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MTV bullbeatsbear 04 Nov 2015

Len is full of sh** - his mutterings are carefully designed not to say too much but to make you buy more stock thinking that it will bag.......wake up ppl he has done it too often to fall for it again surely?

BHR bullbeatsbear 04 Nov 2015

Re: BHR Stream Log have you ever called anything right??

FOXT MichaelPortfolio 04 Nov 2015

Re: Why is this dropping so much Foxtons tactic is to overprice their properties and wait for the market to catch up with them. Not an ideal tactic in a falling market.

MTV bullbeatsbear 04 Nov 2015

Re: MTV Stream Log what a muppet

MTV bullbeatsbear 04 Nov 2015

2 gone in a matter of weeks - who will want to be associated with this pos when it finally goes under!!!!! no wonder they are leaving at an alarming rate - theyve made their money and are now moving onto the next cash cow

GBO Gooffy 04 Nov 2015

Re: AIM I did do my own research, note to self look at the directors in more detail first.No amount of research will discover a fraud, several people were tipping it as a buy.Costis will have to live with his actions, I guess he will have upset a lot of people not to mention the 91 people who work for this company.

FOXT parinej 04 Nov 2015

Why is this dropping so much House prices in central london are expected to fall over the coming months, but as prices drop we will see a new influx of people wanting to buy therefore increasing the number of transaction. After all FOXT make money on the number of transaction it makes which has no bearing on house prices!Please correct me if you think I'm wrong

PLE Ripley94 04 Nov 2015

Re: 5 million You just don't know , AIM like the spinning wheel game.This one might come off.After being down so much, i thought lambrini called it right @ 3 on 1/10/94stop loss on AIM ?

MTV bullbeatsbear 04 Nov 2015

and the rats begin leaving the sinking ship

MTO II Editor 04 Nov 2015

NEW ARTICLE: Best dividends for safety and growth revealed "Since major central banks began cutting interest rates in 2008, investors have been desperately searching for decent income from their investments. It's not been easy. And nowhere is that hunt for yield more evident than in the UK. Rates were at ..."[link]

BVS moorlaner 04 Nov 2015

tumbling share price does anyone have any views on what is going on here?

QPP kloefkapper 04 Nov 2015

shanta gold

INL KALAN 04 Nov 2015

Re: Results - P/E? - Future Hi Eadwig - good post - The NAV compared to market cap is the only concern I see here after a very brief look - at less than 50% it does not give much comfort should there be a downturn in the housing market - however the NAV is rising at an accelerated rate at about £10 million per year and rising which would narrow the gap if the sp stood still. A very interesting company - going to do some research and get the heads up from someone in the business down South - thanks for the tip.

GBO Go Dink 04 Nov 2015

Re: AIM This is why it's so important to DYOR. There's no harm in reading a different point of view from your own and then judging which side you agree with.

LND sirstanley 04 Nov 2015

Re: Wow Am topping up as and when funds allow.Can see significant upside from here IMO.Here's hoping!Stan