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RLD ANS 05 Nov 2015

Is this working yet?

IRG riddler24 05 Nov 2015

( IRG ) Independent Resources Plc – The first of several acquisitions [link]

SVE OmarInvestor 05 Nov 2015

Administration costs From last year's accounts, the admin expenses were largely directors' fees £90,000, audit fees £15,000, non-audit fees paid to the auditors £15,000 (presumably a large element of tax compliance feees) and an office for Bruce Rowan £18,000.There must be secretarial support fees for the directors also, but I guess that the bulk of the additional £100,000 would have been the costs of running a publicly quoted company - fees to the NOMAD, Stock Exchange fees and the Share Registrars' fees for keeping the share register.Omar

GBO Gooffy 05 Nov 2015

The Cash One of the reasons I invested was because it was cash generating and there was cash.As Auditors they should have seen evidence of the Cash, if not how can they agree it, I worked in a bank and we had to fill out forms for auditors.Just annoyed that I didn't heed the warnings.

TATE nk1999 04 Nov 2015

Re: 600p Results due tomorrow morning. That should sort out the short term direction (up or down)....Fingers crossed.nk

GBO winningstreak 04 Nov 2015

Re: not my fault Grant Thorntons are big accountants who command respect. Theirinvolvement with Globo, i.e. their preparations of Globo's accounts,could have led people to believe/assume that Globo's accounts might just be correct. ws

AFR shugg1e 04 Nov 2015

Re: Court Restrains Afren from Dissipation o... when do we get some money back once the assets are sold then?

AQP shugg1e 04 Nov 2015

over is rubbish please please vote this down AQP is worth far more

BIOG Einstein the Second 04 Nov 2015

Re: 550 support? Looks like it has put in a bottom for now, should see 8 quid at least I reckon.

MTU valeite 04 Nov 2015

what a discount £5.9 of share for a £5......and the top 10 portfolio that looks promising....too cheap

GBO Orchard Gate 04 Nov 2015

not my fault so you lot bought shares in a company which had many red flags and some commentators openly saying the numbers didn't add up or even that it was a fraud but now it turns out to be a fraud ... errr ... that must be somebody else's fault and not yours so you want to sue the auditors or the directors or the newspapers or your next door neighbour. Basically, anyone other than accept your own responsibility for being greedy and making stupid decisions.You're not all Yanks are you?

FBT forwardloop 04 Nov 2015

info & interview [link]

GBO Ripley94 04 Nov 2015

Re: The Sage N/M

GBO The Millipede 04 Nov 2015

Re: Grant Thornton - Class action "If lawyers are advising me that we have a good case and will take on the cost burden then who am I to argue...?"FFS. This mindset never ends. If Costis says this is a perfectly honest investment with great potential who is anyone to argue? Just invest. How can it go wrong?You are just fodder for other people's agendas. And you won't learn a thing from this. IMVHO.

BP mog 04 Nov 2015

So what has suddenly, changed, and I dont mean shale gas, . Who of these experts can any longer be trusted, .So it seems north sea gas was wasted, to close mining in UK for political reasons maybe? I suppose in 5 years the story will change just as dramatically. But it will not be by either wind or solar, more likely wave power, when the nimbys start getting cold. Some good victorian engineering, Big and heavy, with huge cogs and floating concrete . I am sure Brunel would have sorted it, there must be some more of his ilk still around, It seems there is no real political will to explore. They are more interested in their own survival. Come the next election, not what is good for all. Heavy industrial innovation in UK , and innovation, the leader of the industrial revolution , has it really gone? Hope not.