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ORCP Tempestas 05 Nov 2015

News. News getting better and better.

SGP oldjoe1 05 Nov 2015

SGP, BREAKOUT On Chart........... SGP SupergroupBreakout on the chart, next results mid December, things looking very Bullish. [link]

SGP oldjoe1 05 Nov 2015

Re: SUPER GROUP, FULL NOTE................. "The shares are trading on a cal 15E PER of 23.0x, falling to 19.5x for cal 16E. Thecorresponding EV/EBITDA ratios are 11.4x and 9.8x. Our recently increased and Quest®based TP of 1847p is unchanged."

SGP oldjoe1 05 Nov 2015

SUPER GROUP, FULL NOTE................. SGP Supergroup Full Note as promised earlier, looks very Bullish. Look at the target price at the end of the note 1847pCanaccord note<b><i>SuperGroup has delivered a strong H1 trading performance, with group sales up 22.4%over the period to £254.9m, ahead of our range estimate of £248m - £252m (+18%to +21%). This was driven by the Retail division, where total sales rose by 30.9% to£172.2m. The LFL component came in at +17.2% (CGe: +12% - +15%), breaking downas +19.3% in Q1 and +15.5% for Q2. E-commerce performance was highlighted as adriver, but was not quantified. We assume the strong momentum of H2's e-commercegrowth has continued throughout H1, before anniversarying in Q3.The non-LFL contribution of 13.7% was driven by a 21% year-on-year increase in ownedretail space. This included the US stores acquired earlier this year when the US licencewas purchased. Some 14 stores opened in H1, of which 11 were outside the UK andRepublic of Ireland, adding some 63K sq.ft. from the year end, and therefore on track forthe FY guidance of 120K to 130K sq.ft.Wholesale saw an 8% increase in sterling growth, despite the adverse impact of aweakening euro. This also includes some contribution, which we estimate at around 2%,from the North American business.The H1 gross margin performance will be above the group's full year guidance (range flatto +30bps). This is principally mix driven, due to the higher growth of higher margin retail,although these gains have been partially offset by adverse currency movements.Net cash stood at £80m at the period end, compared with £67m last year.The company has also appointed Nick Tatum (from Tesco) as Global Retail Director, withresponsibility for retail operations and logistics.The better than forecast H1 sales growth has led us to increase our FY16 PBT forecast by£2m (3%) to £71m. This is notwithstanding the much tougher sales comparative in H2,including the key Christmas period, a likely management bonus (not paid last year) anda slightly slower trajectory on the US recovery plan. These increases roll through into ourouter year forecasts as well.We now forecast H1 PBT of £19.0m, up 52% on last year's £12.5m, compared with the£17.5m - £18.5m range indicated in our note earlier this week - "Everywhere you turn isopportunity".The shares are trading on a cal 15E PER of 23.0x, falling to 19.5x for cal 16E. Thecorresponding EV/EBITDA ratios are 11.4x and 9.8x. Our recently increased and Quest®based TP of 1847p is unchanged.</i></b>

AMFW dazedandconfused 05 Nov 2015

Re: Dividend cut Yes, it is rather odd that, on the same day, they posted about good buys on Divis at 3 firms:In my view Amec's dividend could become increasingly hard to afford unless market conditions improve in the oil and gas sector. I think there are better buys elsewhere.

QPP eagle51 05 Nov 2015

Re: Meanwhile Crikey - I didn't expect to stop play. I was just letting off steam - the 10p reduced pay-out trod on a corn because I suspect they were never going to pay out anything close to £500m. What would be the point in committing to maybe leaving things tight? "Done up like a kipper" is the term and I don't enjoy that. I've written them off as people to trust. The alternative is they're too timid (but enjoy taking the money). I hope Plan A is to get the remaining businesses in as good a shape as possible and flog them to the highest bidders ASAP. The reality is that the brand has probably been so badly damaged that QPP or whatever it's going to be called (PPQ?) would be forever tarnished by the muck people like OG and TX2 continually dredge up to damage people like us (because they're types like that) and it would always be a struggle to make progress in a competitive field, where others don't have a millstone around their neck. Plan A would get the best returns in the shortest time, then everyone could get on with their lives and Rose et al could go spend their millions in fancy foreign places.I guess they'll tell us what's happening one day. Maybe.Qs for Mel:1. In SGH's June 2015 accounts, employee numbers were said to have grown 3x vs the previous year end (total 5350; 1400 Aus & 3950 UK). Most of the UK is PSD.2. SGH's revenues (11/12ths of it pre-PSD acq) in the year to 30/6/15 was £291m3. Edison (who imo aren't very bright) say revenues for 2016 will be £590m4 Given SGH (and PSD - now called SGS) are said to be a professional services businesses, why wouldn't revenue broadly be expected to treble (not double) if there are 3 times as many 'professionals'?No-one could have foreseen what happened to SGH's share price after the PSD deal was struck - but what happened, happened and directors of all companies have to react to actual circumstances. This silly pay-out of what is now £415m - maybe - was probably intended to make sure QPP's shareholders voted for the PSD sale (it wasn't needed - it would have gone through anyway) but it showed that the new team was bereft of ideas of what to do with the money. After all they'd been through perhaps one shouldn't be too critical of them here.However, things are now different and directors show their true colours by reacting to opportunities and taking bold and decisive action where it might may dividends. I don't like SGH because it has gearing of 43% (in reality it's higher because I don't like what they measure borrowings against) and companies that are cash strapped (in SGH's case because it's on tight repayment schedules) rarely perform to their full potential. There's also a lot more risk. Other than that, SGH look to have a smart team in place and seem to know what they're doing and have ambitious plans for the future. The share price fall has probably been overcooked.In a nutshell, if someone had said to me last week (or indeed this morning): "how about an all paper offer from SGH at 125p a share", I'd have bitten their hand off. Why 125p (value offered in SGH shares at A$2.40)? Because that's my conservative estimate of the value of cash in QPP at present). Yes, SGH's shareholders suffer dilution, but borrowings are gone in a flash, they get the escrow account, all the proceeds from the industrial deafness claims, the proceeds of sale of the remaining bits of QPP they don't want - and they can defend themselves against the t.wats at 'Your Downmarket Friend'. SGH's share price flies and everyone's happy. QPP has finally gone and the City and a lot of others get their wish.I'm now officially as mad as you, Mel.

