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MCO zulu principle2 04 Nov 2015

sold my holding Sold today sfter a peer said trading would be below expectation. Came away with a tiny profit. Reinvested funds in wyg.

INFI Boop 04 Nov 2015

Re: sold today, small loss on buy/sell but n... Ditto

CRV etadelete 04 Nov 2015

Re: CRV will continue rising.gla

ZAM etadelete 04 Nov 2015

big upset positive news for zam.more tormorrow.gla

HYR stratty 04 Nov 2015

Re: hiya ,end of summer good luck with Chesnara. Gave me a good ride up from £1.80, and dividend to boot.

AFR ldlv 04 Nov 2015

Court grants firmÂ’s injunction over Afren Plc Court grants firm’s injunction over Afren Plc[link]

GBO GCCR 04 Nov 2015

Costis Has anyone caught this F0ck3r yet ?

GBO GCCR 04 Nov 2015

Re: Grant Thornton - Class action Just registered there too. Has anyone considered that they may even have been in on this rouse ?

SPL jezza51 04 Nov 2015

Re: Something strange with SP something strange when the latest upbeat pictures from the site look like something out of scrapheap challenge. Almost comical - sure someone with endless optimism will find something positive... almost looking forward to the next monsoon when things will quieten down again. LOL

QPP eagle51 04 Nov 2015

Re: Meanwhile alternatively.............................I think they got too fixed on putting out the flames and weren't able to make the transition to looking to the future with confidence. QPP thus lost a lot of impetus. Nothing's really happened businesswise (that we know of anyway) for how long now? We're in the dark, although we know others have made good progress in telematics at least. What else does QPP do now (apart from PT Healthcare - whatever that is).How much do the directors bank for surviving? Job done (ostentatious hand wiping followed by; "Right, where's the next one - just show us the way; did you say £5m"?). Individuals parachuted in as saviours have to take measured risks for the good of the business to be worth a price of millions - and the risks have to come off. I don't now get the impression they have here. What risks?Yawn..........hardly worth holding at this price; the extra 10p or whatever is an insult and for me was the catalyst for careful thought as to what to do next. I don't really see why reducing the application for capital return by £44m should change anything - unless money's going out of the door alarmingly fast. So, to me, the risk of not getting court approval remains. What are the contingency plans?I'm doubtful the escrow money will arrive and don't really care anyway; it won't make much difference to my outlook on life and if this lot think people are going to hang about and wait to be told: "sorry - we did our best" (assuming they're still around when it happens) this time next year, they've made a bad call. if S&G is half the outfit I suspect it is, it'll belly-ache about everything it can think of and only half the escrow will come back at best. And I'm not sure anyone's going to believe whatever the new CEO thinks about the future, if he decides to tell us, unless it's backed up by some much improved numbers for H2. It was supposed to be before the end of this year but when is it now? March next year? Make that July; no, September; no, December, then it'll coincide with the 10p; hang on: 5p.What a great pity. It needn't have been like this.What's even more of a pity is that I find myself agreeing with you whole-heartedly, Mel (something MUST have gone badly wrong). I know what it is - being taken for a mug by people who can't lose from the mediocrity that stems from taking advice (for their own protection) from so-called 'professionals' who've never run a business in their life, but are extremely talented when it comes to advising others on how to do so.

PAR SalopTractor 04 Nov 2015

Looking at the ADVFN site earlier - it seems that Simon Hunt doesnt give 2 hoots for PAR or its shareholder

JQW I always get it wrong 04 Nov 2015

Re: Website restoration Does any one know if the website is now fully up and running?


Re: offer Agree, if larger Pharma firms see Regent Pacific trying to pick PLE up on the cheap with all share offer then maybe a cash alternative will arise from elsewhere.Fingers crossed as would prefer an cash alternative.GLTA

TIG OilPrince 04 Nov 2015

Not yet sold? This was on 2nd Sept in the FT"...Ian Spence, analyst at Megabuyte, the research group, said that “a counter-offer cannot be completely ruled out, given the weight of private equity money in the sector currently”.Has anyone heard anything?

LND JohnSalvage 04 Nov 2015

Grassy Pond Sill Growth of the existing resource to a minimum of 100,000 tonnes of Nickel Equivalent with the objective to:Sell to 3rd party.J.V. partnership to Development or Mineral PotentialGrassy Pond Sill: The Grassy Pond Sill, a favourable host rock for Ni-Cu-Co+PGE+Au mineralization, can be traced for a total strike length of approximately 20 km with thicknesses of up to one kilometre.The Grassy Pond Sill has only been tested in detail along a strikelength of approximately 1,000 m in the B4-7 Deposit area.