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MIRL zombynation 11 Nov 2015

I'm voting hodges out and hold a good sum of shares here

PGD chutes 11 Nov 2015

AoW Absolute horseshit BTW.

AFRI akaDolly 11 Nov 2015

Is something stirring? [link] on the Advertising the brand in the Middle East and it shows the Afriag magazine. Publish date Dec 2015. Quarterly magazine for Afriag?Taken from Obtala RNS -Could there be any Afriag Marketing going on? representatives recently attended a major fresh vegetable exhibition in Dubai which has resulted in strong demand and interest from eight Middle East based trading companies. The Company is currently finalising packaging requirements for the end users and is in discussions with Emirates Airlines about acting as our carrier of choice for the products.

QPP eagle51 11 Nov 2015

Re: Good news, bad news OG - pass this on to your hero, T Winnie-Rivington, will you? What he's clearly struggling to understand is probably in there somewhere - apologies for not explaining where, but I fell asleep at para 356; line 4,234 (section IV, sub-section V iii -1,2 69 and upside down does the trick). Only just woken up.[link] happening? What day is it?Has the share reached 0p yet? Has the court denied the money? Is anyone there?

QPP eagle51 11 Nov 2015

Re: Edison Research The board didn't know at the time what skeletons might remain in the cupboard, Mel. They were still finding out until well into the second half of 2015, which is what led to the delay in preparing the 2014 accounts and having them audited, leading to the long period of suspension. Like you, I've bought some SGH where the fall has been overdone I reckon - those responsible for crippling the price have cleared off to feed off another chosen victim. SGH's connection with the name: "Quindell" must have been manna from heaven. The attack was because a 'glitch' resulted in VAT being included in some of SGH's sales and expenses in last year's numbers (no cash or profit effect - a c.ock-up the auditors didn't pick up - them again - they've had the sack and E&Y, I think, have been appointed). Once the price is crippled, it's a heck of a struggle to get it back up but the next set of results should do it if your theories are correct, Mel. I agree with you as it happens, which is usually the kiss of death.Bad news to me that we get one share for every 10 previously held. For a holder of 100,000 shares (say) this means that when the 90p's been paid, he'll only have 10k share valued at 1p instead of 100k. I'm sure they could have thought of a better way to do it. Won't make a blind bit of difference to the accounts in practical terms - no-one ever looks at share capital except for directors 'in the money' options (there'll be millions I should think), but the cash will be much lower. 'Watchpaintdry' will be a tiddler competing in a big world. I hope Mukerjee gets busy and sells the lot - unless he's going to tell us the future is orange whenever he decides to tell us what's going on - if he doesn't forget.Darkness gets to one in the end. Yawn. This hasn't been well handled at the end.

ECR bsr 11 Nov 2015

Re: positive results from Itogon Looks like YA already sold......LOL!!!

ECR bsr 11 Nov 2015

Re: Its time! I don't suppose you would like to re-iterate your comments again would you botmzup????.....................

ECR bsr 11 Nov 2015

Flat line.... I guess this will be the new low area that it will kind of flat line around....Probably only worth a punt now...Company just ticking over making nothing but paper discoveries and unlikely to make a sale of any of the projects that they control...Looks like Clayson and co. making a living out of it if nothing else.... at our expense.....Might as well just hold and see what happens... can't see anything positive here now...Oh well.... more fish in the sea...Fart.....

PRES Ripley94 10 Nov 2015

Re: II bombed out 24/7/15 1.79

ALNT I Wish I Knew The Answer 10 Nov 2015

Re: Platform Q3 results out tomorrow - II in... Results out already and will disappoint analysts as eps lower than forecasts 6c s opposed to 10c analyst consensus so will probably go lower tomorrow.For the three months ended September 30, 2015: • Pro forma net sales for the third quarter 2015 were $597 million, a decrease of 15.5% on a pro-forma as adjusted basis compared to third quarter of 2014. Pro forma constant currency net sales were $602 million, an increase of 2.2% over 2014 constant currency sales of $590 million; ◦ Performance Applications segment: Sales were $180 million, a decline of 8.7% from $197 million in the third quarter of 2014. On a constant currency basis, sales for this segment were essentially flat, declining 0.2% or $0.4 million; ◦ Agricultural Solutions segment: Pro forma as adjusted sales were $418 million, an 18.1% decline from $510 million in the third quarter of 2014. On a constant currency basis, pro forma as adjusted sales grew 3.2% or $13 million; • Adjusted EBITDA for the third quarter 2015 was $115 million, a decrease of 18.6% compared to the third quarter 2014 on a pro-forma basis, but was essentially flat on a constant currency basis, declining 0.4%; ◦ Performance Applications segment: Adjusted EBITDA was $55 million, a decrease of 2.3% from $56 million in the third quarter of 2014. On a constant currency basis, adjusted EBITDA for this segment grew 8.1% or $4 million; ◦ Agricultural Solutions segment: Adjusted EBITDA was $61 million, a decline of 29.2% from $86 million pro forma as adjusted EBITDA in the third quarter of 2014. On a constant currency basis, pro forma as adjusted EBITDA declined 6.9% or $5 million; ◦ Pro forma as adjusted EBITDA margin was 19.4% compared to a margin of 19.9% in the year-ago period on a constant currency basis; • Reported net loss attributable to common shareholders was $122 million, compared to net income of $12 million for the same period in 2014; ◦ Net income decreased primarily as a result of increased interest expense, foreign exchange losses and acquisition related expenses; • As adjusted diluted earnings per share were $0.06 compared to $0.18 per adjusted diluted earnings per share in the same period of 2014; • Adjusted recurring free cash flow was $67 million, or $0.28 per adjusted diluted share compared to $36 million or $0.25 per adjusted diluted share in the same period of 2014.

ALNT I Wish I Knew The Answer 10 Nov 2015

Platform Q3 results out tomorrow - II increases stake Q3 results out tomorrow before US market opens. Large investor (Wellington Management Group LLP) significantly increases their stake to 24,599,623 11.67%). Report filed after market close today.Some interesting links below (DYOR)[link]

QPP Orchard Gate 10 Nov 2015

Re: Good news, bad news In case you hadn't noticed Lucky Sid, I didn't write the piece, I simply posted it so people can read it and make of it what they will. So maybe wind your neck in, otherwise people might think you're an angry, aggressive chav.

SAB gamesinvestor 10 Nov 2015

Expected formal offer [link] formal offer tomorrow.Games

QPP Lucky sid 10 Nov 2015

Re: Good news, bad news Just for the record not all people that live in council houses are chavs and plenty of chavs are wealthy individuals. Comments like this make a mockery of this board.And just for the record, I run a PLC and deal with investors daily, most of which are sensible individuals who do their best to understand what they are investing in but every so often an uneducated smartarse with a superior attitude like you turn up. Fortunately they are few in numbers.

HYR indibay 10 Nov 2015

Re: hiya ,end of summer hold on,ches have increased divi for sixth year in a row,,as your divis come in so your risk goes down dont know old you are but in not so many years you will be on free money for the rest of your life. now you know why i get so savage over this company which after so many years are still fumbling along. do they really need an incentive scheme to bring it to some kind of reward. i suppose i should revise my thoughts on the incentive,,,hmmmmm m perhaps if it could be held up to as much as seven pence.keep in touch. ps.. got some in amlin but thats a bid...have a look at lancashire holdings. another sweet divi