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ECR TruroBoy 10 Nov 2015

Where are you botmzup? Looking back at posts over the year I see that you were very bullish back in December and January but then fell silent.Can you offer an explanation?

OXS marcelluswallace 10 Nov 2015

Re: Ask the BoD BB,No one could disagree. The point is that the process is out of his hands. He will know the answers to at least some of your anticipated questions for only a very short period of time before disclosure to the market. If the intention is only to irritate rather than effectively progress, carry on.MW.

OXS Brookie Boy 10 Nov 2015

Re: Ask the BoD I was actually thinking of something constructive. Shareholders are allowed to ask Qs, don't you know, and expect good communications from the Board (so we shouldn't care if he appreciates it, it's part of what he gets paid for).

SFE valuemanbuyer 10 Nov 2015

Re: CEO Share Purchase Bought in yesterday due to share price weakness and strong sales and earnings growth

HRN MoleMan99 10 Nov 2015

Don't get fooled I don't think anyone is left here interested in investing, but if there is it is probably time to proclaim this is in terminal decline now.Best not get fooled by the siren song hidden inside the trading statements, this up, that up, James Bond, hope for the future, etc.Go to any model shop. They will tell you the truth. You don't need to hear it from me.Leave the shares to the few large owners now and let them get what they can from it. For those who love their models and childhood memories, brand Hornby/Scalextric/Airfix will survive, I just think Hornby PLC will eventually fall apart or delist. No future for true investors.Over and out.

FDM loadsadough 10 Nov 2015

FDM FDM. Doing well today. The chart started going up in May/June this year. "Thanks Stan your advice its working well". The chart is rising up the 50 WMA, it dropped to the line, and up she goes. The profits are also rising. Looks like it might go up for a while here.PNA Also doing well today, did a nice RNS, up she goes..Loadsadough

LEAF tiltonboy 10 Nov 2015

TerraForm Power results TerraForm figures came out after the close last night. They seem confident that the deal with Invenergy will complete by the year end.

GBO winningstreak 10 Nov 2015

Globo's subsidiaries According to today's RNS, Globo's subsidiaries are not affected by all this. Now, who do those subsidiaries belong to? I would have thought Globo to be the owner of its subsidiaries, and thus all of the value in the subsidiariesto belong to Globo;'s shareholders, i.e. not the respective directors ofthe subsidiaries? And... who are the directors of the subsidiaries.....Am I entirely wrong here?ws

PGD Antiques Of Woodstock 10 Nov 2015

Re: Uruguay Good morning AllAOW about to leave for France so a post before I depart.The more I think about this recent announcement the more I distrust what little we know.For many years we have been told that PGD is sitting on a valuable asset base of multiple gold plays in Patagonia with Lomada having much more gold than is reflected in the resource figure which was deliberately kept low to avoid triggering a penalty payment.With the Barrick agreement renegotiation now far behind us and the Argentinian election well underway – one thing for a dead cert is that Kirchner will be replaced and it is likely that whomever replaces her will be looking to attract inward investment which bodes well for the likes of PGD.Whilst historically we were prevented from bringing Huemules into production because of the mining moratorium – those restrictions may well be lifted with a rekindled appetite for encouraging companies to engage in profitable long-term activity on which taxation revenue for Argentina can be generated. Makes perfect sense - and with Argentina in a default position with regard to the debts that it owes which has done nothing positive to enhance it’s International financial credibility – this has to be the right way forward.Therefore PGD is likely to be moving to a position whereby opportunities will present themselves which previously were impossible to exploit due to political restrictions.This latest announcement is all about moving company focus elsewhere and chasing new opportunities in Uruguay – not exploiting existing opportunities on which we have spent huge amounts of our money and time lining up in Patagonia.I have a horrible feeling that our asset base is about to be ‘cherry picked’ by another company in which the `Concert Party investors’ are involved with us ending up with a lump sum which nowhere near reflects the value of what we are giving away – with the logic being that we have run out of cash and that if we do not take the ‘King’s shilling’ that we will not be able to continue as we are effectively moving towards insolvency.Yet we have a ‘get out’ and along comes a ‘Saviour’ to bail us out who will give us some cash enabling us to run with a fantastic new opportunity elsewhere and who will use their own funds and the new political climate in Argentina to exploit and bring to production PGD’s previously undeveloped plays and if we are lucky we might even get a small cut of those play’s future production.All a guess but if my ‘musings’ are anywhere close to what is unfolding – what a clever way of executing exactly what the Concert Party set out to do.This is pure guesswork – but one thing for sure – we do not have surplus cash to bring existing gold plays to production or to chase new opportunities elsewhere so what other possible explanation could there be?Perhaps I am being uncharitable and we have found a ‘shed load’ more gold in Lomada which will give us a huge resource uplift figure which in turn means that we will have loads more net cash-flow looking for a home over the medium to long term. Having said that – if this were the case we should have been told of this development well before we were advised as to how we will be spending the proceeds.Hmmmm.Good luck all…

PRES zulu principle2 10 Nov 2015

: bought a few today Bought back in at £1.78 after positive trading updat

TPL bertie20 10 Nov 2015

Re: Thanks to Olisol and Pope Asset Offers as I remember it.Nostrum 10.6p then down to 7p (share deal).Olisol 8p.AGR 8.26p.Olisol letter of intent for nearly 8.5p.I like it.Bertie.

OXS indaknow 10 Nov 2015

Re: Ask the BoD Dear Richard You said that we would receive news in the very near future. 5 weeks have passed since you made this comment, yet we have received no news. I asked everyone on iii and advfn whether 'in the very near future' meant days, weeks or months. Over a thousand posts later I'm still not clear. Richard, can you please tell me when we'll get the news? You must have this information by now. Please tell me. I can't go on wondering when we'll get news. Please tell me. Maybe you could call the arbitration result helpline and see if our result has been lost in the post? Please. Brookie - will that do? I'm sure Richard will appreciate traffic about something he can't do anything about!

GBO GCCR 10 Nov 2015

RNS - Times up Well there we have it. We hAVE to find out where these TVV@TS live.

OXS Brookie Boy 10 Nov 2015

Ask the BoD Morning allIf you have made an investment here why don't you kindly request an update be issued by the BoD, or pose another question? I will be doing so today. Also good if you could post on iii when/if you have done so - message traffic helps get companies' attention more than you may [email protected]

QPP eagle51 10 Nov 2015

Re: All along the Watchstone Bit tame, shabby."Watchthisbabyfly plc" might have been more attractive to a particular type of investor. It's price that counts - the more people you can attract, the higher it goes. They'd all be entitled to their money back if it didn't as well.A win/win.