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GBO eagle51 10 Nov 2015

Re: Reuters Someone should send that Reuters article to Cameron and Osborne and a few others and ask them for their comments. A complete systemic failure. 100% - except of the market's nose at the end. Had market conditions been better? Who knows? What would have happened if a big acquisition been made? We don't know the scale of the illusion so can only speculate.Bill Cash MP fought for years to get a bill read in the House on more effective shareholder representation on the boards of listed companies but was consistently denied. In latter years, Frank Field was said to have taken up the challenge when Cash ran out of steam or became otherwise occupied (perhaps turning his attention to his expenses?). I wrote a long and constructive letter to Frank Field that wasn't even acknowledged. Says it all.The Treasury makes more by regulators not interfering.

BA Hawk Eye32 10 Nov 2015

Re: Price drop Skimp, I'm in these @ average £3.90 been here for years not a lot of growth good yield in isa or have tax advantage. Have thought meany times should move then think where can I get almost 5pc on my cash?

ULT wulwirth 10 Nov 2015

Re: the plan left click the links' slide cursor across, till the link is blue, right click it - open the web page link..

ULT wulwirth 10 Nov 2015

the plan Click on Williams and then Hudson.[link] down to Hexagon, click it then click - officers and see who is there, isn't it PB and family....PB pulled out last March from one associtaed company, making ready for the plan...Go to Hexagon Solutions LTD and see the web they weave...[link] Temple Square...[link] set up..[link]

HOME II Editor 09 Nov 2015

NEW ARTICLE: Trends and Targets for 10/11/2015 "HOME RETAIL GROUP PLC (LSE:HOME) has been getting headlines, due to Argos being part of the company. But despite the headlines today moaning about an Argos website crash, something happened to HRG's share price in mid-October and it appears a ..."[link]

GBO Trystano 09 Nov 2015

Reuters Here is a good article on the situation (more around the failed high yield bond failure).[link] took the link off a post on the LSE board

JQW hubster 09 Nov 2015

Re: With only 28% I'm intrigued as to how you could reasonably expect them to have retained 88% of their customer base? Their attempted recovery of market share could easily use their entire cash reserve, whatever that truly is. I suspect they will have to offer their product at a massively discounted rate (possibly free) to their previous customers in order to have any chance of retaining business. They key thing is that JQW had promised to pay a dividend based upon profitability - this clearly now has zero chance of happening, so the chance of investors buying back is equally remote.

APC riddler24 09 Nov 2015

100% Owned. EEVSInsight M&V, crucial for effectively evaluating #energyefficiency project savings, learn more @EMEXLondon stand F75 [link]

BIOG stressboy 09 Nov 2015

Re: 550 support? Yep, you're 'just north of 600p' support was bang on.SO.Is this the start of the return to an uptrend? Or will we see a lower high and the drift continue with a lower low to come...Mulling it over......

PCI trickler 09 Nov 2015

Re: The SP... yes I'm a LTH - I think that entitles me to an opinion tclr

MIRL The Preston Plumber 09 Nov 2015

Re: RNS 6/11/2015.... At least you've got a sense of humour.

QPP shabby 2 sox 09 Nov 2015

All along the Watchstone would have given the new name some street cred.

PGD Antiques Of Woodstock 09 Nov 2015

Re: Uruguay Good evening AllMakes no sense that PGD already has a load of gold but no money to bring it to production – yet the company is looking to diversify and spend money which we do not have on new projects in Uruguay.Clearly the funds have to come from somewhere – so either the company will be further diluted by the issuance of yet more shares to raise the funds which would be financially crippling to existing shareholders at the current share price – or perhaps we will be selling off part of our existing portfolio or entering into some type of JV with a lump sum up front – possibly retaining some future share of production.Could another company in which the Concert Party investors are involved be looking to buy out some of PGD’s undeveloped gold plays – for some cash upfront to enable us to venture into Uruguay?Only a wild guess – but we have only heard a small part of the unfolding story.As things stand – we are looking to diversify yet we don’t have the money to do so – therefore impossible to reach any informed opinion on this until we are told the master plan.Good luck all…

QPP eagle51 09 Nov 2015

Re: Watchstone VFR - I had the same thought initially. Then I realised they'd never risk naming themselves after anything Scottish.............

TPL 3Dimensional 09 Nov 2015

Thanks to Olisol and Pope Asset we still have a going concern and a great asset, if it wasn't for them we would be in the sheet with the lousy Nostrum deal and our shares would be worthless as their SP is down to around 430p.God save America and TPL 3D