments in the interim accounts highlight is they will pay out another chunky div , and then create a REIT with the remaining assets once they are producing cash flow, this will enable them to keep clipping fees and explains part of the rational for the B+Q deal , As most of the retail reits are trading at or above NAV at the moment, I cant see a problem with this, however if the sector begins to trade at a decent discount again then a return of cash would clearly be preferable .....

VLK seadoc 03 Nov 2015

I Blame Paul Scott for 12% fall today! Yanto,[link]

VLK seadoc 03 Nov 2015

Re: 12% fall today! No ideas, it is the Global military SatCom Conference in London so perhaps a big contract been announced, by a competitor? Obviously the fall on 16th was in respond to:[link] read the runes and put a floor of 38p, it crept through that and then plunged another 10% so that was a good call. No doubt Romeo will come back with a re-read. FWIW I see next stop is 31p, P/E of 7 and the yield would be back to 4.8%. If t holds at 31p it should come back to 45p or thereabouts.Regards,Seadoc

STEL forwardloop 03 Nov 2015

info [link]

HAWK Will007 02 Nov 2015

If i had listened to past post winner winner and william007 who predicted the fall to 2 pence i wouldnt be poor today. I am holding for the turn around as i only have 20k left to lose. All in now. Or a total loss of over 150 k. Good luck to all. It will go one way or another. However i think they may private.

HAWK Will007 02 Nov 2015

I too have lost over 80% relating too over ,,,£130000

MIRA spike501 02 Nov 2015

Re: AGM Didn't pick up the sarcasm there JC ).A bit late with the summary, I've been a bit busy but also had a couple of follow questions with the company that they have kindly answered. The below is a summary of the placing, AGM and my updated views - I didn't take notes and its a few days later so apologies if its all a bit of a ramble and for any inevitable typos.Firstly on the placing - clearly I'm not thrilled that a placing was done, certainly at the current share price, however its done and my assessment hasn't changed that there is significant upside to come from this point. I had hoped they could avoid a placing and indeed the do say in the RNS that they did still have adequate debt facilities available, however didn't want to stretch the balance sheet too thin. It was not too big at £1.5million so the dilution while not insignificant is manageable.I am very pleased that Matt Earl remains an NED and has bought a decent number of shares. I feel they have to get some credit for announcing it on the morning of the AGM so it could be discussed at the AGM. Regarding those discussions at the AGM...- The decision to raise money was taken at the last board meeting before the AGM - I didn't ask but I would presume this why Rafael Sanz left, either because he didn't agree or wouldn't purchase additional shares as the other directors have done - (again this is my supposition).- The decision was taken due to feedback from major shareholders that they would prefer equity rather than additional debt that could increase future financial risk.- It is needed due to working capital requirements due to the delay in the Televisa rollout.- There are no plans for further fund raising although they don't rule it out in future if it was needed for significant expansion. Jose re-iterated that FY2017 (i.e starting 1st April 2016) will be cashflow positive including after investment spending.- There was full support from existing shareholders and virtually no discount to the current price. Now I know there was a significant drop in the weeks beforehand but still most AIM companies do have large drops and even then place at a big discount. The AGM got a little fractious with some questions on the financials, specifically on interest rates on overdrafts in 2013. There was an amusing exchange between some participants and the auditor who got quite cross when there was a comment that perhaps the auditors were wrong - which they weren't. However the main revelation in this exchange was that the Mirada CFO was not in attendance as he had to meet the Spanish Government on company business - it was stressed that the Spanish government are not intending to buy STBs, rather its related to Mirada being an exporter from Spain and able to access funding support, although no further detail was given.Regarding the Televisa contract there was some useful discussion.- The next rollouts are to the Cablemas and current Izzi network - as revealed in the latest Televisa financials these are the two largest cable networks in Mexico with approximately 2.2million subscribers between them - compare to Cablevision Monterrey which is approx 500k.- Jose is very confident that there will be no further delays - the current delays have been down to Televisa prioritisation but now this is a priority from the Televisa CEO who has weekly calls for Mirada. He is a big cheese in Mexico. Mirada were ready to go some months ago if Televisa had have chosen to.- They expect an additional 2 networks that Televisa have acquired to be rolled out in 2017, although as I understood it is not contractually formalised yet. That would be somewhere around 1million additional subsribers.- The OTT additional contract was not ready when Cablevision Monterrey was launched (it was not meant to be). I didn't quite get a definitive answer, probably because there isn't yet one, but I believe they expect it to go live when the rollout in March takes place or soon aft

GBO TX2 02 Nov 2015

Re: Mike Jeremy Last Man Standing.Mike Jeremy's previous job was Head of Research at Daniel Stewart & Co!That must fill everyone with confidence.

COP one4all 02 Nov 2015

another one of Malcy's favourites Interview tomorrow with Mitch, should be some proper questions and news . looking to hear about actual production ij a format we can all understand ie BOEPD and expected new production from the recent finds. also some numbers on the operating costs also in terms of BOEPD.I would buy if I didnt already hold a shed load of these

FBH gubu 02 Nov 2015

worth another look this one is worth looking at again I would think, possibly drip feeding in as performance evolves over 2015-2016they have had a bad 6 months in H1 2015 because they expect claims to increase and have set aside larger provisions. Both 2015 and 2016 are expected to be poorI think one issue is that with yields so low everywhere these days, this is being factored into the courts awards system so a much higher initial capital sum payout is required upfront to give the same level of annual income to accident victims etc.On the other hand premiums have been pushed up an average 8%, and they have had an injection of capital (bonds) amounting to €70m from Fairfax, convertible at €8.50 a share so that will be about 8.2m new shares or about 25% dilution in time, but it helps them meet capital requirements, added to the proceeds of almost €50m from divesting property assets so a little risky if claims turn out higher than the provisions but if Fairfax are putting in €70m that is encouraging especially given the backdrop of a recovering economyany views?

TCM zulu principle2 02 Nov 2015

increased my holding again TELIT COMMSThe recent profit warning has so far proven to be a great buying opportunity.Another USD220m supply contract win. I increased my holding by 1900 Shares at £2.62 totalling £5k. Reduced my holding in Cineworld

PCI trickler 02 Nov 2015

Re: The SP... I'm far from an expert but when I said at the time of the last consolidation that it was just an opportunity to make the SP look respectable and give lots of room to drive it down again, I was ridiculed on here. Think I was right actually.tclr

NCT bellamax 02 Nov 2015

Re: abc Strike force........Inspirational post my man , well worth waiting for 6 weeks for some lively debate and in-depth knowledge on the company .Oh well maybe next month