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MER Kendal Green 05 Nov 2015

Why the rise? Ok yesterday was a breakout and today it continues. Mears is suddenly showing strength not seen for many months. But why? No rerating has been issued or RNS so somewhat mystified.

AKR RichardLY 05 Nov 2015

Re: Hugely imprtant new today But SP showing something different?

ZZZ theprior 05 Nov 2015

Re: Trading update Seems I'm not the only one who dislikes the way today update was given.The market clearly doesn't like it !TP

LRE adriano 05 Nov 2015

Re: Solid 3rd qtr results What excellent observations.I thought the comment about consolidation without any follow up was very telling. T/O within a year methinks.When also considering a nice special dividend, then this is a superb buy at the moment.

QPP Orchard Gate 05 Nov 2015

Re: Meanwhile Couldn't be bothered to read all this guff (why so long winded?) but seem to recall saying a 100p payout in November as promised appeared unlikely and this bod and his mates pouring scorn on that. So in his usual long winded way, he is now admitting I was right, and the bod lot were wrong. Not 100p, not in November and still open to challenge in court (which I think is likely).

AMFW Kenj2 05 Nov 2015

Re: NEW ARTICLE: Dividend warning! "At the current share price - down 25% at 559p - Amec offers a prospective yield of less than 4% "I think that whoever wrote this cannot count. I have just bought 1000 of these at 569.2p including dealing charges.The interim divi 1000 x 14.8 p = £148The final divi 1000 x 14.2 = £142Therefore years dividend = £290 Dividing the divi by the cost of the shares = £5692.09 / £290 = 5.09%

SKS Oxtrader 05 Nov 2015

Half Year Discussion One of Shank's better Half years in a good while. They've re-positioned the business to match current levels of demand, whereas some of it's European trade has finally picked back up. I think legislation since January has started have an small impact on businesses to use services such as Shanks. Earlier on in the year, I was hoping for some slight consolidation in the Benelux area, however CVC Creditors accepted to write off 60%.. a big lifeline. Imagine if the bondholders for Shanks accepted a 60% paper loss hey!? SP would rocket.. ! (Source for above: [link] for Shanks is very much in the 'waiting' now, especially for the Derbyshire's plant:"Construction of the waste-to-energy facility at Derby is progressing well and is on track for full service commencement in the first half of 2017." and the return on the below quote:"We completed the £5m expansion of our Energen Biogas (EBG) joint venture at Cumbernauld in Scotland in September. The EBG plant has almost doubled capacity and is now the largest AD facility in the UK. A new gas-to-grid capability, to add to the existing electricity generation, will be commissioned in the second half"Will all take time. I'm thinking of doubling my share soon, 96 is a 'fair price' but there's a good chance of this falling too the sub 80's again. The dividend wasn't raised despite past efforts to prove they can, but I'm glad they didn't. The Pension debt is rising quite heavily, another thing to watch out for. Holding.

PGD I am your Huckleberry 05 Nov 2015

Best Borker to trade on Canadian markets please? Who does anyone use?

AMFW Kenj2 05 Nov 2015

Re: Dividend cut Buy for the Dividend.At current sp of 566p the interim divi of 14.8p, plus the 50% reduced projected 2015 final divi of 14.2p, represent a yearly dividend of just over 5%.

AMFW II Editor 05 Nov 2015

NEW ARTICLE: Dividend warning! "LSE:AMFW:Amec's decision to buy Foster Wheeler for $3.2 billion (£2.1 billion) last year failed to generate much enthusiasm among investors. The share price did rise when the oil services engineer flagged up the acquisition, but soon after ..."[link]

GBO holycustard 05 Nov 2015

Re: Class Action Remove the word 'getting' from my post below. (Incompetent fool that I am)

GBO holycustard 05 Nov 2015

Re: Class Action I too have signed up. Many thanks gallant02 for getting sorting all thisCheersHC

MCO out-there 05 Nov 2015

Re: sold my holding did you read the narrative on country wide? They are a different beast to MCO.rental market bouyant and growing which was highlighted in both countrywide and mco reports. Also mco has a totally different business model to about throwing the baby out with the bathwater.I wouldnt sell this fast growing rental franchise based business.

GBO Gerald99 05 Nov 2015

Re: Class Action Thanks Gallant I have registered with Sharesco

AMFW dazedandconfused 05 Nov 2015

Re: Sell off!! I doubt it - in fact, have just re-bought the 50% of my SIPP holding that i'd sold on Monday seeing as they're down 20% on that day's price. Didn't see the Foster Wheeler purchase as beneficial, but the rest of the 'original' business seems to motor along steadily enough.