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TCM justfactual 07 Nov 2015

Let's Remind Ourselves There is a lot of nonsense being written by some commentators. Take a look at the below from the March 2015 results call. Oozi Cats describes the business and outlook. One of the key points to note is the long lead time into these big project wins and the reason R&D is treated as it is in the financials. Corporate governance is extremely high at Telit. Any comparisons with other less savoury stocks are way way off the mark. This is a proper business.'In this space, we are the leaders worldwide with about 31% market share and together with our two main competitors, we represent about 85% of the total market. The fundamentals of our acquisition create a very long go-to-market integral. It can take the lead as long as two years to develop a new family of products. From that point, it takes an additional two to four years depending on the vertical for our customers to design in certified with the mobile network operator and other regulatory bodies and a ramp manufacturing lines including the test line, which needs to test those newly designed products live on the network. This long process creates significant customer loyalty and very high barrier of entry.In Telit’s 15 years history we have built a massive sales and marketing footprint. We have 35 sales offices around the world and 60 exclusive distributors, who serve 5,000 paying customers, which already completed on average three years of go-to-market and some other 1,000 in the deign-in process. Our top ten customers represent only 40% of our revenues and are engaged in different verticals and geographics. To ensure the ability to deliver innovation in products and services, we have build up our R&D with eight centers and four continents staffed with over 500 engineers and support specialists.So what do we think the future holds? Telit expects to ship over a 100 million models in the next five-years and a total of 1 billion devices in the next 15 years. This is the huge real estate and therefore we have started in 2011 to build Telit platform-as-a-service in order to facilitate our customers with one stop one shop concept, and develop a stream of recurrent revenues maximizing our market position and building additional shareholder value. Slowly but surely, this early stage start-up coupled by the Chicago and Boca Raton based CrossBridge and ILS Technology acquisitions become a reality with a 130 dedicated employees and $20 million in revenue, up 104% from 2013.Each of those billion Telit modules will incorporate efficiency driving software agents which work and sync with our service platform for device management and application enablement. Leveraging the deviceWISE technology from our ILS acquisition, enterprise customers are able to quickly connect their remote EDGE devices to their SAP, Oracle, IBM corporate information systems so quickly and simply that we call it click-to-cloud. On the connectivity side, we continue leveraging first-mover advantage from strong partnerships forged early on with global operators like Telefónica, AT&T, Verizon, Tele2, Sprint, Rogers and a growing number of others. (Edit. Now also Swisscom)The value-added services we offer mainly around the mobile connectivity diagnostics also top into special software agents and APIs in our modules to enable creation of services that our customers can use to increase profitability and market differentiation. About a year ago, we concluded the acquisition of ATOP business from NXP Semiconductors in Europe as a cornerstone for the newly formed Telit Automotive division having more expertise and security and cyber security. Today with 120 employees in Telit Automotive, we concluded that the integration and aligned the offering into the drive toward the connected car era.'Read more: [link]

PXOG TheGreatGame 07 Nov 2015

Not sure.. .. but I think I bought some of these for 2pYippeee...

QPP eagle51 07 Nov 2015

Re: precis......... Thanks, aunty.Maybe RT isn't totally above criticism after all. I'd always thought he did a lot of work for charity and things like that..................

ACP Wonky_aim 07 Nov 2015

Re: Breakout?? Big volumes traded recently I can see this reaching 10p very shortly. Higher would be nice!

REDX pendil 07 Nov 2015

Why it's a buy This is an early stage drug development company but I believe a better bet than most for the following reasons:Their proprietary technology involves altering existing drugs. This seems to give a high probability that the new compounds will be both non-toxic and effective. All that remains is then then to establish that they are more effective than the existing drugs.this means they have identified I think 13 development candidates, at least 5 of which have advanced to pre-clinical proof of concept stage, mostly in the fields of oncology and anti-infectives.They have entered into 5 commercial partnerships including with Astra Zeneca and the NHS. This not only provides external validation of the technology but shares the cost of development and provides the potential for early income in the form of milestone payments (at the expense of course of sharing ultimate revenues).They have also been and continue to be very successful in obtaining grant funding for the research, such that despite the number of candidates they are progressing, cash burn was only about £4m for the last half year.It probably only needs one of their candidates to be a quite minor success to justify the current share price. More than that and the price will be a multiple of the current price in a few years’ time, assuming someone like Astra Zeneca does not snap it all up first.In summary, what distinguishes them from other early stage drug companies:• Number of drug candidates (not all eggs in one basket)• number of commercial partnerships• cost effective development programme.All this makes me a very happy holder.

GBO frigginrascal 07 Nov 2015

Greeks Never trust a Greek, low life. Make their country pay.It's time we find him and ......

