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APC riddler24 04 Nov 2015

multiple contracts no rns. [link] Oct 29, 2015 Advanced Power Components awarded UK franchise by TT Electronics (OPTEK Technology). Oct 26, 2015 APC awarded UK franchise by Libelium. Oct 22, 2015 Advanced Power Components awarded UK and Ireland franchise by Innovative Sensor Technology IST AG.

GBO JakNife 04 Nov 2015

Re: Grant Thornton Topalov,You wrote:"Auditors can't be doing their jobs properly if they rely on information provided by Directors and officers of the company. This is why they verify with debtors and creditors and check that assets acrtually exist rather than taking the figures on the ledger at face value."The issue is that the CEO and CFO created a web of companies with which Globo then traded. They then hid the fact that those companies were connected parties from the auditors. Hence the auditors verified that the debtors and creditors did exist but were unable to determine that the debtors and creditors were with connected parties and thus should actually be consolidated into the group.I’m still not convinced that there’s any reasonable complaint that could be levelled at Grant Thornton.JakNife

JDW city watcher 04 Nov 2015

DOWN in Favour Now ! ! Today's update does not read well and still £600m in net debt. Profit forecast is below last year's as an approximation states Mr Tim Martin. Can see these at below £7 soon. A robustbusiness and the pick of any drinking hole serving good food in my opinion, so some shareholders might just hold on, Christmas approaching might tempt the sellers to pick this stock for obvious reasons ; like it's gonna drop.

ENRT Thomas Tallis 04 Nov 2015

China. RNS announcement from 23 June 2014 -"Preliminary Results for the year ended 31 December 2013...Successful trade exhibitionso Resource Efficiency & Waste Management Solutions 2013 Exhibition at the NECo 2013 Plastics Recycling Conference in New Orleanso Chinaplas 2013 in Guangzhou..." - end of extract.what criteria have they judged the China exhibition to have been a success?Successful my a*** - to quote Jim Royle.On another point - when will we get an RNS about a director buying shares? This issue has been raised prevously on this board.The AGM statement ends with ""I believe that there are some exciting opportunities before ERT ..." - will he get excited enough to buy shares?With the share price at 0.175p, is all of the risk priced in or do they have further to drop?

AEX jackson 04 Nov 2015

i said before must be next year june

CHOC smilingmickey1 04 Nov 2015

Re: anybody know reason for drop Stuff like this does not help[link]

QPP eye_user 04 Nov 2015

Share payout question Is this only valid of existing holders holding by a certain date or can new holders take part?Buying today would I still get a payout?

3LEG edcrane 04 Nov 2015

Shares suspended but if investors are excited about this RTO then remember Vela Technologies owns just under 4% of 3Legs

CWD lambrini girl 04 Nov 2015

Re: Very quiet here.....? starting to appeal..however would expect closer to 365..

GBO Topalov 04 Nov 2015

Re: Grant Thornton Auditors can't be doing their jobs properly if they rely on information provided by Directors and officers of the company. This is why they verify with debtors and creditors and check that assets acrtually exist rather than taking the figures on the ledger at face value.Off course it is more difficult when Directors have gone to the trouble of falsifying information.It will be interestinbg to know how the cash was hidden.

HAWK no1scarlet 04 Nov 2015

An excellent update/RNS we are selling above current WTI, until yr end!!We have been told we are cash positive.We anticipate the water flood in place at a cost of $2m (Colorado state agreement needed).We are told it will boost reservesWe have dumped the silent broker!! cost saving..

WEIR nk1999 04 Nov 2015

Telegraph- Questor "Hold Weir as shares bounce: Weir is suffering from worsening sales and is cutting jobs. Despite little sign of a recovery at the engineer, the shares jumped 5%. The Glasgow-based group manufactures industrial valves for the oil and gas business as well as pumps for the mining industry. Customers in both these areas are cancelling or delaying orders, as the commodities sector worsens. Combined, the minerals and oil and gas divisions make up 85% of the sales at Weir. Weir has responded to the weak trading environment by cutting costs. It has found another £25 million in savings, bringing the total for the year to £110 million. The company estimates that redundancies and related costs will cause an additional £15 million to £20 million hit to profits this year. Weir has been acquisitive in the past and attempted to complete a £3.66 billion merger with Finnish group Metso in 2014. Weir eventually walked away after Metso rejected two takeover bids. Questor thinks the earnings figure and the multiple look optimistic given there is little recovery expected in commodity prices. Weir at £11.37 +62p. Questor says ‘Hold.” "

AFRI akaDolly 04 Nov 2015

We must try harder, apparently FYI on LSE, Tuesday 22.18, suggests there is information that names directors of AfriAG SA. I dont know if that info is in the public domain or on registers that are not openly available. I have searched all the regions through guessed names, regions etc and I couldnt come with anythingIt would be helpful if the poster could offer us all a link or point us in the direction so we can look for ourselvesEven better if DL gave us the infoLooking at the photos it could appear that we have military contracts. That could possibly be a reason for some secrecy but there still should be plenty of other newsAt the end of the day, it is clearly the case that the Instiftutions have no current interest and neither it seems has anyone elseNo matter what obscure sort of research we put up, it means zilch if the monied people are not touching it with theirsVery worrying

SAB 3Dimensional 04 Nov 2015

Re: Molson Coors to buy SAB stake I can't believe these haven't shot past 42 yet.---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---Yes Uncle D, I believe the reason why the so called Market has not called these higher yet is because of the amount of 3750 and 40000 options calls for Nov and Dec that were made, we all know the spread be companies hate paying their losing bets, as they really thought we would not reach these levels.Be patient, it will get there.3D

AKR gretel 04 Nov 2015

Hugely imprtant new today Great RNS - the Chinese FDA have approved "for medical use throughout Mainland China the Company's flagship rapid tests for allergic reactions associated with the widely used blood-thinner, heparin."With Novotek already in place as the distributor, this is excellent news for a mere £9m m/cap company. And Akers' test is the first and only such test of its kind in China.Consider the size of Novotek:"NovoTek Therapeutics Inc. is a vital part of NovoTek Group, and is in charge of all international business. To date, NovoTek Group has grown to seven subsidiary companies focused on pharmaceutical marketing, medical and IVD products marketing, and contract research services. NovoTek has its own preclinical research facility, clinical trial and regulatory teams, and more than 600 sales representatives (500 for pharmaceuticals and 100 for medical devices) across China. NovoTek has more than 800 employees and more than 10 local branches nationwide. "