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TRAK Blanketstacker 09 Nov 2015

Re: looking good It is never wrong to take a profit, especially one as good as that. I missed the boat on this one, but my VERY basic charting suggests this could drop back to c200. The Stockopedia stockrank is no longer that impressive and the PER of 20+ is a bit scary. If it were me I would cut it back to a free float and be very smug indeed. In the meantime I have money in GLEN, so what do I know!!!!!!!(Very well played sir!)

QPP eagle51 09 Nov 2015

Re: Any Mel - re you being fixated on Joubert, find out if he has access to overseas holiday accommodation it is unlikely he could afford out of his ref's wages........................the way he ran off the field suggests he may have thought in advance about what he was going to do when he made himself unpopular with a few whingers of nordic descent.Aussies are noted for it.

QPP ValleyFloydRoad 09 Nov 2015

Re: Some Positives..... There is also some revenue to come from SGH for their share of the NIHL claims, how much I don't know but it'll be something and it should be costless as it'll just be case of banking the cheques. Sometime next year they plan to publish a strategic review of the on-going businesses and they need to focus on these few businesses and cut their losses on the non-core/loss making stuff which will simply drain revenue. They need to get this review out PDQ along with an assessment and more details on the retained businesses. The challenge for the new board is also to improve relations with shareholders and the City generally, a lot of potential investors will be put off by the connection with RT so they need to be full and frank in their communications and demonstrate that they are starting things off afresh.

GBO Hardboy 09 Nov 2015

Re: Greeks "Someone on the ADVFN web site claims to have recently spoken to Costis at Globo, suggesting he hasn't done a runner but is trying to help."The original RNS from the NEDs did say all execs have made themselves available to sort things out. I did not believe that (maybe they said they'd be on the end of a phone if required) but maybe t is correct.I heard today the UK is building lots of new prison space - I hope it's not too palatial.

TAST GoldSifter 09 Nov 2015

Re: sold my holding Just sold out as well at 196p. How did you get a PER of 25? I was thinking it was around 40. I'll also be back in on any significant dips, hopefully around the 180p mark gla

QPP Benson4trak 09 Nov 2015

Some Positives..... 1. After 90p cash dividend, there will still be potentially 185m pounds left in the way over cash in bank, cash in escrow and money to come from S&G.2. If RT and fellows are not in any way found guilty of illegal activities having been the man bodies responsible for accounts then QPP will not be found guilty.3. The legal services division was where the accounting irregularities occurred which is now part of S&G who having done full due diligence where aware of these issues, and also as that is now part of S&G it should be their problem. S&G may claim some of the money in escrow as warranty however.4. QPP will retain 3-4 very good businesses with potential for massive growth which already have significant footprints in North America and Europe and who's employees are respected. Despite posting a loss, the company has cash to weather this until the new MD gets us going.5. We have a new Board of Directors and all the old rotten wood has been cut. People have come on board with very good reputations and they would not take the challenge lightly and knowingly shred their image.6. The board are being honest with shareholder and interested parties. They are trying to do exactly what they say. The future cannot be predicted and if they have to tailor their desired outcomes do to market and other forces, then I expect them to do so as this is what they are paid for. Look at BP and Vodafone. They said they would raise and hold dividends despite falling divi cover/lower oil price/ fiercer competition - VODAFONE IS HAVING TO BORROW MONEY TO PAY THIER DIVIDEN AND THIS IS AFTER THEY GOT ALL THAT MONEY FROM THE SALE OF THEIR PROZED ASSET VERIZON!!!!!! So for our Bod to suck it up and tell shareholders to wait a bit for the 10p divi to make up 100p as promised is very prudent and in my case welcome.I want QPP to survive and flourish and I believe it will albeit in a different guise to the legal company I invested in.IMO, ALBBenson

OXS LOUISJAMES_5 09 Nov 2015

Indy Blah Blah Blah Blah Blah

BA skimp 09 Nov 2015

Re: Price drop I guess the dividend is worth the investment.

