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GKP Argos 03 Nov 2015


GKP Argos 03 Nov 2015

Kurdish region’s oil export to Turkey halted: ministry Baghdad: Iraqi oil ministry stated that the oil export of the northern autonomous Kurdistan region to Turkey has fully stopped. According to al-Taghir TV, the ministry’s Spokesman, Asim Jihad, said in a statement that Kurdistan Region’s oil export to Turkey has been fully halted as the region did not stay with its deals with the central government in Baghdad and has not send the agreed oil it promised to Baghdad. He added that Iraq’s oil export has decreased immensely due to weather difficulties, adding that all October exports have been sent through Iraqi southern ports. |

GKP Argos 03 Nov 2015


MIRA spike501 03 Nov 2015

Re: AGM Topalov - I too am worried about the contract simply because it is such a significant part of current and future revenues and Mirada have dedicated a significant part of the company's resource to it. That is always a risk. However I am also confident it is a game changer. There were certainly discussions at the AGM as to the risk but what was the alternative - Mirada turn down such a massive deal?It could certainly be delayed again if Televisa decide to shift priorities - however it is fairly easy to find in the media what Televisa's priorities have focussed over the last 12-18 months and many of those pressures have gone away. The IFT investigation, the Izzi launch, rebranding and integration and the acquisition of new networks.I see the risk of Televisa delaying significantly further or walking away as low - its a planned upgrade of their entire provisioning infrastructure so they are not doing it on a whim. As revealed in the placing RNS, Televisa will have spent approximately £10million with Mirada over 2 years or so which would be a lot of time and money to throw away. The system is also working very successfully in one of their networks already. They seem to remain very happy with Mirada.As was stated at the AGM - the placing came as a result of a board meeting discussion. What the views of the various individuals before and at the meeting was is of course unknown. Reluctantly I would agree it was the right decision, rather than reaching headroom on debt and running into problems.

WEIR Hardcore Uproar 03 Nov 2015

Anyone simplify? At first glance they do not look good. What are the relative, EPS? Yet the shares go up 5%. There appears a lot of cost cutting but there is only so far you can take this.

FLX Sir Singh 03 Nov 2015

The Silent 100% Plus Gain AGM next Monday. This will be in the 20p+ region. The little AIM tiddler enjoying recent turmoil.

BIOM sikovace 03 Nov 2015

Re: Trading Update Now we need a chunky buy from the directors to show some commitment and belief.

MIRA sceptical ali 03 Nov 2015

Re: AGM Perhaps the reason why they want to concentrate on the Televisa contract is because they are unable to land other contracts. Thanks for the feedback spike, much appreciated.

OPG LuckyHooker 03 Nov 2015

Re: Trading up-date this Thursday Gallant02Agreed that the 'drift' doesn't seem warranted. The company continues to progress. Fingers crossed that patience is rewarded.

EDR camperdown 03 Nov 2015

no trades after todays news,nothing to show?

MIRA Topalov 03 Nov 2015

Re: AGM Thanks nfor the update. I am most concerned about the contract delays. Jose can say that there won't be further delays and nthat the contract will definetly go ahead, but it doesn't mean it will happen. He also assured Tom Winnifrith there wouldn't be a further placing.I would be curious to know the terms of the contract - how long can Televisa delay for - what are the consequences if they cancel completely?

PRG Guitarsolo 03 Nov 2015

Re: article Hi Luciano, "size" do you mean that diamonds are intrinsically small for their value and therefore you can store a lot of wealth in a small volume? If so, yes, I can see the point but gold is not exactly voluminous for its value (say a gold bar is worth $5000+). Anyway, the point I was trying to make is that I think it would take quite a lot for the powers that be to start to consider diamonds as a store of investment for sure (like art, wine, cars, certain property etc). Back to PRG, I know we have until 18th November for the finance to be arranged/announced - but I would rather it happened sooner than later. I apologise but I can't recall the penalty for not repaying the loan and announcing the finance by 18th Nov. The Mothae arrangement was dependent on financing so that could be in jeopardy. I have faith in Philip Manduca as he has earned that since he came in. I just wouldn't want to see Johnny-Come-Lately vultures stealing too much of this company for themselves over the long standing shareholders. Perhaps even a rights issue would be better than giving away too much just to complete funding. But PM has said he will do everything he can to protect existing SHs and I for one believe him. Guitarsolo - trying to be patient......

LEK barno99 03 Nov 2015

Major buyers coming in Nice to see Senator and Credit Suisse buying into the great news flow.I believe £1 and beyond are not to difficult a target with 5.7 billion barrels potential and over 69 owned by Lekoil.As safe a play as you can get at present with massive upside makes this a buy for me.

LXB thirty fifty twenty 03 Nov 2015

Re: IRR stuff Hi CatsickAgree that its unlikely they will reach the IRR hurdle and its good news for us shareholders if they do!The rump in a REIT would make sense,and the creation of an ongoing vehicle would make NAV value more visible.Another option (which I think is the most likely given mgt development interests),is the sale of the remaining rump assets to a REIT.Either scenario should see crystalisation well above current price.All IMHO, DYOR + BoL LXB is in my top5 hldgs

INB thirty fifty twenty 03 Nov 2015

Re: at 4.5p - update confirms good CASH ... Hi MuscatiI agree that the quality of CASH flow has gotten tighter as operating profit has fallen,but EBITDA pre-exceptionals will be 15m+,PBT of 3.2 (as per LY), + Interest 5.2 (lower than LY), + Deprec 7m,So that is 10m+ of Free CASH flow,some of which needed for Tax (2m), some for exceptionals (2m max?), other (say 1m?)so I think that leaves maybe 5m from the business + operating lease less the 'investing they talk total I think that means capable of at least 5m reduction.Do you see any chance of an equity raise with renegotiated bank facilities?1 for 1 at 4p would take debt down to c.2 times ebitdathus leaving 15m EBITDA on 1bn shares = 7.5p (at 5t EBITDA)All IMHO, DYOR + BoLINB is in my portfolio