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VLX turbulence 03 Nov 2015

Re: Volex looking good Some family houses round our way, go for more than the MCap of this company - Sad state of affairs for Volex. I wonder if the results will justify this ~40% fall from the recent peak.

COP here and now 03 Nov 2015

Tempting except for As stated in the 2014 Annual Report, in light of both the unanticipated capital expenditure overspend, primarily in the Mahdia Permit, and the lower oil price environment, the Group continues to manage its cash balances, review its operational commitments and evaluate its capital structure to ensure it is appropriate for the Group's operational objectives. THIS MAY STILL RESULT IN THE GROUP EXPLORING POTENTIAL FUNDING OPTIONS, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO FINANCING OPPORTUNITIES or farm-outs. Now does this imply a placing…?

VLE thirty fifty twenty 03 Nov 2015

at 365p recent falls not surprised to see profit taking here, it really is 5 year hold share and suspect that many buying on momentum early in 2015 are jumping ship.can see nervousness re Impetus and impact by VW scandal,also the unknown re any trading losses of the £11m CASH invetsed.on the upside the excellent CEO interview at WTM and progress at WYG can only be good news for JMP.That said there is no chart support until 335p so it might drift further whatever the NAV.All IMHO, DYOR + BoLVLE is in my portfolio

RXP here and now 03 Nov 2015

Re: Great Update It seems drilling below the salt is as tough for Roxi as it was for Max.Will it flow? Will it flow at high enough rates to justify expensive drilling?When will this information ever arrive?

WEIR II Editor 03 Nov 2015

NEW ARTICLE: Weir and Hunting reflect oil trouble " The devastating effect of low energy prices on oil industry profits is obvious. Third-quarter results season has thrown up plenty of howlers, with sector earnings down by 54% year-on-year.Many companies have relied on strong downstream ..."[link]

LOGP waytogo333 03 Nov 2015

Extension "The extensions to both the term and the area of the Barryroe licence will provide the current partners with greater security of tenure as we seek to advance the project. It also ensures that the SEL 1/11 partners will benefit from any further upside resource potential in the area immediately adjacent to the previous licence boundary."Bit of good news at they just have to do something with it!!

OPAY Yertiz 03 Nov 2015

Re: Settling Down After the shennanigans of last week's historical (hysterical??) revelations, this was a strong buy after the fall. Recovery has been swift, hopefuly prolonged and even more hopefully, sustained. I agree, entry into the grown up market from AIM will propel this share to new highs. One to bank for medium to long term multi bag returns.

SBS d gaser 03 Nov 2015

North atlantic Trust/ ORYX take15% stake Are they going to make a move soon ?3. Full name of person(s) subject to the notification obligation: iiiHarwood Capital LLP (as investment adviser/manager) and North Atlantic Smaller Companies Investment Trust plc 4. Full name of shareholder(s)(if different from 3.): iv 1. NORTH ATLANTIC SMALLER COMPANIES INVESTMENT TRUST PLC2. ORYX INTERNATIONAL GROWTH FUND LIMITED5. Date of the transaction and date on which the threshold is crossed or reached: v 29 OCTOBER 2015 6. Date on which issuer notified: 30 OCTOBER 2015 7. Threshold(s) that is/are crossed orreached: vi, viiTotal Holding through 15%BE HAPPYDAVE

VLK rRomeo29 03 Nov 2015

Re: 12% fall today! Interesting outlook, sea-doctor!Would be nice to get a new opportunity here...---------- ---"FWIW I see next stop is 31p, P/E of 7 and the yield would be back to 4.8%. If t holds at 31p it should come back to 45p or thereabouts. Regards, Seadoc"

CRND rRomeo29 03 Nov 2015

Re: the next steps ahead All who sold successfully a long time ago, lets still remember to adjust your trailing stop BUYs,in case of a sudden rebound.Next buy-signal comes when the 9p line is climbed.Final buy confirmation at 10p.These look like fantasy price today, right : ))

CRND rRomeo29 03 Nov 2015

Re: the next steps ahead Yepp, some of the large private holders lost a packet here, but some said those are free shares anyway so they dont bother about price fluctuations... Just be careful, if the price goes down to 3 Pence!Current mid-price is 6.85p.- New, long term bearish signal comes IF 6.70p support is breached;- final sell-confirmation when 6.35p breaks apart;- then retrace down to about 3p.DYOR on tradesignal-online-comIf the current trend continues, it tells us that major stakeholders as well as company directors dont bother to maintain the price, because they see a much better deal ahead. The plan could be to allow a third party on board - for a very small price.3 Pence could indeed attract some of the bigplayers...(Note that company directors havent been buying shares here in a very long time!)

ELX foglight 03 Nov 2015

Re: Directors Deals Very good point ChardNick.I have left orders in weak markets on previous occasions and it has never worked for me.


Settling Down After last weeks wobble looks more settled this week. There will always be wobbles and I am looking at the long term, the Listing next year will open this stock up to a wider range of investors. K.C.M.

EPWN bergerac 03 Nov 2015

Re: EPWIN - Cheap little housing play Agree. Can't see anything negative about this stock.

ECR etadelete 03 Nov 2015

buying picking up looking good ladys and gents,gla