TRAK zulu principle2 09 Nov 2015

looking good My largest profit I have had for one company. 2016 Per very high at 25 peg is ok2017 per is a tad high at 18 but peg great at 0.45Thinking about reducing as have nearly £20k profit.But prospects here very good especially in USAWhat to do

TLW jaja 09 Nov 2015

RNS in JLP !!

GKO thirty fifty twenty 09 Nov 2015

at 93p bid approved ,3mths to 98p CASH EGM today passed bid as per documents 98p within 3 mthsa further c.2p maybe within 12 mthsand the rump PLC with tax losses whatever value that might have.All INHO, DYOR + BoLGKO is in my top5

TPL Ripley94 09 Nov 2015

Re: RNS @ 12.17 pm showing up 87%sell on spike ( my experiences of AIM says i should )Buy into uptrend ( fed up with AIM )I'll just hold .

KBT r21442 09 Nov 2015

IC continue running profits Another major contract win for K3 Aim-traded retail software company K3 Business Technology (KBT: 361p), the Salford-based supplier of software to the retail, manufacturing and logistics sectors and provider of managed IT and web hosting services, has won a major contract for its "ax|is fashion" solution with one of Germany's major online retailers, K-mail Order GmbH & Co.The order has been secured through K3's channel partner in Germany and is its second order through a global systems integrator, and the second win in Germany, the largest market for fashion in Europe, in under two months. In mid-September, the company announced that it had won a similar contract with Munich-based TriStyle Mode GmbH, a leading European mail-order fashion retailer. I commented on the significance of that deal at the time ('Small-cap value plays', 22 September 2015). Clearly, investors have taken note as K3's share price has risen by a further 22 per cent to 352p and has now risen by 64 per cent since I initiated coverage on the company ('Tapping into retail growth', 16 Sep 2014).The expansion of K3's third-party sales network has been a key focus for the company over the past 12-18 months and is a significant part of its growth strategy. Head of equity research Andrew Darley at broking house FinnCap notes that "as well as demonstrating execution of the potential for territorial expansion into Europe, the US and the Far East, the contract was also secured through a new channel partner, contributing to an expanded channel partner network which offers additional promotion and sales routes to market". Mr Darley also makes the valid point that although the scale of the contract is not disclosed for commercial reasons, the award underpins unchanged financial forecasts, with ongoing revenue from software licence and support renewals.FinnCap predicts that K3 should be able to increase revenues by 8 per cent to £90m in the 12 months to end-June 2016 to boost pre-tax profit by more than a third to £9.7m and deliver EPS of 25.4p, up from 19.1p in fiscal 2015. On this basis, expect the payout to be raised by a fifth to 1.8p. The respective forecasts of analyst Katherine Thompson at Edison Investment Research are for pre-tax profits of £9.3m, EPS of 23.7p and a dividend of 1.65p. Putting the rating into some perspective This means that K3's shares are currently trading on 14 times fiscal 2016 earnings estimates using FinnCap's top-of-the-range estimates, a single-point rating discount to the average earnings multiple for the small-cap UK software and IT services sector. Mr Darley has a 380p target price and believes that the current rating "seems to be appropriate to a Microsoft reseller, not a provider of its own ax|is IP, so there is still plenty of upside". K3's core business offering is a Microsoft Dynamics-based range of retail software that provides a single platform for the entire business. Last year, K3's sales of Microsoft Dynamics-based software products rose by more than half to £7.4m, representing 9 per cent of its revenues.Edison believes that the shares should trade up to at least 15 times earnings estimates to give a minimum target of 355p. So although that target has almost been hit I feel that the potential for further contract awards will not only underpin the sharp rise in profits forecast this year, but are likely to drive the price higher towards Mr Darley's 380p target. Run profits

TTR Rab Munro 09 Nov 2015

Re: Share Price No, but I have serious regrets about not buying into this. I've had it on my radar since 30p but never pressed the buy button.

TPL suka47 09 Nov 2015

RNS [link]