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PLE forwardloop 04 Nov 2015

offer 12.5p equivalentProblem is mkt does not like all share offer espec in Hong Kong listed share with no cash alternative....

GBO gallant02 04 Nov 2015

Re: Grant Thornton - Class action Sharesoc now have more than 200 investors registered to participate in the action against GT and others. If lawyers are advising me that we have a good case and will take on the cost burden then who am I to argue...?

MGGT foglight 04 Nov 2015

Director and related interest buying. Nice to see significant buying interest recently following share weakness:-Sir N Rudd [email protected]. (Holding now 97,000). (Lady Rudd also bought 29,700)Spouse of Stephen Young (ceo) purchased 100,[email protected] - interest now in 637,419 Douglas Webb (CFL) purchased 30,000 @ 352.67. Holding now 78,240 Guy Berruyer (non ex) purchased 10,000@ 355.43p. Holding now 13,000Chris Allen (Group director for engineering and strategy) 15,[email protected]. Holding now 138,602.David Johnson (chief operations off) purchased 25,000 @ 354.04p. Holding now 157,832Amer Allahverch (Group operations Dir) purchased 10,000 @ 354.04p. Holding now 74,970In addition Capital Group Companies Inc now holds over 16% of the equity. Their stated policy is to look to the medium to long term but, it is a name that sticks with me when a significant holding is built up to influence change.I have added to my recent purchase on the back of these purchases.(sp 369p)

AQP forwardloop 04 Nov 2015

a proper offer looks like this.... The Possible Offer represents an indicative premium of approximately:· 38.9 per cent. to the last equity offer by Plethora which was priced at 9 pence per Plethora share on 29 August 2014;· 354.5 per cent. to the closing price per Plethora share of 2.75 pence on 3 November 2015 (being the last business day prior to publication of this announcement); and· 311.7 per cent. to the 30 day volume-weighted average price of Plethora shares of 3.04 pence for the period from 4 October 2015 to 3 November 2015 (being the last business day prior to the publication of this announcement).[link]

INL Johnny lite 04 Nov 2015

Re: Results - P/E? - Future Good post thanks.A few points to add...Firstly, their current NAV is only calculated at cost - so any value since then is not included. So the value added from getting consent is not included. Their next set of results will change this so we will get a very different, and much, much higher NAV. The £15m exceptional gain was part of that revaluation so if that is repeated across the whole portfolio we will see what their landbank is really worth.Secondly, p/e is not a good calculation because it ignores debt. I would use enterprise value / earnings instead to give a better comparison. But they still look cheap even after allowing for debt. I don't see their debt levels as being anywhere near excessive so I am comfortable with their approach. I would actually be disappointed if they didn't have any debt as that would be very inefficient as all of their capital would be tied up too quickly.The difficulty we have in valuing Inland is that they are part developer and part housebuilder so which should we value them as? If we value them as a pure housebuilder then this will not take into account their large land bank when compared to their build rate. It would be interesting to calculate their land back in terms of number of years of build compared to other housebuilders (all of whom are on a forward p/e of under 10 last time I checked). But if we value their landback as a developer we should use the NAV as a fair price. But that would discount the housebuilding profits entirely. Once the new NAV calculation is in place then that should be a more accurate method. In the meantime, I think we have to treat them as a housebuilder.These are currently my largest holding as I bought a few years ago at a much lower price. Still not selling, and tempted to top up but have resisted as I don't want too many eggs in this one basket.JL

QPP melrosian 04 Nov 2015

Re: Meanwhile Or a hostile 60% paper 40% cash bid from SGH at £500 M Allow them to ditch their debt and carry on growing / IPO data management/ Divy that.Get them to give the OZ runners up medals to those who deserve them .Hire Joubert. He'll fix it all and we will be better off and clear about the future. Make us happy. Mel

