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RRS RichardLY 08 Nov 2015

Re: Gold and silver will be resurgent In July China dumped a massive 5 tonnes in one go, dropping the market (i.e. they certainly weren't buying at that time) - what has it been doing since is the big question to me e.g. selling smaller amounts covertly, nothing, or buying back?That was the Chinese authorities though. At the same time the Chinese stock market came down sharply and many PI's (and probably some II's) who were massively overinvested or over leveraged, had to sell gold to avoid wipeout. Has that stabilised, and are they starting to buy back substantially, or not?What views do RRS investors, or potential investors, have on the above (the former seems factual the latter logical, I'm not 100% sure how factual?)?

OXS luckyman2 08 Nov 2015

Re: Message to the BOD You wonder why he said "the very near future".You would think that he had learnt his lesson from the last time he gave a time frame for our result.Why did he not just say "the near future"

QPP oilovlam 08 Nov 2015

Re: precis......... I don't wish to take sides in any way but I am interested in the terminology that professionals - like accountants & lawyers - use to cover their backsides.Surely if two people from the same organisation gave you contradictory information then one of them would be lying. What is the point of accounts if the management can feed the accountancy firm a total load of baloney. Surely the accountancy firm have to stress test some of the assumptions. They should at the very least qualify the results if they are less than satisfied. Investors have nothing much else to go on than the audited results...if that is open to 'contradictory' information being fed to the accountants then what is the point. The accountancy firms earn a huge pay packet and they cannot get out of any culpability or responsibility by saying they were lied to (or by indicating that they weren't given correct information even). It is plain and simple in my opinion, they weren't doing their job properly. Unless any alleged fraud was too sophisticated as be to reasonably spotted (despite people hinting at 'issues' for several years).

OPRA quackers1 08 Nov 2015

Proposals soon The Company expects to present the Acquisition and equity financing proposals to its shareholders for approval during November 2015

TCM zulu principle2 08 Nov 2015

Paul Scott I'm a holder of Telit and of the view the shares look good value.However I'm not one of these rampers who slates anyone who thinks differently to me.Paul Scott is someone who's views I respect. Some times he is wrong but often correct.So to people who might invest here do a little research around what Paul is saying. If you are still not sure invest elsewhere or reduce your possible investment.

GBO gallant02 08 Nov 2015

Re: Greeks Someone on the ADVFN web site claims to have recently spoken to Costis at Globo, suggesting he hasn't done a runner but is trying to help. He apparently confirmed there isn't enough money around to pay all creditors, but no mention of any possibility of selling any valuable IP.Hope that means they managed to freeze his share sale proceeds before he got his mitts on it....

OXS Brookie Boy 08 Nov 2015

Message to the BOD Mr Shead and fellow directors,It was back in September that you stated the outcome would be known "in the very near future". In most reasonable people's view this would be within a month or 2. Please can a more definitive timeline be given along with reasons or expectations for any further delay. Investors can then make a more informed decision.

TCM acsatix 08 Nov 2015

sierra wireless i think the main reason of the fall on friday was the sierra wireless outlook fo the current quarter well below market expextations. It sent sierra shares down 20% on friday.... so this was a read-through on telit shares. it should recover from here.

QPP eagle51 08 Nov 2015

Re: precis......... aunty - that's a coincidence; I can't find anything either.No doubt Orchard Gate will provide a link to back up his unqualified statement.What are you doing up at this hour - I thought I was the only one who didn't subscribe to normal hours, having decided years ago to sleep whenever I'm tired and the reverse. Makes for an unconventional life sometimes, although the postman hasn't commented yet on the variations in my dress code or how I look on the odd occasions he needs a signature. Delivery drivers are the worst; the afternoon ones always expect you to be up.

QPP auntysatia 08 Nov 2015

Re: precis......... eagleFirst of all I must apologise for being a little mischievous in my last posting.I believe that all four quotes are from reports issued by KPMG, but the first three related to a company other than QPP. I actually obtained them from here:[link] fourth quote is taken from the audit report in the QPP 2014 Annual Report.I have not seen anywhere a public statement from KPMG where they state that they were lied to by QPP board members.They have stated that there are contradictions between information that has now been provided to them and representations previously made to them by the former managers and directors. They have further stated that these inconsistencies 'call into doubt' the previous accoutning treatment - but, to my knowledge, they have not gone so far as to accuse anyone of lying.(Similarly in their other report linked to above, they have not actually accused anyone of lying).

GBO give the dog a bone 07 Nov 2015

Re: Greeks ah now that's a tad harsh. after all the greeks cant be all bad since they are giving the Syrians and the various immigrants temporary shelter on their islands before shipping them north to the promised island of milk and honey... aka the UK

QPP eagle51 07 Nov 2015

Re: precis......... aunty - I wonder if you can help as you seem to have done some research on the subject. In your considered opinion, if someone were to make the following statement in connection with events over the past 18 months in QPP, would it be true?"the company's auditors have stated publicly that they were lied to by QPP board members".Thanks in advance.eagle

SRX donkey derby 07 Nov 2015

Ebola declared over Well done to the people and for the efforts of the British support units.

TMZ Mr Google 07 Nov 2015

Sotera Wireless - Gunner Trommer interview An interview with Gunner Trommer of Sotera Wireless.9 minutes into the interview, there is discussion on some of the barriers that Sotera are facing which are also applicable to Toumaz.[link] Health and Life Sciences General Manager Eric Dishman sits down with Gunnar Trommer, Ph. D., Vice President, Marketing and Business Development at Sotera Wireless, to discuss the company's new wearable form factor that measures vital signs and transmits the data wirelessly to a physician and into an EMR. The device is able to continuously monitor blood pressure readings and provide ICU-level diagnostics.Note that Intel are an investor in Sotera Wireless.

MIRL M-A-L 07 Nov 2015

Re: RNS 6/11/2015.... I don't know what you are smoking, but it must be good stuff.