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SMA Fese 10 Nov 2015

Absoutyy leak, Tomorrow will be 3p+

TRAF BOWOOD 10 Nov 2015

Interest A little interest today. Deal tomorrow or included with the interims?

GBO winningstreak 10 Nov 2015

Re: Globo's subsidiaries Did Globo not acquire a Company not so long ago. We were not told thename of the company nor, I don't think, the payment for that Company.Who owned that Company, who bagged the payment....Or am I wrong in thinking that every aspect here stinks to high heaven?ws

GSR JamesBZ 10 Nov 2015

Anyone here? All quiet, apart from the little surge today.

OXS indaknow 10 Nov 2015

Re: Richard Shead How do you mine 'golf' Lou Lou?

QPP Aum23 10 Nov 2015

Consolidations In AGM 19th June 2014 - there was a consolidation which said:Resolution 8 proposes that the Company consolidates its issued share capital so that every 15 Existing Ordinary Shares of £0.01 become 1 ordinary share of £0.15 (“Consolidated Ordinary Share”. And Nov 2015 AGM it says:the Company proposes to consolidate its issued share capital so that every 10 Existing Ordinary Shares with a nominal value of 1 penny (after the effect of the Reduction of Capital) become 1 ordinary share of 10 pence (the process being the "Consolidation" and the shares being the “Consolidated Ordinary Share”. Just wondering how the effect of the reduction of capital we got to a nominal value of 1p per share from 15p per share. Can anybody elaborate.Thnx

GBO TX2 10 Nov 2015

Re: Globo's subsidiaries It is normal for some or all of the executive directors of the holding company to also sit on the boards of subsidiary companies;in addition the board of subsidiary companies may include other people,usually senior management of that company.While it is probable that Costis and other former exec directors also sat on the boards of subsidiaries;I presume they have also resigned these posts.Cash balances can be held within subsidiary companies but it is normal for the holding company banker,where it is also a lender to the group,or indeed any other secured lender, to have cross guarantees between subsidiaries and holding company to secure its debt.In the case of Globo Barclays appears to have about 13 secured charges between holding company & subsidiaries.(These can be seen free of charge on-line on Globo's docs at Companies House).I imagine Globo's administrator has looked at group debts,including secured debts and also at cash and the probable value of other assets and rapidly drawn the conclusion that the former considerably exceed the later.Remember shareholders are last in line for payment and are only due any surplus after all other parties have been paid in full.

GBO GCCR 10 Nov 2015

Legal Action - Share Soc JFI..........although most will be aware already....... Roger Lawson <[email protected]>12:51 PM (2 hours ago)to Graham Probably some months away because we need a lot more information than we have at present.Roger LawsonTel: 020-8467-2686On 10 Nov 2015, at 118, Graham Cole <[email protected]> wrote:Thank you for this update. Just one question if I may.......When do you expect to have a view on whether the "legal action" you mention is viable ? On Tue, Nov 10, 2015 at 10:32 AM, ShareSoc <[email protected]> wrote:

SGZ horaceanddorismorris 10 Nov 2015

Bananas! Absolute bananas! So somebody sells 918 shares with a value of £6, and the share price drops by almost 10%!Madness, even by MM standards!And who the heck bothers to sell £6 worth of shares anyway?!

HSTN theprior 10 Nov 2015

Is it the exchange rate ? Now around 1.41 from recent range 1.35/1.36Or is there another reason for the recent decline in sp ?TP.

SMA danbrown83 10 Nov 2015

Re: SMA being bought today activity today is hard to watchBack to profit - then back to a small lossIs there a leak in takeover or JV - are we looking at 5p+ or is it just the hype we have seen a few times.We know what is happening behind the scenes - its when a deal is done and at what price for me

MKLW shareordie 10 Nov 2015

Re: Results Muck low can't be taken over without the family consent as they own so much of the equity .And the family won't sell unless they get a massive premium as this is there family silver.

MKLW shareordie 10 Nov 2015

rns Made very good reading,looks like lots of new developments in the pan,and looking forward to some pe let agreements once the marketing starts.This is why mklw are such a fine investment, they do all the right things at the right time,and keep debt low,so they don't get there hand forced in times of trouble.

PRES zulu principle2 10 Nov 2015

Re: : bought a few today Go to sites like digital look they will show broker forecast.My software has 2015 at 13.4p and 2016 17.1p so a little above that so I would say a max of 5% above thos

ACP Wonky_aim 10 Nov 2015

Breakout imminent Hold on this is about to take off!!!