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TCM acsatix 07 Nov 2015

ceo owns 20% this should put to bed thos spreading fear he may be a fraudster... at least he has quite some skin in the game to avoid the company goes bust one would cheer up...things are looking good.

AOR Gold or Silver 07 Nov 2015

Buy Buy BUY AMENDED NOTICE OF HEARING ON MOTION re:178 Plaintiff's MOTION for Protective Order and Memorandum in Support : (Notice generated by bcw chambers) Motion Hearing set for 11/19/2015 at 100 AM in Rm 7.300 before Magistrate Judge Brooke C. Wells. Please note change in courtroom. (lam)

GBO Ripley94 07 Nov 2015

Re: knievil If these types spotted something fishy why not regulators nomads ect.Maybe the old adage takes one to know one.

GBO Ripley94 07 Nov 2015

knievil Saw a site which points out the interconnection between the big shorters on this one.Backgrounds cause concern.

NBB broomfielder 07 Nov 2015

Re: Is this a Public Company? If it transpires we are that close to major Corporate activity then I can expect a bit a deaf ear as a response to my approach.From what you say if things get really interesting we might even see a reverse takeover and JM etc taking at least a partial exit at this stage. Well we can hope - depending upon the eventual structure of the deal of course.Secrecy when these sorts of events are pending is one thing but AIM Companies general lack of interaction with their shareholders is quite another.They do really need to waken up (IMO).B

SBLM BHP12 07 Nov 2015

outlook When going over this year's earlier press releases, there are a number of aspects that sound rather promising to my ears I must say, i.e. hearing the right signals:* Recently announced sale of non-core assets, which boosted cash reserves by ~$2 million* Restructured debt arrangements w.r.t. SA's Rietkuil creates future revenue stream potential of up to US$18.6m * Main focus on Nimba milestone development: Completing the technical studies and BFS - updates to be expected in due course (incl. further updates on plateau 1)* Nimba is described as high-grade, high-margin, low-capital DSO asset, there are distinct differences between Nimba and the sort of average ore mine already existing* Landmark 25 year infrastructure development agreement with Liberian Government, which is a sufficiently large time span / window to be able to export vast quantities of ore* While carrying out technical studies the non-core workforce in country has been reduced to conserve funds in readiness for moving into next development phase* Coal asset development in Zimbabwe: MOU signed with CITIC and supported by Republic of Zimbabwe and Ministry of Energy & Power Development - building on some sort of second main pillar supporting company's portfolio Exciting times ahead !rgds,BHP


Re: offer [link]


Re: offer [link]

NBB BOWOOD 07 Nov 2015

Re: Is this a Public Company? The loan was for two years and enough to do DD on a possible acquisition - RTO. I would expect news within the next couple of weeks or so as there would have been little point in raising Money too early. A comparable sized search company where the owner is looking for a listing and will no doubt become the CEO. We shall see.

VGM ExpatBill 07 Nov 2015

Latest Just received this email from my broker when I asked about selling my shares - ' I have today spoken to the dealer at W H Ireland. Unfortunately he was notyet in a position to take the order as the matched bargain service is not upand running yet. He is still awaiting confirmation from VGM and hopes thiswill come through in a few weeks but may take longer. He will notify us assoon as he can accept orders and we will notify you in turn at that time.'So the company is not buying the shares at the previously quoted price and it will only be possible to sell or buy through WH Ireland using the matched bargain service.If you have the shares in an online account you don't need to get a certificate - your broker will transfer them directly to the buyer.

NBB broomfielder 06 Nov 2015

Is this a Public Company? What may be expected by way of information made available to shareholders is severely lacking in NBB's case. This has simply been emphasised with the recent issue of Loan Notes (at 12% Interest) for purposes which have not been specified. The Interim Accounts suggested the possibility of an acquisition and this might well feature as organic growth becomes more challenging in an ever more competitive marketplace. I'm not expecting price sensitive information but the Bod here appear to operate in a vacuum. Perhaps I am being naive but hasn't the consistent slide in the Group's SP over recent months merited a structured PR counter argument on where NBB are headed etc?Don't they realise that by informing shareholders, keeping them informed etc it will widen the appeal of the Company (and its shares) to potential (and existing) Investors? I will update on any response I receive from NBB to my approach.B

AFR 3Dimensional 06 Nov 2015

The Afren 6 are a disgrace I hope that they remain unemployable until their deaths, as they defrauded and mislead investors for a long time.The SEPLAT bid was there on the table, they refused it saying it didn't offer value to shareholders, hopefully when they appear in the dock they can perhaps explain exactly what they meant by that.Glad to see the freeze on asset sales, I think when Afren appointed Alix, they knew exactly what they were doing by trying to sell off the silver on the cheap, maybe they too should be investigated.3D

AMI liu 06 Nov 2015

against who? ami is gone , people to , some C left , working fo Shan Steel Sierra Leone

AMI liu 06 Nov 2015

Then, investors like us can take legal actions.?

BVXP charlie51 06 Nov 2015

Re: Interesting Maybe this has cleared out the only current real seller in the market? Who knows, but this is a very interesting little company.