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ARG Bazil_Brush 03 Nov 2015

Re: spike north Eric Raude on her way back from SFB Rhea may be just about to show her "rear" .......Been waiting for almost six years for some action from ARG, is now the time?? Hope so.GLA B_B

ARG etadelete 03 Nov 2015

interesting day hoping any good news.gla

ARG palmoil 03 Nov 2015

Re: spike north We wish that was the case!Only 25000 shares traded!

GBO gallant02 03 Nov 2015

Re: Administration Sounds like there's a done deal already in place, we are screwed and can only now rely on a legal claim. Typical administrators, only bothered about covering their fees!"No dividends are expected to be available for shareholders".

IRG riddler24 03 Nov 2015

Matt Lofgran ‏@mlofgran “@EgyptOilandGas: #Egypt to launch a new bid round this year for the #exploration and #production of #oil & #gas” - Good to see. #NTOG #IRG

DAN Orchard Gate 03 Nov 2015

rats, ship, sinking etc DS "announces the intended resignation of Non-Executive Director Peter Dicks from the Board of the Company. His resignation will take effect on publication of the Audited Accounts for the year ended 31 March 2015 and the recommencement of trading in the Company's shares on AIM"So he might never leave, trapped for life.

ARG penguin14 03 Nov 2015

spike north something made the price spike north the drillig rig moving that way ?

IMT Guitarsolo 03 Nov 2015

Decent set of results Well, a quick read of the results (they do go on don't they!) makes everything look pretty good imho. I would say everything is on track to deliver another couple of years of good performance as well. So well done to everyone at IMT from a shareholder that appreciates it. Dividend up 10% (to 141p for full year) and should go up another 10% (to 155p) next year. The share price has risen faster than the dividend though (I'm not complaining about either!) but that has reduced the yield to "only" around 4.0% so it may start to slow up some of the demand from yield hunters. I noticed that IMT believes it has around 13% of the market, worldwide I presume. A larger player would probably struggle to get a complete purchase past the M&A authorities which might put any would-be suitors off. As such, I think it is unlikely that IMT would be a target even with its good position and cash-generating capabilities. Better then for the board to focus on their stated aim of increasing sales and profitability from the growth brands. Keep driving those EPS higher and also the most important thing.....divis for:Guitarsolo - not a puffer myself but don't have any compunction about investing in one!

SRX donkey derby 03 Nov 2015

Re: expansion forwardloop's post of 18.06.15 attaching the proactive article and interview of J Sisay of 17.06 makes this stock compelling imo.

ARG Muzzletoff 03 Nov 2015

Re: more oil news... Good luck to the Chinese dealing with the Russians. I seem to recall one of their customers didn't pay bills on time, were invaded, and had land sequestrated.Eventually the Russians will see what a giant miscalculation Putin made regarding weaponising oil and gas supply, and how economically crippling it has been to be dependent on it for economic welfare, and neglect updating its economy generally, and gangsterising ownership.Russia also plays to its populations paranoia (to some extent all Govt do this admittedly). With falling Russian populations, high levels of alcoholism and HIV, and creeping land commercialisation by Chinese natives in their common border areas, I am sure they won't be paranoid at all about China (twitch twitch)

GBO Gooffy 03 Nov 2015

Re: Administration Very blunt RNS, where is Costis, will we know what happened, do administrators have to do a report of there findings.

SGZ vfb 03 Nov 2015

From The News Going over all the News released :First off has to be this ;" Based on the earlier PFS, the Company has been offered indicative terms by leading banks to provide debt finance for the majority of the project’s funding requirement.Completion of this BFS facilitates the selection of the preferred finance route and the signing of a mandate with the selected institutions in near future "So it would appear that there was some truth in the Strathfillan Community Council meetings, talking of the CC minutes there was also supposed to be a meeting in the village hall which was postponed , rumour has it that the middle of November is penciled in for that meeting , the question is, is two weeks near future and is it just a rumour ? I have heard a few over the years Secondly;"The Company engaged the services of Dr. Pablo Gumiel and Dr. Mónica Arias of Consulting de Geología y Minería, S.L., to conduct a structural study of the Cononish deposit and Tyndrum area. Dr. Gumiel is an expert in structural geology and the structural control of mineral deposits with over 38 years' experience in research and mining exploration. Dr. Arias has over 15 years' experience as a specialist in database management of geological-mining data, Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and 3D geological modelling. Drs. Gumiel and Arias have spent 30 field days, over three 10 day periods in May, July and September 2015, collecting data in conjunction with the exploration team."We where told news on this would be in September ( See June Quarterly ) and that the Dr's had spent 20 days in the field in May and July , I presume that they found that much that they had to go back for a further 10 days in September, why else ? Can the whole place be covered in Gold as I have always said ? lol . When I was panning the streams I asked a very well known gent where was the best place to pan was , he laughed and said where you see water here you will find Gold , he wasn't wrong !"In addition, Drs. Gumiel and Arias have undertaken significant work to develop, and expand existing, structural models for both the Cononish deposit and the wider Tyndrum area. The study aims to bring the large volume of existing data together into one model, utilising all of the various datasets. When the ongoing review of the combined data model has been completed, this study will create a 'first pass' prospectivity model, utilising a set of structural and geochemical criteria that appear to control the distribution of gold across the Cononish/Tyndrum area. This model will be used to determine which areas have the highest likelihood of gold-bearing quartz veins being located. The structural and geochemical criteria used in the model will be tested and refined through field work and further understanding of the structural setting of the Cononish deposit. The controls for the Tyndrum area are anticipated to be applicable across the Grampian Project region and will therefore aid and focus regional exploration. Once the prospectivity modelling is complete, Scotgold will re-evaluate high grade outcrop samples identified by previous exploration close to the Cononish project.Stream sediment programIn order to advance its understanding of the regional setting, over the past four years, the Company has embarked on a regional stream sediment sampling program. To date more than 1100 stream sediment samples have been taken across the regional area with assay results returned for 1,055 samples (to end-September 2015). Analysis of the returned stream sediment data, in conjunction with work undertaken by Drs. Gumiel and Arias, has indicated the presence of a significant number of gold anomalies in the better covered Glen Orchy licence area and a number of anomalies throughout the other licence areas. Five key anomalies in the Knapdale licence area have been infilled and the results are currently awaited. Anomalies in Glen Lyon, Inverliever and Ochills require infill sampling to gain a g

GBO danbrown83 03 Nov 2015

Administration Looks like this is the EndDon't expect any money now sad day

IMT gravy 03 Nov 2015

Re: Missing IMT dividend Solid results and a good divi increase. Still worth buying IMHO.

BPM thirty fifty twenty 03 Nov 2015

at 150p - 1m traded 1m traded and the price had held firm / risen slightly -that seems like good news to me and quite possibly the company buying back shares,but regardless it is a great show of confidence with NAV at 225p.All IMHO, DYOR + BoLBPM is in my portfolio