QPP auntysatia 07 Nov 2015

Re: precis......... Pulling a number of quotes from what KPMG have written:"Each of the parties questioned provided a verbal explanation of their role....No two accounts are consistent to a degree that would lead to a conclusion that they reflect a true and complete account of the transaction.""Mr X denied any knowledge of zzz until recent events had revealed its existence. The emails establish clearly that Mr X was aware of and proposed to utilise zzz""Mr Y denied any knowledge of zzz before..... 13 August 2010. The emails establish that he was aware of the existence and purpose of zzz from at least 14 July 2010.""The current Directors have amended the accounting and disclosure of these transactions based on information that has now been made available by former members of management, former Directors and others in response to enquiries by them and by us and which was not part of the Group’s or parent company’s records and had not previously been made available to us.In a number of respects this information contradicts representations previously made to us by former members of management and former Directors as well as information contained in the Group’s and parent company’s accounting records and calls into doubt the previously adopted accounting treatments of these transactions and/or the values that were attributed to the transactions."In none of those quotes do KPMG explicitly state that anyone has lied - but the reader is left in very little doubt about what is they are implying.

OBT 3Dimensional 07 Nov 2015

Re: Great news again - perhaps perhaps the withdrawal from the cannery will actually save us costs in the long run, after all it was a JV anyway. Dried fruits are all the rage at the moment as they preserve all the vitamins, whereas canned fruits are laden with sugars and preservatives and acids, not to mention the aluminium that the acids leach from the tins.I'm not a nutritionist but I'm sure the management know what they are doing and after the last two RNS's it cements my feelings, so for now in them I trust.Cant wait for the forestry spin out and price of the new free shares. Would also be nice to see our products on the Airbus 380 rolled outbefore I fly off at chrimbo, but maybe asking too much with that request 3D

PGD Antiques Of Woodstock 07 Nov 2015

Where Do We Go From Here? Good afternoon All285,205 shares exchanged hands for a total of £4,278.00 writing at one point just under £4 million (20%) off our market cap.Utter madness.Before stepping down - BH steered us into this cul-de-sac with few options remaining and now we await those with the controlling interest to make a decision regarding the company's future direction.'Altruistic' or 'self interest'? Personally I believe that we already know what the future holds as detailed in the Final Results RNS 19th May 2014:‘……The Company will be investigating opportunities to raise this additional capital, however, the continued volatility in equity and debt markets coupled with the current gold price indicate the existence of a material uncertainty that may cast significant doubt on the Group and Company's ability to continue as a going concern.'Eight months before that ‘revelation’ on 20th September 2013 I posted the following on this bb:'......Something does not feel quite right here. - I am getting the feeling that major shareholders stakes are being increased which is pushing everyone else into more of a minority position.Now if I was Carlos and I wanted to move the company back into my private ownership - what better way than to build my shareholding in this way?This smacks of a management buy out.'Whilst there are those also invested in this company who totally disagree with my opinion on this - I fear that the facts speak for themselves and further suggest that the position in which we find ourselves has been deliberately engineered by our management enabling the 'chosen few' to obtain a controlling interest at the expense of the rest of us.......And before anyone makes a 'quip' about why am I still holding shares if I believe that the company is in such dire straights - may I respectfully point out that the market cap fell by 20% with just 285,205 shares exchanging hands and as my shareholding runs into many multiples of the aforementioned this would not do anyone any favours least of all myself. However the main reason why I am still here is that there are growing numbers of Private Investors including myself who invested in PGD having undertaken extensive research based on what we were told by our management at the time via RNS’s and in person also at AGM’s - who now feel that the information which we were given has proven to be 'unsound' at best – deliberately ‘misleading’ at worst – however ‘hope’ always remains that there is a ‘master plan’ yet to be announced which will turn the company’s fortunes around.Should it be necessary to take action – it is always far better to do so from within – but for the purpose of ‘balance’ there are others on this bb would make us believe this of course is an irrelevance as the Concert Party/Management has all of our best interests at heart and not just their own.AOW not sceptical nor looking at things through 'rose tinted spectacles’ - just basing conclusions on ‘fact' coupled with 30 + years of investing experience some of which was in a professional capacity working alongside teams of fund managers investing the collective monies of others in companies who’s net asset worth was not reflected in their market cap.Time will tell – but how much time do we have left?A share price of 75 pence dropping to 1.5 pence - that's the reality - with a new share placing at 4.5 pence not so long back in which i did not participate for reasons stated at the time with those disagreeing with my opinion taking up their share allocation and investing yet more at that time. Certainly no pleasure from me watching fellow investors losing yet more hard earned cash - an utter disgrace as far as I am concerned with the money that was raised not being used for the stated purpose behind that fund raising.Good luck all…

