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QPP melrosian 10 Nov 2015

Orcadians are the most thrawn people on the planet. ( You will have to google it).They will make things work in circumstances where nobody else can.Maybe that is the message they are flagging up?Mel

GBO JakNife 10 Nov 2015

Re: Globo's subsidiaries Shareholders have shares in the plc. It is the plc holding company that is in administration. The plc holds shares in various subsidiaries that are mainly still running and they belong to the plc. In theory therefore the subsidiaries indirectly belong to shareholders.But the piece of the jigsaw that's missing is the debt. The debt is at the plc level and one of the first priorities of the administrator will be to repay creditors by running the business as a going concern so as to realise maximum value.The RNS tells you that the administrator does not expect the banks to be repaid in full, hence there will be no value left for shareholders.

GBO winningstreak 10 Nov 2015

Re: Globo's subsidiaries Costis would surely not be involved in one of the

QPP melrosian 10 Nov 2015

In that ....district there is a farm called "Ball0q*oy" . Brilliant address. Most suited to The Watchstone plc HQ address.Mel

QPP melrosian 10 Nov 2015

Re: Watchstone The Watchstone is in the Stenness district of Orkney. Just up the road is another district called T*at. Stick a "w"in there and you get the idea. It would be wonderful to move the Watchstone HQ there. Would you not agree Mr. D'Arcy? Accuse a ( scandinavian) orcadian of being scottish and you will get right up his or her horned viking helmet. Anyway, the dowry of Orkney and Shetland to the Awk king included a contract where 14000 silver merks were to be paid to Norway. Well guess what, those mean Awks did not pay. There is a vaunted notion that it is still Norwegian. There are no trees in Orkney so acorns are not useful. I brim with confidence at the new branding, Wouldnt you agree Mr. D'Arcy?Mel ( who has an antecedent from Hoy)

GKP riddler24 10 Nov 2015

IRG. DOC HOLIDAY ON AUDIOBOOM [link] IRG 1LongJohnSilver Tunisian farm in targeted for this month also I believe [link] … [link] ….

IRG riddler24 10 Nov 2015

IRG. DOC HOLIDAY ON AUDIOBOOM [link] IRG 1LongJohnSilver Tunisian farm in targeted for this month also I believe [link] … [link] …

GBO dkok 10 Nov 2015

Strong Whiff of the Seaside! I am ata complete loss as to understand how the so called administrators can within only a few day of being appointed, decide that there will be nothing for shareholders and apply for de-listing, effectively wiping us out as any kind of creditor to the company.I understood it was an administrators role to seek means of the company continuing or failing that, get the value out of the company and distriubute accordingly to the various classes of creditors (thier fees being No.1 creditor of course!!), before any closing of any class of share etc.?!!Clearly, the scale of deception here is huge for the supposed cash at bank etc. and assets to suddenly be worth nothing, and the level of debt to be much higher than the assets.!! Otherwise, we are all being turned over as well by the Auditors.Never did trust accountants! Trust them even less now.dkok

GBO The Millipede 10 Nov 2015

Re: Reuters "The Treasury makes more by regulators not interfering."Well there is certainly an argument that says better for the authorities to generate revenue from people who are too stupid to see the pitfalls here than from.... well..... anybody else.

GBO DrRadcliffe 10 Nov 2015

Re: Globo's subsidiaries I don't think you are wrong. That was my first thought when I read the RNS.

SRX Donatron 10 Nov 2015

Re: Investec cut price target to 28p This was definitely a result of the analyst visit, by the way. Still can't read the research note, but it's referenced in this article:[link] here is some of what was written:Analyst Hunter Hillcoat recently visited Sierra Rutile’s operations in Sierra Leone and clearly came away impressed, saying it was a well-established operation, capably run by a good mix of skilled local and expatriate staff.“This gives us comfort in the company’s ability to implement and manage its future production plans,” Hillcoat said.Hillcoat thinks the price of rutile will stabilise in 2016, with things starting to pick up from 2017, as customer demand increases as inventories start to run down.“While longer-term growth will be somewhat reliant on improved market conditions, we have made no changes to our modelled forecasts given that we anticipate a product price recovery from 2017, as market balance is reached,” the broker said, as it reiterated its 'buy' recommendation.“Our NPV reflects the growth potential within the company, incorporating the Gangama project (Phase 1 currently running on-schedule and on-budget, with anticipated first production from 2Q16) and a risked valuation for Sembehun,” Investec said.

BIOG rugosaplants 10 Nov 2015

Re: 550 support? The wise thing to do is buy in small chunks each month. If the price continues to increase, you will feel comfortable, but if it drops away, you will not feel you are losing much. I have employed this thinking in the past and life is much more relaxed as a result.

SRX Donatron 10 Nov 2015

Record October production It would appear that we've had record production in October. The article seems to be stolen from a DOW Jones Newswire (which is a subscription service that I cannot access), so they only give you the first few lines before taking you to a completely different website that has nothing about Sierra Rutile:[link] it's written by this guy:[link] also writes for the Wall Street Journal:[link]

SMA mantrova 10 Nov 2015

Re: SMA being bought today Flying now!m

MER Uncle Doug 10 Nov 2015

Re: Why the rise? No idea about the recent improvement. Hit 460 this morning before retracing to 445. Illiquidity in MER will always cause large jumps but over the year MER has trended between 380 and 470 and the yield is quite decent. They survived the summer meltdown which seemed to affect nearly everybody else and the momentum is on the up now. I think an ageing population and govt policy favouring care in the home will be good news for MER and I will be sticking with this solid company for the foreseeable future. Very positive guidance from the company and an average broker rating of hold and TP of 462. All good signs and I expect MER to revisit 470 again by end of year and a significant breakout well above 500.