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QPP eagle51 09 Nov 2015

Re: Watchstone .....not sure 'stone' is the right choice - 'wood' might have been better[link]

GBO eagle51 09 Nov 2015

Re: Greeks The problem is that the walls of the older prisons are too thick and wi-fi doesn't work properly in some of the cells. Sky's an issue too.

QPP onewayticket 09 Nov 2015

Watchstone Last few statements on QPP have hardly the most inspiring. Wasn't impressed with the return to shareholders and having to wait to December for a steer and hardly the most inspiring of names Could have connotations of falling like a ..... if things go against the company. Who thinks these names up. Still out with the old and in with the new. Own due diligence

VLK kevlarr bandini 09 Nov 2015

Naked Trader buys in. From the Naked Trader website;- "Onto something a bit higher risk. I made a packet on Vislink (VLK) shares a while back and noticed recently they were falling heavily and also noticed plenty of support for the shares in the 30s - we looked at these live at the seminar and considered these were coming down to a very cheap price and would be a buy at any moment. I bought the day after with level 2 looking strong.Consider this as a higher-risk shorter term idea and looking for 20% or a return of the share price to something like 42-5p. Shares have been under the cosh on restucturing fears but they look overdone.Staying with higher risk I've bought some Flowgroup (Flow) - like Vlk it has been hit badly recently with the shares whacking down by well over half.As with vlk this looks overdone and similar to vlk I am looking for shorter-term gains initially - but.. if it carries on with its current strength there is possibly longer-term hold here. "[link]

TRAK Rab Munro 09 Nov 2015

Re: looking good Yes, well done. Can't believe I've had this on my radar for the last 5 years and never bought, but it was only the lack of dividend that stopped me. The policy of insisting on a dividend has served me well in the past, but obviously not on this occasion!

AFRI akaDolly 09 Nov 2015

Re: What d*ya reckon? Also, take a look at what they say about the experience of the marketing people and UK food consultants they will be working with. All very secret squirrel at the minute

TALK Spain Fund 09 Nov 2015

Re: Another quick profit @ 253.80 Back in at 214Weather been sunny and mid 20's. Home at weeke

SGP onewayticket 09 Nov 2015

Re: SGP, broker update.... Not done too badly out this one for now.Own due dili

TRAK kevlarr bandini 09 Nov 2015

Re: looking good Zulu,Stick with it. Weren't you thinking of selling some a few weeks ago? It's gone up since then.This could go to £8 £10 £12 or more maybe in 3 or 4 years. Look at how fast its going up. Its doing that for a reason, because the market is waking up to the massive potential that this company has. Dont just look at the numbers but also look at the size of the market this company is addressing and the opportunity for growth, thats why its going up so much. In the stock market It's not just good stock picking that makes you money but also sticking with the good stocks once you've picked them. It's shares that are going down that you need to worry about not the ones that are going up. In a portfolio of 10 or so shares it's typically only one or two stars that provide the lions share of the gains with the rest being either lossers or modest gainers. If anything you should be concentrating on selling your worst performers to provide more funds for investing in your best. As Nicolas Darvas said in his book "I have no reason to sell an advancing stock." If you haven't read Darvas's book "How I made $2,000,000 in the stock market" it's well worth a read.Remember, it's not just the picking its also the sticking!Kevlar.

AFRI akaDolly 09 Nov 2015

What d*ya reckon? something or nothingObtala Resources RNS from 6th. Ever so interesting if you have an imagination. No reason to think, well actually, every reason to think, that this could involve us in any wayMy reason for interest is that they took onboard, very recently, Emma Priestley. So what? Well wherever Emma goes, David Lenigas, Donald Strang and Geoffrey White, never seem so far awayMs Priestley also, ex? LonrhoTake a look at what they have to say about the new relationship they have with the "Trader"

QPP melrosian 09 Nov 2015

Re: Any Dont worry. I am a broken wing/lost cause type. Once we have fixed him up with a New Stone directorship. He'll be fine.He could, like the rest, afford quite a lot. Mel

GBO TX2 09 Nov 2015

Re: Greeks Re new UK Prisons;I wonder which will happen first the new UK prisons built or anyone previously employed here facing trail.I don't expect either within the next few years........Although I accept the possibility that certain parties might have the funds to buy one of the luxury flats they are intending to build when the old Victorian prisons are sold & converted.

TPL 3Dimensional 09 Nov 2015

I think i will wait until next year when these will be trading late teens, these have got 19p written all over them, or I doubt Olisol would have been so keen to finance for 8.5p per share if not.Its accumulate and hold for me3D

SRX Donatron 09 Nov 2015

Some SRX articles Following on from the analyst presentations, this one shows the company's expected rutile prices:[link] to increase from middle of next year say the company.Additionally, with the welcome news that SL is now Ebola free, John Sisay and the company are in articles in Forbes and the NY Times:[link] helps to raise the profile of the company (and no doubt to raise the profile of John Sisay).

TTR pharmaspecialist 09 Nov 2015

Re: Share Price Yes fouriron, I am also a bit surprised and I did post on 24th September just after purchasing. However, I have found that the number of posts does not correlate with the quality of a company and research has shown that some of the worst companies have the most posts. Some of the companies I regard as excellent long term holdings hardly have any posting activity so perhaps this is a good sign. I bought because 32Red has an excellent return on capital employed and is apparently quite conservatively managed, with a good track record and a CEO with a huge financial stake in the business. On the other hand, I don't understand why people find its bingo/casino products attractive, but the financial figures clearly indicate that quite a few do!