PGD Antiques Of Woodstock 07 Nov 2015

Wher Good afternoon All285,205 shares exchanged hands for a total of £4,278.00 writing at one point just under £4 million (20%) off our market cap.Utter madness.Before stepping down - BH steered us into this cul-de-sac with few options remaining and now we await those with the controlling interest to make a decision regarding the company's future direction.'Altruistic' or 'self interest'? Personally I believe that we already know what the future holds as detailed in the Final Results RNS 19th May 2014:‘……The Company will be investigating opportunities to raise this additional capital, however, the continued volatility in equity and debt markets coupled with the current gold price indicate the existence of a material uncertainty that may cast significant doubt on the Group and Company's ability to continue as a going concern.'Eight months before that ‘revelation’ on 20th September 2013 I posted the following on this bb:'......Something does not feel quite right here. - I am getting the feeling that major shareholders stakes are being increased which is pushing everyone else into more of a minority position.Now if I was Carlos and I wanted to move the company back into my private ownership - what better way than to build my shareholding in this way?This smacks of a management buy out.'Whilst there are those also invested in this company who totally disagree with my opinion on this - I fear that the facts speak for themselves and further suggest that the position in which we find ourselves has been deliberately engineered by our management enabling the chosen few to obtain a controlling interest at the expense of the rest of us.......And before anyone makes a 'quip' about why am I still holding shares if I believe that the company is in such dire straights - may I respectfully point out that the market cap fell by 20% with just 285,205 shares exchanging hands and as my shareholding runs into many multiples of the aforementioned this would not do anyone any favours least of all myself. However the main reason why I am still here is that there are growing numbers of Private Investors including myself who invested in PGD having undertaken extensive research based on what we were told by our management via RNS’s and in person at AGM’s - who now feel that the information which we were given has proven to be 'unsound' at best – deliberately ‘misleading’ at worst – however ‘hope’ always remains that there is a ‘master plan’ yet to be announced which will turn the company’s fortunes around.Should it be necessary to take action – it is always far better to do so from within – but for the purpose of ‘balance’ there are others on this bb would make us believe this of course is an irrelevance as the ‘Concert Party/Management' has all of our best interests at heart and not just their own.AOW not sceptical nor looking at things through 'rose tinted sunglasses’ - just basing conclusions on ‘fact' coupled with 30 + years of investing experience some of which was in a professional capacity working alongside teams of fund managers investing the collective monies of others in companies who’s net asset worth was not reflected in their market cap.Time will tell – but how much time do we have left?A share price of 75 pence dropping to 1.5 pence - that's the reality - with a new share placing at 4.5 pence not so long back in which i did not participate for reasons stated at the time with those disagreeing with my opinion taking up their share allocation and investing yet more at that time. Certainly no pleasure from me watching fellow investors losing yet more hard earned cash - just sympathy for every single one of us.Good luck all…

MIRL The Preston Plumber 07 Nov 2015

RNS 6/11/2015.... Any fair minded reader of the above RNS must agree that the Board had been managing the company in a professional and capable manner until the intervention of Mr Benavides.Mr Benavides actions have been contrary to corporate governance and have severely affected the future viability of the company.The only hope shareholders have, in my opinion, of saving their investment Is to support the Board at the EGM on 26/11/2015 by voting against all the resoluti

AGTA Count Quesnay 07 Nov 2015

EBOLA Sierra Leone declared Ebola Free by World Heath Org.Great News - hopefully, for AGT and us long suffering shareholders !

IHG Proverbs 26 vs 5 07 Nov 2015

Re: 6% RISE TODAY Takeover chatter picked up by GCHQ.

AMFW Kenj2 07 Nov 2015

Re: Sell off!! Lambrini,Barely a week ago, on 28th October you posted a BUY recommendation when the sp was around 730p.Then on Thursday you offer this rather lame and weaselly statement."lookin at 20 year chart could hit £3 best avoided for a advice this year has been trading only/bank quik profits..proven well here.. "How were investors expected to take profits after following your BUY rec?The sp was lower for the next 4 days. Only on the 5th day did the sp rise above 730, touching 748p before it came crashing down.You are very quick to claim credit for calls you get anywhere near right.So, now with the sp a full 200p lower, is it not time for a little humble pie?

BA lagolis 07 Nov 2015

Re: Price drop I got in at 4.98. It has been dropping ever since. There is never any comment on BAe SP. I am holding hope on what Quester and Investors chronicle have commented. May be one day I will be able to get my money back.Directors sold out at around 5.20. I was crazy to buy after knowing this.Lagolis