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RGU Hardboy 03 Nov 2015

Q3 Update Trading update is encouraging, and one wouldn't usually expect a decline in share price to follow it; but I think the share p[rice has got a little ahead of itself.Still excellent prospects for continued growth.

GFIN Chip_Scashtin 03 Nov 2015

Re: Keeping an eye on this one What a refreshingly frank post. I have a small investment, well under water now (like all my AIM stuff).The growth is indeed astounding, and things are looking altogether positive. What amused me about the results statement was the lack of thought about profit, and the total focus on growing the numbers and improving the product, but, more seriously, they actually appear to be planning to run out of cash quite quickly, so I was hoping someone else might have a suggestion how they will get round this.The only thing I will say for GFIN is that this appears to be a reasonable price, and the company seems to be successful. Whether any of that success will reach the shareholders is the question.

EPWN trawler99 03 Nov 2015

EPWIN - Cheap little housing play Adding another name to its group, Vannplastics for £5.2m a small but high margined maker of wood/plastic composites for balconies, decking etc. Epwin have negligible debt, nicely consolidating in their house materials segment and too cheap (11Xpe and yield of 3.8% well covered). The analysts hardly cover names like this nowadays. Nice one to tuck away.

BIOM Peter Alan 03 Nov 2015

Re: Trading Update Fat chanc

RCDO Rhigos 03 Nov 2015

Re: Is it time to sell? I think RCDO is a good company but SP has been moving sideways for several months and decided to take profits. Overall return, including dividend due this month, was 40% net in just over 10 months. Decided not to push my my luck, though there may well be more upside.

GFIN onedb1 03 Nov 2015

Re: Keeping an eye on this one Hi CS Am not in yet . Your numbers taken the way you present them are obviously correct but exclude growth Growth in he sector is gigantic . I have quite some experience in this sector and if they get it right then the rewards will be enormous . For now am getting all the info I can on Gfinity specific . I mostly look at oil ( stocks , futures , cfds etc ) and property as my 2 favourite sectors, mostly trade too , am a swing trader and do momentum trades too with mixed results on this latter strategy . But have also long term plays and have been keen to join an eSports play as I have not just an investment banking background but a gaming one too Will post if I buy in All the best onedb1

PHTM II Editor 03 Nov 2015

NEW ARTICLE: Stockwatch: A 6% yield plus earnings growth " Fancy a 6%-plus yield based on a spread of sound businesses?  Near-£600 million "instant services" company LSEHTMhoto-Me International is building on an already strong record of dividend growth - over 20% a year - to enhance its total payout ..."[link]

QPP TX2 03 Nov 2015

Re: where are you? Strange.I thought QPP settled circa 22m outstanding options for cash;yet it is still returning cash on 461m shares according to my calculations(£415m divided by 90p).Also could someone explain where the £85m "surplus cash" has gone?Until Monday QPP was returning at least 100p per share and up to £500m from surplus capital on hand;now the 10p to make up the cash return to the initially "promised" 100p is coming from the £50m held in escrow.At least the management is in the same boat as shareholders,neither has a clue what's going on.....

OXB supeman1 03 Nov 2015

@ 50p

OXB supeman1 03 Nov 2015

takeover imho

OXB supeman1 03 Nov 2015

the big boys eyeing up this one

SPL Seagull2 03 Nov 2015

Something strange with SP I have noticed trades over last day or so, that a majority of trades have been purchases but share price has dropped over 5 %, this morning 104,000 shares traded of which 27k are sales and the balances are purchases nearly 80,000 shares but sp price is down 1.45p or 3.37% Anyone know what is going on or how this could happen ? A confused Seagull

VOG Duffer 03 Nov 2015

Late news, is always bad news. Very poor investor relations, now expected from Foo.

ELTA S17 03 Nov 2015

Sherborne now have over 30% - takeove bid imminent? Sherborne now have 30.68%. Takeover Code says;"The following is a brief summary of some of the most important Rules: When a person or group acquires interests in shares carrying 30% or more of the voting rights of a company, they must make a cash offer to all other shareholders at the highest price paid in the 12 months before the offer was announced (30% of the voting rights of a company is treated by the Code as the level at which effective control is obtained)."For full details of code see; [link] Not an entirely unexpected move. Should be fireworks at 5th November's General Meeting.

MIRA spike501 03 Nov 2015

Re: AGM Ali - who knows? How many of these large contracts come up globally each year - there can't be that many? All we can do is wait and see. As I've said before, my view would that one Tier 1 every 3 years and 1 Tier 2 every other year would seem to be a reasonable target. I would hope that in the next 6 months they can secure at least 1 Tier 2 contract.One thing that is worth remembering is that neither the Movistar Peru launch last year or the work for Telefonica this year was pre-announced. It was only announced on completion.