RCDO II Editor 05 Nov 2015

NEW ARTICLE: Ricardo AGM: Something to applaud "It’s not often a shareholder stands at the end of an annual general meeting, thanks the board and the company’s staff, and leads other shareholders in a round of applause. But that’s what happened in the Diamond Room of Investec Bank ..."[link]

SGP oldjoe1 05 Nov 2015

Re: SGP, The Climb Continues........ "In addition, Supergroup reported higher than expected gross margins for the first half of the year due to strong high margin retail sales. And, with its bottom line due to rise by 12% in the current year and by a further 17% next year, its PEG ratio of 1.1 indicates that now could be a good time to buy a slice of it".

SGP oldjoe1 05 Nov 2015

SGP, The Climb Continues........ SGP SuperGroupComment from the TMF..................Also releasing an update today is fashion brand Supergroup (LSE: SGP). Its sales for the first half of the year increased by 22% versus the same period last year, with the company recording strong growth from both its retail and wholesale operations. The opening of 14 new stores during the period is further evidence that the company has clear expansion potential as it seeks to develop a true lifestyle brand, with its focus on improving infrastructure and on developing new and innovative product lines appearing to offer a clear path to long term growth.In addition, Supergroup reported higher than expected gross margins for the first half of the year due to strong high margin retail sales. And, with its bottom line due to rise by 12% in the current year and by a further 17% next year, its PEG ratio of 1.1 indicates that now could be a good time to buy a slice of it.[link]

PLE cassash 05 Nov 2015

offer regent and ple are still in discussions which may not lead to a concrete offer, with only £1m in the bank ple will need further funding come january. still very high risk here,no offer will see sp back at 2p level

APC riddler24 05 Nov 2015

VIDEO Apc Technology (APC) Richard Hodgson, CEO, growth potential. discusses the significant progress with the operational review, the solid base the company has and the growth potential. [link]

MOS wkdmarty 05 Nov 2015

W. T. F iii prices? Is anyone else having problems with iii prices. In portfolio view, it shows a 6% loss, then in discussion it shows a 12% gain.W. T. F iii, sort it out!

BVS valuemanbuyer 05 Nov 2015

Re: tumbling share price Reason for drop is Liberum sell note on all house builders - think there will be cost pressure next year and therefore limited upside as values are at record prices to assets.I think they're wrong and next year will be good .- especially at Bovids who will be building on cheaper land and have much higher returns .the upside case here is unique versus sector but has been dragged down .buying opp !

AMFW Baker2005 05 Nov 2015

Re: Dividend cut Motley Fool are total unreliable. They put out differing opinions on a change of the weather each day.e.g. on the 2nd Nov they wrote"Very sustainable Similarly, with Amec Foster Wheeler's (LSE:AMFW) share price having fallen by 16% since the turn of the year, it now offers a yield of just over 6%. Unlike BP, though, Amec Foster Wheeler's dividend is well-covered by profit at 1.7 times, which indicates that they it's very sustainable, even if profitability comes under pressure in future years. Looking ahead, though, the company is forecast to return to positive earnings growth next year, which has the potential to improve investor sentiment and push its share price higher. With Amec Foster Wheeler trading on a price to earnings (P/E) ratio of just 9.7, there is considerable rerating potential and this makes it a very appealing buy at the present time."anyone buying after that post woud be down >20% today. Caveat Emptor as they say...they should have one concensus view , rather than posting conflicting views IMO

MOS wkdmarty 05 Nov 2015

Re: Good call one4all I'm not short, I was burnt on the way down from 80p.Just waiting to break even then bail.