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MTV jump22 09 Nov 2015

There is an article on slashdot, that mentions a new set top box mandate, the idea being people are paying to rent multiple Set top boxes, where 1 device they own out right would be much better, does anyone think MTV, can exploit this market area?

QPP ValleyFloydRoad 09 Nov 2015

Re: Watchstone I wonder if this was the inspiration for the name change?:[link]

IMIC Zwaxxob 09 Nov 2015

Re: Loan Notes due to ex_Aferro sharhold... Good news today that IMIC have received funding, so, I expect that we will get payment from our Afferro shares (as I understand it that's 56p per share payable end-Dec15). 40p per share @ 8% p.a. for 2 years

ECR bsr 09 Nov 2015

Re: Big fall today Yep.... we've been shafted...!! LOL

JQW woodee 09 Nov 2015

With only 28% In free float, the ups and downs will be over accentuated dramatically. IMHO at 4.5p this is being played so well. Even if profits are halved JQW would still be worth 10p.Once the news is out that they have only lost 12% of their customer base and that profits will only be down the price shoved back to where it should be.

LWRF coldascheese 09 Nov 2015

Lightwave with music system A new wireless hi-fi player has just launched (similar to Sonos) offering connectivity with Lightwaverf.Review looks good. [link]

ECR TruroBoy 09 Nov 2015

Big fall today Neither news nor discussion comment to help explain today's 41% fall. Any ideas?

DIVI The Millipede 09 Nov 2015

Re: put option I have been wondering about buying in here but have decided to go for the open ended version (Miton UK multi cap income) since - at least through Hargreaves Lansdown - the charges are lower and you buy at net asset value whereas the investment trust trades at a premium.Seems like a good outfit (I also hold shares in Miton Group) and I especially like the FTSE put option.

TGL Hedgehog100 09 Nov 2015

Re: GOS: 2nd. Mears Fears = Bears shed Tears... Typo amendment, with apologies (change from "2006":"Mears (MER): Bought in 1996 for just £50K., and floated on AIM in October of that year."

TGL Hedgehog100 09 Nov 2015

GOS: 2nd. Mears Fears = Bears shed Tears! GOS Systems: 2nd. Mears Fears = Bears shed Tears! Mears (MER): Bought in 2006 for just £50K., and floated on AIM in October of that year. 2001 MER’s market cap. had topped £50M. the end of 2006, it had topped £200M. Currently £459.08M. at 450.5p. " … Bob Holt, who purchased Mears in 1996 for just £50,000 and brought the company to the stock market, has sold 2m shares for £5m, or 250p each. It means Mr Holt holds just 1m share options in Mears – which is now worth more than £200m … "[link] GOS Systems: Bought by Touchstone (TGL) in November 2014 for a nominal sum: "Inclusive of a nominal consideration for the assets and goodwill, Touchstone has committed a maximum of GBP250,000 to finance the acquisition and to enable GOS Systems to fund initial working capital requirements."[link] 1st. July 2015 TGL was able to announce that GOS had become an "important and valuable asset": "The Company's investment in GOS Systems ("GOS", a security sector focused technology business, is at the core of Touchstone's investment strategy. In the opinion of the Board, GOS has become an important and valuable asset. TGL's recently announced investment in Cambridge Quantum Computing Limited is complementary to the GOS business, as is TGL's investment in Smart Desk Systems Limited. It has now been resolved by the TGL Board, subject to shareholder approval, that: -- any future acquisitions that might be made will be complementary to GOS; -- GOS' chief executive officer Jamie Ridealgh be appointed to TGL's Board as TGL chief executive officer; and -- the Company's name be changed to GOS Systems."[link]

LWRF coldascheese 09 Nov 2015

Appoints new distributor Denhams now a Lightwave distributor-their sytem on the front page of Denhams website hxxp:// is part of Rexel one of the largest Electrical Distributors in the world with sales in excess of £11 BillionDenhams have 77 branches covering the country.Lots going on with Lightwave at the moment, next RNS should give us some insight into their progress and give a lift to share price which has been down of late.The potential of the company has always been exciting if they can really get the sales moving up and having this distributor which sells to the electrical installers network could really get things moving fast.

TTR BeaglePup 09 Nov 2015

Re: Share Price I'll be honest that it was Simon Thompson in IC that drew my attention to this one and I punted a bit as he's had some good results. My own investigation supported his tip, and as I'm in GVC too I'm not unaware of the potential rewards with this sector in terms of cashflow.

MIRL Kenj2 09 Nov 2015

SP Angel's view Minera IRL (MIRL LN) SUSPENDED – Minera IRL Limited board calls EGM to remove Diego Benavidez The Board of Minera IRL have announced the calling of an EGM of the company's 99.99% owned Peruvian subsidiary Minera IRL S.A. The resolution calls for the removal of the General Manager, Diego Benavides, the Minera IRL S.A. board and the repeal of powers of attorney. "In accordance with article 117 of Peruvian Corporations Law, the Board of Directors of Minera IRL S.A. is mandated to call for such EGM by no later than November 11, 2015." The move highlights the board's desperation to remove Diego Benavides and exert their control on the company and its subsidiaries. We continue to support Diego Benavides in his EGM vote to remove the board of Minera IRL London. We believe Mr Benavides has been working in the best interest of shareholders to maintain gold production and to advance the new Ollachea gold project. We do not see the actions of the Minera IRL Limited board as conducive to the addition of shareholder value. * SP Angel analysts are expressing their own views and opinions in this analysis. SP Angel has no corporate connection with Minera IRL or its subsidiaries. SP Angel holds no shares in Minera IRL and does not have any current financial arrangements with the company.

TALK onewayticket 09 Nov 2015

Panorama 8.30pm tonight. [link] due dil

WTM thirty fifty twenty 09 Nov 2015

at 88p 4m traded 4m traded and price holds in high 80's....this might be interesting development -they seem an obvious take over candidate but then again have been for years so that wasn't on my radar.good to see some-one buying in even as a long term holder at this price...All IMHO,DYOR + BoLWTM is in my top5 hldgs