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PRES Ripley94 11 Nov 2015

Re: II bombed out 24/7/15 uptrend.

SOLO jackson 11 Nov 2015

the real thing is ,TPDC want 5% for free ., if they not give for free, GSA will never happend

SOLO jackson 11 Nov 2015

what he will say ? NR will tell us ,GSA delay ,,,,maybe next week ,next year ,,,maybe ,.....nobody knows , NR and JB they are not good CEO ,because they not tell something true.... more than 1year waiting for GSA ,share holder not believe anymore..

BRAM TX2 11 Nov 2015

Re: update Depends how long a view you are going to take!Weakness in oil,aviation & steel industry and maybe automotive parts suppliers if VW situation continues........Still if you bought @ 150p things have improved in the last hour for now at least!

URA Matthew555 11 Nov 2015

Sellafield reprocessing I saw a thing on t.v about Sellafield clean up and they have a way of cleaning the uranium to use it again so there's probably the reason prices keep going down.

QPP ValleyFloydRoad 11 Nov 2015

Re: Good news, bad news . If you are a council house dwelling chav who thinks £1000 is a big trade the odds are that you will be under your annual relief for CGT.............So how did his prediction that the SP of Quindell would be zero work out? How did his prediction that the purchase of the PSD would never happen work out? Now he still can't let this go...he got this one badly wrong and still he wants to put the boot in. Someone also ought to explain to him that CGT only kicks in when profits are made, many retail investors will get nowhere near the threshold and those that bought in QPP at higher prices can offset the dividend against them. It's also not a very good idea to describe people as "chavs" because they can only afford to buy small tranches of shares. I'd imagine that a lot of serious investors completely ignore TW and that his natural constituency are the likes who trade small numbers of shares - insulting your customers is never a smart move. His writing style and use of tabloid clichés suggest that he'd be better off writing leaders for the Daily Mail. What a jerk, there's clearly a bit of projection going on here.

QPP pendil 11 Nov 2015

Re: Edison Research EaglePost the 90p distribution, a holder of 100,000 shares will, instead of holding 100,000 shares worth say 10p each will hold 10,000 shares which "logically" would be worth about £1 each.Personally if they are only worth £1 each post distribution I will be buying a shed full.

AAIF allthatglistens 11 Nov 2015

Performance Interesting one year chart of performance against Schroder Oriental Income.

BRAM lambrini girl 11 Nov 2015

Re: update might appeal at 92p..

PGD Antiques Of Woodstock 11 Nov 2015

Re: AoW Absolute horseshit BTW. ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------Good morning ChutesSuch an articulate - constructive and well researched response - LOL.Good luck...

SMT valeite 11 Nov 2015

You & Mr Jones and this is where my pension money is invested !! and why not ?

ARG Captain Pedant 11 Nov 2015

Re: In Auction I have to say I'm more comfortable in the short term with Argos than the other Falkland Island oilers. The dear old Rockhopper SP can't head north for love nor money whilst PMO drag their heels RE Sealine FID. Even a good Isobel/Zeberdee result may not make much difference in the current climate. I suspect if Noble hit at Rhea the time lines will become clearer in relatively short order. Even if Rhea misses I think Noble with keep the licence and come back to have a go at some of the other targets. And longer term Argos have their eye on other as yet un-licenced blocks around the Falklands. There's oil over the North Falklands Basin and Argos have 5% creamed off the top of all income generated from the block in-perpetuity. Nice! CP.

SAB megaloss 11 Nov 2015

cash out timing? Ayone have any ideas (time vs. money, that sort of thing) as to a good price to cash out for those of us who can't be ar**d to wait?

TALK Spain Fund 11 Nov 2015

Re: Another quick profit @ 253.80 Back out again. Not being greedy and nearly £500 profit nice !

MIRL zombynation 11 Nov 2015

Here is the Plan....Looks brilliant Minera IRL SA 11 November 2015 Shareholders recommend to VOTE FOR ALL the resolutions to be proposed at the Requisitioned Extraordinary General Meeting on November 26, 2015. Support a new Board proposed by shareholders to help the recovery of Minera IRL Limited. The new Board proposed by shareholders will resume the financing process with COFIDE to develop Ollachea, helping unlock value in the Company London, November 11: A group of concerned shareholders in Minera IRL, representing 10.9% are have convened an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM), to be held on November 26. These shareholders, have chosen to intervene in Minera IRL Ltd to help address serious concerns about the governance of the Company, which are seen as affecting financial and key stakeholder relationships. They recommend their fellow shareholders to VOTE FOR change by appointing 6 new Directors and removing the 3 current incumbent Directors. This vote for positive change by ensuring an independent and experienced governance structure is put in place is for the following key reasons: ü We need a winning business plan to repair the Company's value ü A fresh independent Board is needed to implement this change ü To resume the good relationship with stakeholders ü There is a need to improve Corporate Governance Standards We need a winning business plan to repair the Company's value for shareholders -- Corihuarmi Gold Mine has a life of mine (LOM) until mid-2017, with strong potential to increase the LOM to 2019, through a minor investment in a drilling programme, which the new Board will promote; and -- The development of the flagship Ollachea project was jeopardized by the actions of the former Executive Chairman Daryl Hodges and by recent comments made by current Non Executive Chairman Jaime Pinto. A new Board is required to repair links with the Ollachea community and provide continuity and effective management going forward. The Way Forward - The Requisitionist shareholders' business case is seen as providing better value for shareholders; key elements are: -- Under a stable and effective new Board, the Company will be much better placed to secure necessary funding. COFIDE, Peru's state-owned development bank, will structure a debt facility of up to $240m under which Jorge Ramos will sit on the otherwise predominantly independent Minera Board; -- The resuming of this financing will help build the Ollachea gold Project in the South of Peru, and to extend the lifespan of the Corihuarmi mine; and -- Bringing a halt to costly remuneration practices that has seen the former Executive Chairman potentially receiving US$1,035,000 for a seven month period from March to December 2015. This include a 'Golden parachute' termination clause of USD500,000 being provided for the former Executive Chairman in the advent of a change-in-control, and a payment to him each month of USD15,000 since his removal from the Board. A fresh independent Board is needed to implement this change A new Board will: be more independent; help improve corporate governance at the Company; and mean a reduction in the reputational risk profile of the Company. The Board proposed by the shareholders includes: Jorge Luis Ramos, CEO of COFIDE; Julian Bavin, former CEO of the Americas of Rio Tinto; Leonard Harris, former CEO of Minera Yanacocha (Newmont); Frank O'Kelly, former member of JP Morgan; Armando Lema, Partner in Estudio Thorne, Echeandia & Lema; and Diego Benavides, Company co-founder and President of Minera IRL S.A. and Compañia Minera Kuri Kullu S.A. The present Board is too small and lacks the sufficient direction to tackle the Company's problems which include: a) recent mismanagement of the Company; b) the lack of confidence from shareholders and stakeholders and c) potentially jeopardising the flagship Ollachea project. When the former Executive Chairman was voted off the Board the Company was left