QPP melrosian 04 Nov 2015

Meanwhile SGH is capitalised at £438MEddison is predicting2016 Revenue of £590M EBITDA £135M & PBT of £127M ...which would put it on a PE of 4.72017 Rev £613M EBITDA £ 153M & PBT of £147M 2017 PE at current sp would be 4.1........mostly with our family silver Rather than have cash idle ( what's the use in that.?) ....why not bring back Sutcliff - give Lord Howard an executive role ( more probity) Bid For SGH ( £600M) , Scale it back when we have it Carry on Banking £127M PBTIPO the data management company ( distribute retained 70% of shares to QPP shareholders) Ditch Solar ScaffoldReview In 2017 add up the 2 years PBT ( 127M + 147M = 274m)Instruct those with BOTS to adjust the PE to 14 ( 2/3rds of REDDE) Maybe the SFO will have dealt with bad stuff and TX2 will be happy and change tune to tell us what Mark cap will be then ( & SP) Make every QPP shareholder happy and restore the value and confidence in future profits to the share. Oh then a divy !Then sell the OZ bit to SGH competitor & have a branding " We are lawyers and efficient processors " and get Howard to tell it the way it is. Making money and having *alls is more fun than boring probity and cash sitting idle. After all you wouldnt need the Escrow account any more. ( You cant allocated it to 2 purposes with proper probity )SCREAM!Mel

BIOM daz9643 04 Nov 2015

Re: Trading Update I LOVE THIS BITThe group made a small profit before interest, tax, depreciation, amortisation, and share option charges in the third quarter (based on unaudited management accounts). Not too many costs to offset then lol

FLX Sir Singh 04 Nov 2015

A new bill is being passed for cyber security Millions of business will be effected, The real winners will be the like of FLX. Sitting here patiently whilst people come over in big numbers.

TATE Broncomaniac 04 Nov 2015

600p Getting over 600p seems to be proving quite a challenge! It feels like TATE has been repeatedly bashing its head against the ceiling.I was thinking of selling out before it goes ex-div in a couple of weeks, if it can just break this psychological barrier I feel there could be another 20p gain there in the next two weeks. Just my gut feel of course.

HAWK 2desperate 04 Nov 2015

Re: An excellent Agreed, goes a long way to address my earlier point about liquidity concerns - which IMO was wholly valid and not simply "whingeing" as some put it. Let's hope the market reaction is sustained and reverses what I think is an excessive sell-off / devaluation even after taking into account the impact of the Saudi's.

PUR Ytong 04 Nov 2015

Dividend Does anybody have an idea as to the timetable regarding the 'special' dividend?

GBO The Millipede 04 Nov 2015

Re: AIM "No amount of research will discover a fraud"Not beyond all doubt, it is true. Probably but for the recent admissions of the now former CEO we would still be unsure about quite what was going on here...... and you can bet your bottom dollar plenty would still be defending the company and attacking Quintessential.But investing is about more than numbers and I would say, while I mention that point, that this is precisely Simon Thompson's weakness. He looks at the accounts and forms a view. For him that is the end of it and he has come a cropper now several times for the same reason IMO. At Polo Resources, for instance, he was constantly saying the stock traded at a discount to NAV so the share was undervalued, without trying to ask himself whether the NAV in their accounts was reasonable in the first place (it was not). Here, and at several Chinese stocks, he saw a large cash balance and low PE but did not think to question the motives of directors and seed investors who, in many cases, were selling out as quickly as they could soon after listing. At several other high profile AIM companies, including this one, the valuations have exceeded all reasonable levels even assuming no fraud..... the risk has pretty much always been to the downside here.You could argue the fraud Globo was hard to spot. I would say: there were enough red flags and plenty of us knew to avoid it. For a long time it was certainly hugely popular and overvalued. Call it instinct or a judgement call if you like but given that, generally, we knew not to invest in ANY of these companies that have either been revealed as frauds or whose share prices have tanked over the past five years or so..... I do not think it can be called luck.

GBO Topalov 04 Nov 2015

Re: Grant Thornton Jaknife,I notice you didn't quote this part of my post:"Off course it is more difficult when Directors have gone to the trouble of falsifying information."I was responding to the Millipede's post - my point being that auditors are not doing their job if they simply accept general ledger balances provided by the company. The question nis whetehr the auditors carried out their duties with proper riguor - it may be that the fraud was done in such a way that it would have been almost impossible for an auditor to pick up. The only way to know if the auditors were negligent is to look at the audit papers. As is now well known there have been many commentators questioning the accounts for some time, so some signs were there.

MTV bullbeatsbear 04 Nov 2015

remember the picture of the ipad playing live tv outside the apple shop anyone? ..... disgraceful!!!!